Олімпіада " We explore the world"

Про матеріал
Розробка позакласного заходу для учнів 4х класів включає детальний план-конспект з цілями, завдання, малюнки, відеофайл та презентацію
Перегляд файлу

Appendix 3.

Appendix 3.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Travelling We explore the world

Номер слайду 2

Номер слайду 3


Номер слайду 4

Номер слайду 5

Ottawa Ottawa is the capital of Canada

Номер слайду 6

Famous for The Niagara Falls Hockey

Номер слайду 7


Номер слайду 8

Номер слайду 9

Tokyo Tokyo is the capital of Japan

Номер слайду 10

Sumo Famous for Robots Sushi

Номер слайду 11


Номер слайду 12

Номер слайду 13

The capital of Brazil is Brasilia

Номер слайду 14

Famous for amazing birds carnival celebrations

Номер слайду 15


Номер слайду 16

Номер слайду 17

Canberra is the capital city

Номер слайду 18

Famous for Sydney Opera House the Kangaroo Island amazing animals

Номер слайду 19


Номер слайду 20

Номер слайду 21

New Delhi

Номер слайду 22

Famous for Taj Mahal Palace elephant riding rikshy

Номер слайду 23


Номер слайду 24

Номер слайду 25


Номер слайду 26

Famous for Corrida football Flamenco dance

Номер слайду 27


Номер слайду 28

Номер слайду 29

Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine

Номер слайду 30

Famous for borshch varenyky the Statue of Motherland

Номер слайду 31


Номер слайду 32

Номер слайду 33

Buenos Aires

Номер слайду 34

Famous for waterfalls the Penguin Colony tango

Номер слайду 35

My travelling 1. What country did you visit last holiday? 2. Who did you go with? 3. What kind of transport did you travel there by? 4. Where did you stay? 5. What did you do on the first day? 6. What did you eat and drink? 7. What places did you visit? 8. What did you like most of all? 9. Did you like the trip?

Перегляд файлу

Appendix1 . Listening

I. Listen to the song. Tick the types of transport in the song.


















II. You are going on a journey round the world. Label the pictures.                                                                                                             




















Appendix 1. Listening

I. Listen to the song. Tick the types of transport in the song.


















II. You are going on a journey round the world. Label the pictures.                                                                                                             





















        Appendix 2.Reading


Read the text and match with the pictures

Перегляд файлу

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "village cartoon"

















Пов’язане зображенняПов’язане зображенняРезультат пошуку зображень за запитом "language cartoon"
















Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "go cartoon"Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "go cartoon"Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "go cartoon"


Перегляд файлу











Олімпіада з англійської мови

серед учнів 4х класів з теми:

«Подорож. Ми досліджуємо світ»



















 Учитель англійської мови

Плуток А. В.







Чернігівський ліцей № 22



Клас: 4


Подорож. Ми досліджуємо світ. Олімпіада з англійської мови



  • перевірити рівень сформованості знань, умінь та навичок учнів з предмету по чотирьох видах діяльності: аудіювання, читання, говоріння, письмо;
  • розвивати в учнів увагу, уяву, пам'ять, логічне мислення, вмотивовувати необхідність вивчення іноземної мови, як засобу міжкультурного спілкування;
  • збагачувати словниковий запас учнів;
  • розширювати світогляд учнів, інтерес до дослідження нового; познайомити з деякими країнами світу;
  • виховувати в учнів старанність, креативність, позитивне ставлення до предмету, поважати  співрозмовників.


  • Матеріали завдань
  • Бланки для відповідей
  • Презентація в PowerPoint
  • Аудіо та відео матеріали
  • Демонстраційний матеріал
  • Ноутбук, проектор, екран, магнітофон





Grade: 4


Travelling. We explore the world

                     The aim and objectives:

  • to check the level of students knowledge, skills and abilities from the theme in four types of activities: listening, reading, speaking, writing;
  •  to develop students attention, imagination, memory, logical thinking, motivate the necessity of learning the foreign language  as means of intercultural communication;
  • to enrich children’s active vocabulary;
  • to expand the outlook of students, interest in researching new ones; to get acquainted with some countries of the world;
  •  to educate students in accuracy, creativity, positive attitude of learning English, respect  the collocutors.
Перегляд файлу

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "windsurfing cartoon"Use the texts to label the activities.








___________________________            ____________________________              _____________________________                      _­________________________













__________________________________         _______________________________        _____________________________         ________________________

Перегляд файлу

 I. Warming up:

- Hello, girls and boys. Today we’re going to visit different places all over the world and share our impressions.

- But first, I ask you to guess our topic of the quiz. Look at the pictures. Use the first letters of the pictures and guess the whole word. All the pictures connect with our topic.

(Travelling: t- train, r- river, a- airport, v- village, e- exciting, l- language, l- lap top, i- island, n- night, g- go)

Slide 1


-Great job. Let’s go to see the world!

 I I. Main part:

1) the topic of the quiz:

- Our topic is “ Travelling. We explore the world”.

-There are 5 stations in our journey: listening, reading, relaxing, speaking and writing;

2) the listening station:

-What do we need for travelling?

-What can we travel by?

-Watch the video, listen to the song and tick the types of transport the man used.

- Pay attention on the verbs which describe the actions. Label the pictures;

Appendix 1



3) the reading station:

- Where can we go on holiday or at weekend?

- What can we do?

- Read four extracts and match them with the pictures.

-Read the statements and think if they are true or false.

