Підсумкові контрольні роботи

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Підсумкові контрольні роботи з англійської мови до підручника Карп'юк О. Д. 9 клас 1 і 2 семестр
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9 form               Listening Comprehension                         1 semester

A story

    One day some Americans ware having dinner at a hotel in London. When fish was put on the table one of them, a young man said: “Let’s examine the fish carefully, perhaps we’ll find a diamond in it”. Everybody began to laugh, but an old man said quietly; “Yes, I’m sure we have all heard stories like that. Let me tell you what happened to me once.”

    “When I was a young man”, he began, “I worked for a big company in New York; and I was sent to England to do some work there. I was in love with a beautiful girl, and before I left for England, we decided that we would get married when I returned home.

    I stayed in England for two months. I sent letters and postcards to the girl almost every day, but after the first two weeks I didn’t receive any answers. But I didn’t think anything was the matter, and before I left for home, I bought a beautiful diamond ring for her.

    On the ship one morning, a telegram was brought to me.  It was from a friend in New York, who told me that the girl had changed he mind and was going to get married to another man. I was so angry that I threw the diamond ring into the sea.

    My friend came to the port to meet me, and he invited me to dinner. While we were sitting down at the table and I was eating fish, I suddenly felt something hard in my mouth. What do you think it was?”

    “The diamond!” all the Americans cried.

    “No, the old man answered, “It was the fish bone”.

Task 1. Choose the correct answer.

1. Where were the Americans having dinner one day?

a) On board of a ship    b) At the hotel    c) At a party    d) In a cafe

2. What did the young man hope to find in the fish?

a) A watch    b) A ring    c) Some money    d) A diamond

3. Where was the young man sent to work?

a) To England    b) To London    c) To New York    d) To Canada

4. When did the young people decide to marry?

a) When he returned home b) During the journey c) Before he left home d) On the way back home

5. What did the young man buy for his girl?

a) A beautiful dress    b) A fur coat    c) A gold watch     d) A diamond ring

6. Why didn’t the girl answer his letter?    a) She was very ill       b) She wanted to join  him         c) She wanted to marry another man    d) She was angry about him

7. How did the young man react to his friends news?

a) He was very happy   b) He was very lonely    c) He was very angry     d) He was very unhappy

8. What did the young man do with the present?

a) He gave it to another girl   b) He threw into the sea    c) He sold it    d) He lost it in the street

9. What did the friends have for dinner when they met again?

a) They had soup    b) They had pudding    c) They had meat    d) They had fish

10. What did the young man feel hard in his mouth?

a) A fruit stone    b) A fish bone    c) An egg shell    d) A diamond ring

11. Who came to the port to meet him?

a) My father    b) My friend    c) My sister    d) My relatives

12. Who was having dinner at a hotel in London?

a) Some Englishmen    b) Some people    c) Some Americans    d) Some women



9 form               Listening Comprehension                         1 semester

Name,  surname ___________________________________ Date _____________

Listen to the text “A story” and do the task. 

Task 1. Choose the correct answer.

1. Where were the Americans having dinner one day?

a) On board of a ship    b) At the hotel    c) At a party    d) In a cafe

2. What did the young man hope to find in the fish? a) A watch    b) A ring    c) Some money    d) A diamond

3. Where was the young man sent to work? a) To England    b) To London    c) To New York    d) To Canada

4. When did the young people decide to marry?

a) When he returned home     b) During the journey     c) Before he left home        d) On the way back home

5. What did the young man buy for his girl?

a) A beautiful dress  b) A fur coat  c) A gold watch  d) A diamond ring

6. Why didn’t the girl answer his letter?

a) She was very ill  b) She wanted to join  him c) She wanted to marry another man d) She was angry about him

7. How did the young man react to his friends news?

a) He was very happy    b) He was very lonely    c) He was very angry  d) He was very unhappy

8. What did the young man do with the present?

a) He gave it to another girl     b) He threw into the sea    c) He sold it  d) He lost it in the street

9. What did the friends have for dinner when they met again?

a) They had soup    b) They had pudding    c) They had meat    d) They had fish

10. What did the young man feel hard in his mouth?

a) A fruit stone    b) A fish bone    c) An egg shell    d) A diamond ring

11. Who came to the port to meet him?     a) My father    b) My friend    c) My sister    d) My relatives

12. Who was having dinner at a hotel in London?

a) Some Englishmen    b) Some people    c) Some Americans    d) Some women




9 form               Listening Comprehension                         1 semester

Name,  surname ___________________________________ Date _____________

Listen to the text “A story” and do the task. 

Task 1. Choose the correct answer.

