"Mr. Know-all" Вікторина для хлопців 6 – 7 класів

Про матеріал
Метою цього позакласного заходу є підвищення інтересу серед хлопців до вивчення мови, навчитися бути учасниками команди, бути толерантним і просто отримати задоволення від гри
Перегляд файлу

Mr. Know-all

Вікторина для хлопців  6 – 7 класів

Метою цього позакласного заходу є підвищення інтересу серед хлопців до вивчення мови, навчитися бути учасниками команди, бути толерантним  і просто отримати задоволення від гри

T: The more we study, the more we know. The more we know, the more we forget. The more we forget, the less we know. Why study? I hope that we will find the answer for this question today! And we’ll discover who is Mr. Know-all in your class. So, let’s start! I wish you luck and have fun!

  1. Presentations of the teams

(name, motto, names of participants, the leader)


  1. Name 5
  • Name 5 English nouns
  • Name 5 English pronouns
  • Name 5 English verbs
  • Name 5 English  adjectives
  • Name 5 English  adverbs


  1. Air writing

One by one write the word you’ve seen on a card to your teammates. And they should guess.


1. apple     tomatoes     orange   fish    cake   juice   

2. cucumber    milk    onion    banana  salt   meat


  1. Rebuses


History, Biology, English, Algebra, Chemistry, Craft

  1. Tongue-twister

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

  1. Who Am I?

The rules are known for everybody. One pupil has to guess who is he by asking questions. His team should answer just “yes” or “no”. They have one minute.

Words: Elisabeth II, Superman

  1. Cinema  lovers

Teams listen to audio versions of different trailers of famous films. They should guess them and write in a list.

Films: Alice in Wonderland, Harry Potter, Home Alone, The Hobbit, The Furious, Beauty and the Beast, Zootopia, Lion King

  1. Reader, runner, writer

Readers of every team get texts. Nobody must see it. Reader reads the sentence by sentence to runner. Runner runs to writer and say the sentences. Writer writes them down.  Other teammates may help with spelling. At the end of the game teams should have their texts.  (Texts may differ). Then correct the mistakes.

  1. Karaoke

Teams prepare karaoke video with songs for their competitors. They should sing together chosen songs.

  1. Summarising  and rewarding
Streltsova Maryna
До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
1 лютого 2019
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