- Use the texts to label the weekend activities;

4) the relaxing station:

- Let’s sing and act with the man together;

5) the speaking station:

-There are lot’s of countries in our world. I know we have some experts who can tell us about different countries. Let’s listen to them ( children tell about countries using their presentation);

6) the writing station:

- We’ve just listened and watched about many countries. Now imagine you ‘ve visited one of them. Write a composition about your trip.

- What tense must we use to tell about the past?

- There are some questions to help you.

 I I I . Summing up:

- Did you like out travelling?

-What country would you like to visit on holiday? Why?

- Our travelling is over. Good bye! Have a great weekend!



Перегляд файлу








Перегляд файлу

1. Country


I want to tell about ____________ .

2. Capital City


The capital city is ____________ .

3. Nationality


____________ live there .

4. Language


The language the speak is ____________ .

5. Flag

red and white

The colours of the flag are ____________ .

6. Famous for

Inventions, robots, sushi, sumo

____________ is famous for ____________ .

7. Places to visit

Shinagawa aquarium, Legoland for children

We can visit ____________ .

8. How to get there


We can get to ____________ by ____________ .





1. Country


I want to tell about ____________ .

2. Capital City


The capital city is ____________ .

3. Nationality


____________ live there .

4. Language


The language the speak is ____________ .

5. Flag

yellow and blue

The colours of the flag are ____________ .

6. Famous for

carnival celebrations, samba, amazing birds

____________ is famous for ____________ .

7. Places to visit

Samba show in Rio de Janeiro,the Bird park

We can visit ____________ .

8. How to get there


We can get to ____________ by ____________ .





1. Country


I want to tell about ____________ .

2. Capital City

New Delhi

The capital city is ____________ .

3. Nationality


____________ live there .

4. Language


The language the speak is ____________ .

5. Flag

orange, white, green, blue

The colours of the flag are ____________ .

6. Famous for

Taj Mahal Palace, elephant riding, rikshy

____________ is famous for ____________ .

7. Places to visit

the  Butterfly Park, the Botanic Garden

We can visit ____________ .

8. How to get there


We can get to ____________ by ____________ .




1. Country


I want to tell about ____________ .

2. Capital City

Buenos Aires

The capital city is ____________ .

3. Nationality


____________ live there .

4. Language


The language the speak is ____________ .

5. Flag

blue, white, yellow

The colours of the flag are ____________ .

6. Famous for

tango, waterfalls

____________ is famous for ____________ .

7. Places to visit

the Penguin Colony, Iguazu Falls

We can visit ____________ .

8. How to get there


We can get to ____________ by ____________ .





1. Country


I want to tell about ____________ .

2. Capital City


The capital city is ____________ .

3. Nationality


____________ live there .

4. Language

Ukrainian, Russian

The language the speak is ____________ .

5. Flag

blue, yellow

The colours of the flag are ____________ .

6. Famous for

the most beautiful language in the world, borshch, varenyky

____________ is famous for ____________ .

7. Places to visit

Kyiv Zoo, the Museum of Water, the Statue of Motherland

We can visit ____________ .

8. How to get there

bus, train, plane

We can get to ____________ by ____________ .





1. Country


I want to tell about ____________ .

2. Capital City


The capital city is ____________ .

3. Nationality


____________ live there .

4. Language


The language the speak is ____________ .

5. Flag

blue, white

The colours of the flag are ____________ .

6. Famous for

amazing animals and birds

____________ is famous for ____________ .

7. Places to visit

the Kangaroo Island, the Sydney Opera House

We can visit ____________ .

8. How to get there


We can get to ____________ by ____________ .




1. Country


I want to tell about ____________ .

2. Capital City


The capital city is ____________ .

3. Nationality


____________ live there .

4. Language


The language the speak is ____________ .

5. Flag

red and yellow

The colours of the flag are ____________ .

6. Famous for

Corrida( bullfights ), Flamenco dance, football

____________ is famous for ____________ .

7. Places to visit

the Chocolate Museum, the Football Club Museum

We can visit ____________ .

8. How to get there

plane, bus

We can get to ____________ by ____________ .





1. Country


I want to tell about ____________ .

2. Capital City


The capital city is ____________ .

3. Nationality


____________ live there .

4. Language

English, French

The language the speak is ____________ .

5. Flag

 Red, white

The colours of the flag are ____________ .

6. Famous for

The Niagara Falls, hockey

____________ is famous for ____________ .

7. Places to visit

Beautiful National parks, Parliament Hill in Ottawa

We can visit ____________ .

8. How to get there


We can get to ____________ by ____________ .































Перегляд файлу






























Перегляд файлу



 Imagine you ‘ve visited one of the countries. Write a composition about your trip. These questions will help you.

1. What country did you visit last holiday?

2. Who did you go with?

3. What kind of transport did you travel there by?

4. Where did you stay?

5. What did you do on the first day?

6. What did you eat and drink?

7. What places did you visit?

8. What did you like most of all?

9. Did you like the trip?


Imagine you ‘ve visited one of the countries. Write a composition about your trip. These questions will help you.

1. What country did you visit last holiday?

2. Who did you go with?

3. What kind of transport did you travel there by?

4. Where did you stay?

5. What did you do on the first day?

6. What did you eat and drink?

7. What places did you visit?

8. What did you like most of all?

9. Did you like the trip?


Imagine you ‘ve visited one of the countries. Write a composition about your trip. These questions will help you.

1. What country did you visit last holiday?

2. Who did you go with?

3. What kind of transport did you travel there by?

4. Where did you stay?

5. What did you do on the first day?

6. What did you eat and drink?

7. What places did you visit?

8. What did you like most of all?

9. Did you like the trip?




15 липня 2019
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