1. Where were the Americans having dinner one day?

a) On board of a ship    b) At the hotel    c) At a party    d) In a cafe

2. What did the young man hope to find in the fish? a) A watch    b) A ring    c) Some money    d) A diamond

3. Where was the young man sent to work? a) To England    b) To London    c) To New York    d) To Canada

4. When did the young people decide to marry?

a) When he returned home     b) During the journey     c) Before he left home        d) On the way back home

5. What did the young man buy for his girl?

a) A beautiful dress  b) A fur coat  c) A gold watch  d) A diamond ring

6. Why didn’t the girl answer his letter?

a) She was very ill  b) She wanted to join  him c) She wanted to marry another man d) She was angry about him

7. How did the young man react to his friends news?

a) He was very happy    b) He was very lonely    c) He was very angry  d) He was very unhappy

8. What did the young man do with the present?

a) He gave it to another girl     b) He threw into the sea    c) He sold it  d) He lost it in the street

9. What did the friends have for dinner when they met again?

a) They had soup    b) They had pudding    c) They had meat    d) They had fish

10. What did the young man feel hard in his mouth?

a) A fruit stone    b) A fish bone    c) An egg shell    d) A diamond ring

11. Who came to the port to meet him?     a) My father    b) My friend    c) My sister    d) My relatives

12. Who was having dinner at a hotel in London?

a) Some Englishmen    b) Some people    c) Some Americans    d) Some women

9 form               Listening Comprehension                         2 semester

Name,  surname ___________________________________ Date _____________

The perfect body

    Most people were surprised when Renee Zellweger got the part of Bridget in the film Bridget Jones’s Diary. The film is about a young woman who worries about work, her weight and men. Zellweger is a slim American woman – completely different from Bridget who is English and overweight.

    So, what did Zellweger do to get the part right? She had lessons to improve her English accent and she put on about eleven kilos. For several months she didn’t do any exercise and she ate chocolate. Although, it was fun at first, she often felt quite sick.

    Zellweger put the weight on because she thought it was important to be as real as possible. She was surprised, however, by people’s criticism. People criticized her for being fat when she put on weight for the film. She realized it’s almost impossible to have the perfect body in the eyes of media.

    So why did she do it? Well, money was probably one reason. On top of her 15 million salary, she earned $225.000 for every kilo she put on. That’s an extra $2.5 million! And she didn’t stop there. A British slimming magazine paid her $3.5 million to lose all the weight again. So perhaps Zellweger doesn’t need to care about the criticism when she earns all this money!


I. Put “+” if the statement is true and “-“ if it is false.

-1. Most people thought Zellweger was the wrong person for the part of Bridget Jones.                           -2. Zellweger was unsure about talking part of Bridget.                                                                        +3. She learnt to speak like an English person.                                                                                      +4. She ate a lot and didn’t exercise at all.                                                                                                       -5. She put on weight to feel like Bridget Jones.                                                                                  -6. She earned $2.5 million for every kilo she put on.


II. Choose the correct answer.

1. Most people were … when Renee got the role of Bridget.

 +a) surprised                b) happy                     c) upset                                                                      2. She often felt quite … while eating fattening food.                                                                       a) unsure    b) happy    +c) sick                                                                                                          3. The article tells us  that Renee … .             

 +a) is only interested in money and fame               b) doesn’t have a very successful career          c) is not afraid to change if it’s necessary for the role   

4. Why did she gain some kilos?

+a) The only reason is money           b) She thought it was important for the role                            c) She wanted to show everyone that it’s easy to lose all the weight afterwards                              5. What was people’s reaction for Renee’s weight changes?                                                          +a) People criticized her for being fat or too skinny                                                                          b) People were envious that she put on some weight so easily    c) They felt sorry for her                                                                                                                                          6. For several months she didn’t do any exercise and … .                                                                a) watched TV all the time                  b) didn’t eat at all                                                                 +c) she ate a lot of pizza, peanut, butter  sandwiches and chocolate



9 form               Listening Comprehension    “The perfect body”                      2 semester     Name,  surname ___________________________________ Date _____________

I. Put “+” if the statement is true and “-“ if it is false.

1. Most people thought Zellweger was the wrong person for the part of Bridget Jones.                           2. Zellweger was unsure about talking part of Bridget.                                                                        3. She learnt to speak like an English person.                                                                                      4. She ate a lot and exercised a lot.                                                                                                       5. She put on weight to feel like Bridget Jones.                                                                                  6. She earned $2.5 million for every kilo she put on.

II. Choose the correct answer.

1. Most people were … when Renee got the role of Bridget.  a) surprised  b) happy  c) upset          2. She often felt quite … while eating fattening food.    a) unsure    b) happy    c) sick                     3. The article tells us  that Renee … .               a) is only interested in money and fame                 b) doesn’t have a very successful career     c) is not afraid to change if it’s necessary for the role    4. Why did she gain some kilos?  a) The only reason is money   b) She thought it was important for the role   c) She wanted to show everyone that it’s easy to lose all the weight afterwards           5. What was people’s reaction for Renee’s weight changes?            a) People criticized her for being fat or too skinny           b) People were envious that she put on some weight so easily          c) They felt sorry for her                                                                                                                                          6. For several months she didn’t do any exercise and … .       a) watched TV all the time                  b) didn’t eat at all          c) she ate a lot of pizza, peanut butter  sandwiches and chocolate





9 form               Listening Comprehension        “The perfect body”                  2 semester                               Name,  surname ___________________________________ Date _____________

I. Put “+” if the statement is true and “-“ if it is false.

1. Most people thought Zellweger was the wrong person for the part of Bridget Jones.                           2. Zellweger was unsure about talking part of Bridget.                                                                        3. She learnt to speak like an English person.                                                                                      4. She ate a lot and exercised a lot.                                                                                                       5. She put on weight to feel like Bridget Jones.                                                                                  6. She earned $2.5 million for every kilo she put on.

