Навчальна презентація ''Hobbies''

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В даній презентації йдеться про різні види хоббі. Призначена для проведення мультимедійного уроку з англійської мови.Може бути використана під час уроку узагальнення знань і закріплення лексики по тем і"Hobby''.

Зміст слайдів
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The project is done by pupils of the fifth form

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Why do people have hobby? Our aim: To investigate: *What is “Hobby”? *Where does the word “hobby” come from? *Couch potatoes” and “bananas” *The reasons for choosing a hobby. To find out: *The most interesting hobby we have ever heard of. *The most popular hobbies in our school. *The stories,the poems and the riddles about leisure time activities.

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What information do we have? Every person has a favourite occupation,something that he is really interested in,something that let him express himself,that he can do in his free time.we don’t mean work-though it also can be exciting.We are speaking about a hobby. Some people who really enjoy their work say:my hobby is my work.But how can a regular occupation,something that you have to do,to be a hobby?We asked different teachers and investigated that for most of them hobby means their favourite activity that they like doing in their spare time.It helps them to relax and forget about their problems

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2 Our steps: The first step: we divided into two groups.

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The second step: we began our researches We found out that in old times in England farmers showed their great love for horses.Some farmers decorated their horses with flowers.Robbin,Dobbin,and Hobbin were the most popular names for horses.The name Hobbin changed into Hobby.People used this word for toy horses.Many years later the word “hobby” got its present meaning-”things you do in your free time”.Many people have different hobies now.

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Visiting places Playing games Travelling Making new friends Spending free time Making things Doing sport Collecting things Doing things Learning things Hobby What is hobby? ,

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Learning things: Going to the theatre,cinemas,art galleries,museums,etc. Reading.

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Collecting things: Stamps; Coins; Badges; Matchboxes; Books; Videos;CDs; Postcards; Toys; Watches; Painting,etc.

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Making things: Drawing,painting; Handicrafts; Knitting; Playing musical instruments, Making photoes.

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Doing things Gardening ; Cycling; Travelling; Playing chess, computer games,etc.

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We found out “Tastes differ” The word “Bananas”-is used for people who do crazy things or have a strange hobby. “Couch potatoes”-is used for a type of peple who like lying on the sofa watch television,read newspaper,listen to the music.

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The third step: do you agree? Some people who really enjoy their work say:my hobby is my work.But how can a regular occupation,something that you have to do,to be a hobby?We asked different teachers and investigated that for most o them hobby means their favourite activity that they like doing in their spare time.It helps them to relax and forget about their problems.

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The most unusual hobbies: Fifth former Petro has got an usual collection.He collects rocks. Eigth former Borys has an interesting hobby:cartoon animation. The latest new hobby in Britain-collecting the tiny sticky labels that come attached to bananas.The world leader in groing graze is John Stather who has travelled round the world in search of unusual stickers.He has well over 1,000 different stickers in his albums. Gordon Alford collects autographs of famous people.He has collacted 7,000 autographs.He has thirteen specially-made albums for them. Bill Clinton built up a fine collection of the stamps in his youth and Queen Elizabeth has the world’s l*****t collection.

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The most popular hobby We learnt o lot about likes and interests of the schoolchildren in our school and made a diagram

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Let’s sing the song I am playing a team game. I am watching my TV. I am acting in a school show. I am climbing up a tree. Lots of things I do and act, Have and make,read and take… So many things I watch and see. They are all good for me!!!

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The conclusion:

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The word “Bananas”-is used for people who do crazy things or have a strange hobby. We found out new interesting words. Nowadays people have more energetic interests and hobbies.They enjoy dancing,sports,hiking,travelling,fishing,shopping and others.But there is a type of people who like lying on the sofa watch TV,read newspaper,listen to the music.Such people are called “Couch potatoes”.

18 серпня 2018
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