II. Choose the correct answer.

1. Most people were … when Renee got the role of Bridget.  a) surprised  b) happy  c) upset          2. She often felt quite … while eating fattening food.    a) unsure    b) happy    c) sick                     3. The article tells us  that Renee … .               a) is only interested in money and fame                  b) doesn’t have a very successful career     c) is not afraid to change if it’s necessary for the role    4. Why did she gain some kilos?  a) The only reason is money   b) She thought it was important for the role   c) She wanted to show everyone that it’s easy to lose all the weight afterwards           5. What was people’s reaction for Renee’s weight changes?                                                            a) People criticized her for being fat or too skinny      b) People were envious that she put on some weight so easily    c) They felt sorry for her                                                                                                                                          6. For several months she didn’t do any exercise and … .       a) watched TV all the time                  b) didn’t eat at all          c) she ate a lot of pizza, peanut butter  sandwiches and chocolate

9 form               Listening Comprehension                         1 semester

Name,  surname ___________________________________ Date _____________

    Reality TV is extremely popular in the UK. At their best, these programmes give us a good look into the lives of different people in Britain. At their worst, they sometimes involve people behaving very badly. Here’s a selection of the most popular UK’s reality TV shows.


    In the show a celebrity learns to dance with a professional dancer. Every week they have to learn a different ballrooms dance such as the tango, the waltz or the twist, and perform it live on TV on Saturday night. Four judges, who are all professional dance experts, give the celebrities scores and they comment on their dances. After that, the public call in and vote for their favourite couple. The two least favourite then have to dance again and the judges decide who stays in the competition and who leaves. This is a very popular show with children, teenagers and adults of all ages.                                                         SHATTERED

    A group of young people live in a house for a week and must stay awake. Each day they are tested to see how well they can function even though they are totally exhausted. They must leave the house if they fall asleep. Viewers vote on who stays in the house and send their comments every day.                                           COME DINE WITH ME

    Each week four people prepare dinner in their home for the other contestants. Each competitor then gives the cook a grade out of 10 for the food and entertainment. The winner gets a £ 1, 000 cash prize. Sometimes the food is terrible and the contestants are very rude to each other.


    Badly behaved British teens are sent abroad to live with a super strict family for a week. The teenagers have to follow the rules of their host family and go to the local school. After seven days the teenagers returns home and their parents tell us if their behavior is better. There is often a lot of crying and shouting in this show but it can be incredibly funny too.

Are these sentences true or false?

1. “Strictly Come Dancing” is popular with all age groups.

2. Four judges in “Strictly Come Dancing” make the final decision about the best couples.

3. “Shattered” is a show about people who sleep a lot.

4. In “Shattered” show players must leave the house if they fall asleep.

5. “Come Dine with Me” is about eating in restaurants.

6. Sometimes the participants of  “Come Dine with Me” show cook the terrible food.

7. “World’s Strictest Parents” is about teenagers with problem behavior.

8. The teenagers have to attend a different schools for a week. Key:1T;2F; 3F; 4T; 5F; 6T; 7T; 8T.

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1. These programmes give us a good … into the lives of different people in Britain.

2. The two … favourite then have to dance again.

3. Each day participants … to see how well they can function.

4. The winner gets £ 1, 000 cash … .

5. This show can be some informative and … funny too.

1. a) point         b) look             c)watch          d)seeing

2. a) least          b) best              c) less            d) better

3. a) tests          b) have tested   c) test            d) are tested

4. money          b) prize             c) donation    d) grant

5. extremely     b) impossibly    c) surely       d) terribly

Key: 1b; 2a; 3d; 4b; 5a.

9 form               Listening Comprehension                         1 semester

Name,  surname ___________________________________ Date _____________


I. Are these sentences true or false?

___1. “Strictly Come Dancing” is popular with all age groups.

___2. Four judges in “Strictly Come Dancing” make the final decision about the best couples.

___3. “Shattered” is a show about people who sleep a lot.

___4. In “Shattered” show players must leave the house if they fall asleep.

___5. “Come Dine with Me” is about eating in restaurants.

___6. Sometimes the participants of  “Come Dine with Me” show cook the terrible food.

___7. “World’s Strictest Parents” is about teenagers with problem behavior.

___8. The teenagers have to attend a different schools for a week.

II. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1. These programmes give us a good … into the lives of different people in Britain.

2. The two … favourite then have to dance again.

3. Each day participants … to see how well they can function.

4. The winner gets £ 1, 000 cash … .

5. This show can be some informative and … funny too.

1. a) point         b) look             c)watch          d)seeing

2. a) least          b) best              c) less            d) better

3. a) tests          b) have tested   c) test            d) are tested

4. money          b) prize             c) donation    d) grant

5. extremely     b) impossibly    c) surely       d) terribly

9 form               Listening Comprehension                         1 semester

Name,  surname ___________________________________ Date _____________


I. Are these sentences true or false?

___1. “Strictly Come Dancing” is popular with all age groups.

___2. Four judges in “Strictly Come Dancing” make the final decision about the best couples.

___3. “Shattered” is a show about people who sleep a lot.

___4. In “Shattered” show players must leave the house if they fall asleep.

___5. “Come Dine with Me” is about eating in restaurants.

___6. Sometimes the participants of  “Come Dine with Me” show cook the terrible food.

___7. “World’s Strictest Parents” is about teenagers with problem behavior.

___8. The teenagers have to attend a different schools for a week.

II. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1. These programmes give us a good … into the lives of different people in Britain.

2. The two … favourite then have to dance again.

3. Each day participants … to see how well they can function.

4. The winner gets £ 1, 000 cash … .

5. This show can be some informative and … funny too.

1. a) point         b) look             c)watch          d)seeing

2. a) least          b) best              c) less            d) better

3. a) tests          b) have tested   c) test            d) are tested

4. money          b) prize             c) donation    d) grant

5. extremely     b) impossibly    c) surely       d) terribly


9 form               Listening Comprehension                         2 semester

Name,  surname ___________________________________ Date _____________


Text 1

Einstein was born on Pi Day

    Pi Day is celebrated on March 14 (3.14), the closest calendar date to the mathematical number “pi”. Pi, named after a Greek letter (П), is the ratio of a circle’s circumference divided by its diameter. While the exact value of pi is impossible to determine because it goes on indefinitely without making a pattern, it is typically written as 3.14. Some math and science  enthusiasts celebrate Pi Day with pie-eating contests, while others enjoy pizza (pie) parties! Pi Day was originated by a Math museum in San Francisco in 1988. Coincidentally, March 14 is also Albert Einstein’s birthday. Einstein was a mathematician and physicist who become famous for his theory of relativity.

-Pi – number pi; 3.14.


Decide what of the options suits better. Fill in the gaps.

1. Pi Day is celebrated on March 14 (3.14), the closest ___________ date to the mathematical number “pi”.

a) famous         b) calendar         c) unusual         d) mathematics

2. While the exact value of pi is impossible _____________ because it goes on indefinitely without making a pattern, it is typically written as 3.14.

a) to determine        b) to fix        c) to conclude        d) to depict

3. Some math and science  enthusiasts celebrate Pi Day with ____________ contests, while others enjoy pizza (pie) parties!

a) cake-eating        b) pancake-eating        c) pudding-eating        d) pie-eating

4. A Math museum in San Francisco which ____________ Pi Day in 1988_______________  March 14 is also Albert Einstein’s birthday.

a) originated …discovered  b) originated …developed  c) started …invented  d) made …surprised

5. Einstein was a mathematician and physicist who become famous for his theory of __________ .

a) ability        b) creativity        c) relativity        d) activity


Key:1b, 2a, 3d, 4a, 5c.


Comprehension questions

1. Which geometric shape is commonly associated with pi?

 A circle is often associated with pi.

2. Why was March 14 chosen as Pi Day?

 March 14 was chosen as Pi Day because it is the closest calendar date to this number.

3. What physics theory is Einstein well-known for?

Einstein is well-known for his theory of relativity.







Text 2

How Twitter was born

Did you know that the creators of Twitter once worked at Google? In 2005, Biz Stone and his co-worker Evan Williams left Google to start a podcasting business called Odeo. A lot of investors were interested in their business. Unfortunately, Biz and Evan weren’t passionate about it. They knew they couldn’t work on a project that didn’t interest them. In two weeks, the small group of Odeo tried to think of a new idea for a business. Biz Stone and Jack Dorsey came up with an idea for a microblogging service. They thought it would be fun to have an online service that let you see status updates of what your friends were doing. They built a prototype and presented it to the Odeo team. They began to work together on building Twitter.

-status updates – оновлення статусу

Decide if the statements below True or False.

1. In 2005, Biz Stone and his co-worker Evan Williams worked at Google.

2. A lot of sponsors were interested in their business.

3. Biz Stone and his co-worker Evan Williams left Google before two weeks they organized their group.

4. Jack Dorsey was a co-worker with an idea of a microblogging service.

5. The new microblogging service became a prototype of Twitter.


Key: 1F, 2T, 3F, 4T, 5T.


Comprehension questions

1. Who is Biz Stone?

Biz Stone is one of the creators of Twitter.

2. What was Odeo?

Odeo was the company that the Twitter creators first tried to build. They came up with Twitter instead.

3. What was Jack Dorsey’s role?

Jack Dorsey was paired up with Biz Stone. He and Biz came up with the idea for Twitter.

















9 form               Listening Comprehension                         2 semester

Name,  surname ___________________________________ Date _____________

Text 1

Einstein was born on Pi Day

-Pi – number pi; 3.14.

Decide what of the options suits better. Fill in the gaps.

1. Pi Day is celebrated on March 14 (3.14), the closest ___________ date to the mathematical number “pi”.

a) famous         b) calendar         c) unusual         d) mathematics

2. While the exact value of pi is impossible _____________ because it goes on indefinitely without making a pattern, it is typically written as 3.14.

a) to determine        b) to fix        c) to conclude        d) to depict

3. Some math and science  enthusiasts celebrate Pi Day with ____________ contests, while others enjoy pizza (pie) parties!

a) cake-eating        b) pancake-eating        c) pudding-eating        d) pie-eating

4. A Math museum in San Francisco which ____________ Pi Day in 1988_______________  March 14 is also Albert Einstein’s birthday.

a) originated …discovered  b) originated …developed  c) started …invented  d) made …surprised

5. Einstein was a mathematician and physicist who become famous for his theory of __________ .

a) ability        b) creativity        c) relativity        d) activity

Comprehension questions

1. Which geometric shape is commonly associated with pi?


2. Why was March 14 chosen as Pi Day?


3. What physics theory is Einstein well-known for?


Text 2

How Twitter was born

-status updates – оновлення статусу

Decide if the statements below True or False.

___1. In 2005, Biz Stone and his co-worker Evan Williams worked at Google.

___2. A lot of sponsors were interested in their business.

___3. Biz Stone and his co-worker Evan Williams left Google before two weeks they organized their group.

___4. Jack Dorsey was a co-worker with an idea of a microblogging service.

___5. The new microblogging service became a prototype of Twitter.

Comprehension questions

1. Who is Biz Stone?


2. What was Odeo? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What was Jack Dorsey’s role?







Перегляд файлу

9 form   Reading     Name, Surname _______________ 1 variant       2 semester  Date ____

I. Read the text below. Choose (T) if the statement is True  and (F) if it is False.

    Human-made noise pollution is the Earth’s oceans and seas is becoming a serious threat to sea wildlife. Scientists report that there is hardly an underwater place left where sea mammals can live in peace and quiet. Dozens of species of whales, dolphins, turtles and other creatures depends on sound in their communication, finding mates and hunting for food. So noisy environment is making it difficult to lead a normal life. This is according to a report from the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), called “Ocean Noise: Turn is Down”. The environmental group says noise from shipping, oil and gas surveys, offshore construction and water sports has reached dangerous levels for sea life.

    The IFAW says the distance over which blue whales can communicate is down by 90 per cent. It also reports that in the past decade, many whales have become beached after being disorientated because of loud noise. The group also warns that noise pollution is only going to get worse. There are 90 survey ships active in the ocean today. In addition, the number of ships sailing the seas will double by 2025. Mark Simmonds, a IFAW spokesman, said, “man-made noise is already causing a kind of acoustic fog”, and called for a “response to noise pollution in the underwater”.

__ 1. The noise humans make is harmful for creatures living in the oceans.

__ 2. There are very few quiet places left in the oceans.

__ 3. Sound doesn’t help sea animals to hunt for food and look for a mate.

__ 4. The distance over which blue whales can communicate has become larger.

__ 5. Noise pollution can mean whales lose their way and die on beaches.

__ 6. The number of ships on the seas is not going to change in the next 20 years.

__ 7. Mark Simmonds, a IFAW spokesman, said it’s very foggy in the oceans.

I. Read the text below. Match choices (A-E) to (1-5).

A) Work is honourable                           B) Some people go through life hating and avoiding work

C)  So the question you may ask is “Why do people do it?”

D) Work gives you a sense  of purpose     E) Work is a means to develop character

A week has 168 hours. If you sleep eight hours a day, that leaves 112 hours per week of active time in your life. If you work about 50 hours a week, that is almost half of your week’s active time. This is a very significant part of your life that you spend working.

1__ One simple answer is that most people need to earn money. But many billionaires, like Bill Gates, Larry Ellison and Warren Buffett, spend a significant amount of their time working, probably more than most people. And yet, they don’t need any money. Let’s look at the advantages work can give us.

2__ Many people go through their working life thinking about retirement. They think about the day when they will just be able to sit back, relax and take it easy. But when the day arrives they enjoy the first few months of their newly found freedom and stress-free living, but after a while they start losing their sense of purpose. Their work gave them a sense of being important that they now miss, and they start to feel worthless.

3__ In many lines of work, you have to deal with people and their personalities, egos, beliefs, cultures, politics, habits, and all of the struggles and joys that make up the human existence. You also face conflicts and hard choices. As you gain experience in your work, you develop character. You learn how to deal with different types people and different situations.

4__ When you do a good job, you fell a sense of pride and achievement. Being able to work in whatever capacity, is an honourable activity.

5__ But I haven’t seen  successful person yet that does not do any type of work. Work is the very essence of what success is about.


9 form   Reading     Name, Surname _______________ 2 variant       2 semester  Date ____

I. Read the text below. Choose (T) if the statement is True and (F) if it is False.

    Road pollution is a serious danger to children’s health. Researchers from the University of Cali-fornia spent 13 years studying children who lived within 500 metres of busy roads. They found that most of the 3,600 children in the  study had weak lungs. Researchers said this meant the chil-dren could have breathing problems for the rest of their lives. The main author of the study W. Ja-mes Gauderman and his team conducted their research on youngsters who lived near busy roads and in high-pollution areas. Once a year, the team measured the children’s lung power. It checked how much air the children could release in one breath and how quickly it could be released. The team found that by their 18th birthday, children who lived within 500 metres of a highway breezed out three per cent less air compared with children who lived one-and-a- half kilometres away. Fur-ther, the highway children’s lung power was seven per cent weaker in the rate at which they could breeze out. Gauderman said that: “Even if you are in a relatively low regional pollution area, living near a road produces lung problems”. About a third of the children moved away from busy roads during the study but stayed near the same area. Their lungs developed more healthily.

__ 1. Researchers monitored different children for 30 years.

__ 2. The text doesn’t say how many children in the study had lung problems.

__ 3. Living near a busy road doubles the chances of lung damage.

__ 4. Researchers tested the children’s lungs on a monthly basis.

__ 5. Children living 500 metres from busy roads had 30% less lung power.

__ 6. Living near a busy road is still bad even if it’s in a low-pollution area.

__ 7. Children who moved away from roads still suffered lung problems.

I. Read the text below. Match choices (A-E) to (1-5).

A) Some of your thoughts and ideas are rather stable and permanent in nature

B) Success is in your mind         C) Get in the habit of writing         D) Take time to think

E) However, there are thoughts and ideas which are usually temporary

1__ Regardless of your definition of success, most people would agree that success starts with your  thoughts, your ideas and your beliefs – in other words, your mind. It is  great feeling to realize that with the power.

2__ These are the beliefs, the habits, the behavior, and all the other details of the mind that make up the core of who you are. Knowledge, skills and abilities are other components of your mind that have a somewhat stable character. So a person’s beliefs, habits, personalities, knowledge, skills and abilities are important components of success that will not disappear or be lost in a passing moment.

3__ These are the ideas that pass through your head in a moment of inspiration. Most people don’t pay much attention to these temporary thoughts when your mind reveals to you something that could result in a good opportunity.

4__ Successful people understand the importance of spending quality time doing high-level thinking. You should plan to have a time period of at least 30 minutes to one hour each day when you are alone and your mind is free from fuss and disorder. Use this time to let your mind flow and reveal to you the interesting ideas which you may dismiss when you are busy with other things. When those thoughts come to you, don’t reject them. Let them fill your mind with the possibilities and with your dreams of success.

5__ You never know when great ideas will pop in your head. Therefore, it is very important that you always carry with you a notebook and pen to write down your ideas as soon as they come to you. This notebook can also be very useful  for writing down observations that will help you become successful. If you run into a successful person that you admire, write down the habits and qualities, or anything else about this person. If you observe something that is done with excellence, or high quality, be it a product or a service, write it down.


9 form   Reading     Name, Surname _______________        Date ____________  1 semester 

Read the magazine article below. Six sentences have been removed from it. Choose from the sentences A-F the one which best fits each gap. There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.


     Walter Elias Disney, also known as Walt Disney, was born on December 5, 1901, in the Hermosa section of Chicago, Illinois. His father was Elias Disney, an Irish-Canadian and his mother, Flora Call Disney, was German-American. Disney was one of five children, four boys and a girl.

    1 _______ . In 1911, his family moved to Kansas City where Disney developed a love for trains. His uncle, Mike Martin, was a train engineer. Later, Disney worked a summer job with the railroad, selling snacks and newspapers to travelers.

    Disney attended McKinley High School in Chicago where he took drawing and photography classes and was a contributing cartoonist for the school paper. At night, he took courses at the Chicago Art Institute. When Disney was 16, he dropped out of school to join the Army but wasn’t let for being underage. 2 _________ .

    When Disney returned from France in 1919, he moved back to Kansas City to pursue a career as a newspaper artist. His brother Roy got him a job at the Penmen-Rubin Art Studio where he met cartoonist Ubbe Eert Iwerks, better known as Ub Iwerks. From there, Disney worked at the Kansas City Film Ad Company where he made commercials based on cutout animation. 3 _____.

From the Ad Company, he recruited Fred Harman as his first employee.

    Disney and his brother Roy soon pooled their money and moved to Hollywood. Ub Iwerks also relocated to California and there the three began the Disney Brother’s Studio. They invented a character called Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. In 1925, Disney hired an ink-and-paint artist Lillian Bounds. After a brief courtship, the couple married. Right away the Disney brothers, their wives and Iwerks produced  three cartoons featuring a new character Walt had been developing called Mickey Mouse. 4 ______ . When sound made its way into film, Disney created a third sound-and-music-equipped short called Steamboat Willie. With Walt as the voice of Mickey, the cartoon was an instant sensation.



A      Around this time, Disney began experimenting with a camera, doing hand-drawn cel animation and decided to open his own animation business.

B      He lived most of his childhood in Marceline, Missouri, where he began drawing, painting and selling pictures to neighbors and family friends.

C      In a very short time, the park had increased its investment tenfold and was entertaining tourists from all around the world.

D      Instead, he joined the Red Cross and was sent to France for a year to drive an ambulance.

E      The first animated  shorts  featuring Mickey were Plane Crazy and The Gallopin Gaucho, both silent films for which they failed to find distribution.

F      Disney was also among the first  to use television as an entertainment medium.



1____, 2____, 3____, 4____.







Read the magazine article below. Six sentences have been removed from it. Choose from the sentences A-F the one which best fits each gap. There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.


    Many highly successful people started their ascent to fame and fortune quite early. Bill Gates, for example, spent his teenage years learning to code. 1 _______ . While there, Gates discovered his love of computers by writing a computer code for a version of tic-tac-toe.

    Meanwhile, young Warren Buffett worked several jobs and had accumulated today’s equivalent of $53,000 by age 16. The billionaire CEO of Berkshire Hathaway started building his wealth also at a very young age. One of Buffett’s first job was delivering The Washington Post. 2 ______ .

    Oprah Winfrey worked for a local radio station. She bounced between family members before moving in with her dad in Nashville, Tennessee, at age 14. The move sparked a drastic change in her life. Winfrey studied her way to honor-roll status at East Nashville High School and become the most popular girl in her class. 3 ________ . She got her first job when she was 16 as a broadcaster at the Nashville radio station. As a 19-year-old sophomore at Tennessee State University Winfrey got a call from a local television station and left school to start her media career.

    The Nike founder Phil Knight was a student athlete. 4 ______ . As a middle distance runner, he continued his track career at the University of Oregon which is now known for its flashy and ever- changing Nike football uniforms. While being at Oregon in the late 1950s, Knight and track coach Bill Bower-man shared discontent with the quality of running shoes. In 1964, they founded Blue Ribbon Sports.



A      He can track as a student at Cleveland High School in his hometown of Portland, Oregon.

B      The Microsoft founder spent his early teens attending the prestigious Lakeside prep school

in Seattle.

C      As a teen, he also had several personal business ventures, including selling golf balls, buffing cars, selling stamps and setting up pinball machines in barber shops.

D      The club owners played a regular poker game and invited him to join.

E      More importantly, she established  a love for media and joined the school’s speech team.

F      His father was paying his tuition but he didn’t have money for room and board. 




1____, 2____, 3____, 4____.










9 form   Reading     Name, Surname _______________        Date ____________  2 semester 

Polar bear makes the list

    In spring 2008, the polar bear was placed on the endangered species list. An endangered species is an animal that can die in its natural habitat. Polar bear have been categorized as a threatened species that become endangered in the future.

    The polar bear is the first animal that has been classified as endangered due to global warming. Global warming is caused by carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that become trapped in the atmosphere. Heating homes, driving cars, and burning garbage lead to global warming.

    The polar bear’s habitat is more sensitive to global warming than many other species. Polar bears live manly on the sea ice in the Arctic. This is where they hunt for fish and build up fat reserves. When the ice melts many polar bears move to land and live off their stored fat. In the Arctic, global warming causes the ice to melt slightly earlier and form slightly later. This results in a shorter feeding season for the polar bear. Some risk their lives to find ice. If they have to swim too far they will drown from exhaustion and hunger. The World Wildlife Fund estimates that 25% of the Arctic sea ice disappeared in the past 30 years.

    It is not only the polar bear that is at risk in the Arctic. Every species of plant, animal, and insect there is threatened by global warming. Nevertheless, environmentalist groups such as the World Wildlife Fund often study large carnivores in order to assess the health of an ecosystem. The Arctic food chain relies on the polar bear. In addition, donations are more commonly offered for the protection of large animals such as bears or elephants. However, by using donor money to protect the habitat of the larger animals, entire ecosystems can be protected.

    It is important that animals such as polar bear make it onto the endangered species list. Once they are on the list there are laws that protect these animals from being hunted for food or sport. Agencies also receive money and tools to protect the habitat and recover the species. Since the Endangered Species Act was introduced in the US in 1973, many species have been taken off the list due to increased populations. In fact, it is rare for a species to go extinct after they make the list. Sadly many species do go extinct while waiting for consideration.   - carnivores – хижаки

Vocabulary quiz      1. The place where a species lives and reproduces is its ______________.

a) conservation      b) habitat      c) food chain      d) ecosystem

2. When a species is no longer found on earth it is said to be __________________.

a) threatened      b) endangered      c) extinct      d) at risk

3. Reforestation in an area where a threatened species lives is an example of a ______________.

a) global warming      b) conservation effort      c) habitat      d) sensitive species

4. The gradual warming of the earth is called __________________.

a) endangered      b) habitat      c) environmental      d) global warming

5. Once a species is placed on an endangered list, a group will attempt to _______ the population.

a) rewind      b) revise      c) recover      d) repair    Key: 1b, 2c, 3b, 4d, 5c.

Comprehension quiz      1. According to the article, an endangered species is one that ________.

a) is already extinct    b) is dangerous to human    c) will die out in nature

2. What poses the greatest thread to polar bears today?

a) over hunting    b) climate change    c) polluted water    d) politicians 

3. What major change has occurred in the polar bear’s natural habitat?

a) air temperature colder    b) ice extremely polluted    c) sea ice much reduced

4. What type of conservation efforts are people generally interested in?

a) saving insects and birds    b) protecting large animals    c) reforestation projects 

5. According to the World Wildlife Fund polar bear studies help researchers determine the _____.

a) health of the Arctic    b) likely date of extinction    c) impact of man on environment

Key: 1c, 2b, 3c, 4b, 5a.

9 form   Reading     Name, Surname _______________        Date ____________  2 semester 

Polar bear makes the list

    In spring 2008, the polar bear was placed on the endangered species list. An endangered species is an animal that can die in its natural habitat. Polar bear have been categorized as a threatened species that become endangered in the future.

    The polar bear is the first animal that has been classified as endangered due to global warming. Global warming is caused by carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that become trapped in the atmosphere. Heating homes, driving cars, and burning garbage lead to global warming.

    The polar bear’s habitat is more sensitive to global warming than many other species. Polar bears live manly on the sea ice in the Arctic. This is where they hunt for fish and build up fat reserves. When the ice melts many polar bears move to land and live off their stored fat. In the Arctic, global warming causes the ice to melt slightly earlier and form slightly later. This results in a shorter feeding season for the polar bear. Some risk their lives to find ice. If they have to swim too far they will drown from exhaustion and hunger. The World Wildlife Fund estimates that 25% of the Arctic sea ice disappeared in the past 30 years.

    It is not only the polar bear that is at risk in the Arctic. Every species of plant, animal, and insect there is threatened by global warming. Nevertheless, environmentalist groups such as the World Wildlife Fund often study large carnivores in order to assess the health of an ecosystem. The Arctic food chain relies on the polar bear. In addition, donations are more commonly offered for the protection of large animals such as bears or elephants. However, by using donor money to protect the habitat of the larger animals, entire ecosystems can be protected.

    It is important that animals such as polar bear make it onto the endangered species list. Once they are on the list there are laws that protect these animals from being hunted for food or sport. Agencies also receive money and tools to protect the habitat and recover the species. Since the Endangered Species Act was introduced in the US in 1973, many species have been taken off the list due to increased populations. In fact, it is rare for a species to go extinct after they make the list. Sadly many species do go extinct while waiting for consideration.   - carnivores – хижаки

Vocabulary quiz      1. The place where a species lives and reproduces is its ______________.

a) conservation      b) habitat      c) food chain      d) ecosystem

2. When a species is no longer found on earth it is said to be __________________.

a) threatened      b) endangered      c) extinct      d) at risk

3. Reforestation in an area where a threatened species lives is an example of a ______________.

a) global warming      b) conservation effort      c) habitat      d) sensitive species

4. The gradual warming of the earth is called __________________.

a) endangered      b) habitat      c) environmental      d) global warming

5. Once a species is placed on an endangered list, a group will attempt to _______ the population.

a) rewind      b) revise      c) recover      d) repair   

Comprehension quiz      1. According to the article, an endangered species is one that ________.

a) is already extinct    b) is dangerous to human    c) will die out in nature

2. What poses the greatest thread to polar bears today?

a) over hunting    b) climate change    c) polluted water    d) politicians 

3. What major change has occurred in the polar bear’s natural habitat?

a) air temperature colder    b) ice extremely polluted    c) sea ice much reduced

4. What type of conservation efforts are people generally interested in?

a) saving insects and birds    b) protecting large animals    c) reforestation projects 

5. According to the World Wildlife Fund polar bear studies help researchers determine the _____.

a) health of the Arctic    b) likely date of extinction    c) impact of man on environment


Перегляд файлу

Form 9     Speaking Test     1 semester

- Choose one of the following topics and speak of it.

1. Think about your closest friend or group of friends. What interests do you share and how are your personalities the same?

2. What hobbies do you like most of all? What are your favourite activities on a rainy day? Would you like to start any new hobbies?

3. Imagine you have your ideal job. What will it be and why? How will your working day go?

4. You can choose two of your favourite TV programmes. Which programmes will you choose? Describe one of them briefly.


Form 9     Speaking Test     2 semester

- Choose one of the following topics and speak of it.

1. What is your favourite British city? Tell about it if you were a guide.

2. What famous inventors do you know? What were their inventions? How did they change people’s life?

3. Why do we must protect our nature? Tell about pollution, chemicals, traffic, toxic wastes. What way can we protect our environment? 


Form 9     Speaking Test     1 semester

- Choose one of the following topics and speak of it.

1. Think about your closest friend or group of friends. What interests do you share and how are your personalities the same?

2. What hobbies do you like most of all? What are your favourite activities on a rainy day? Would you like to start any new hobbies?

3. Imagine you have your ideal job. What will it be and why? How will your working day go?

4. You can choose two of your favourite TV programmes. Which programmes will you choose? Describe one of them briefly.


Form 9     Speaking Test     2 semester

- Choose one of the following topics and speak of it.

1. What is your favourite British city? Tell about it if you were a guide.

2. What famous inventors do you know? What were their inventions? How did they change people’s life?

3. Why do we must protect our nature? Tell about pollution, chemicals, traffic, toxic wastes. What way can we protect our environment? 

Form 9     Speaking Test     1 semester

- Choose one of the following topics and speak of it.

1. Think about your closest friend or group of friends. What interests do you share and how are your personalities the same?

2. What hobbies do you like most of all? What are your favourite activities on a rainy day? Would you like to start any new hobbies?

3. Imagine you have your ideal job. What will it be and why? How will your working day go?

4. You can choose two of your favourite TV programmes. Which programmes will you choose? Describe one of them briefly.

Form 9     Speaking Test     1 semester

- Choose one of the following topics and speak of it.

1. Think about your closest friend or group of friends. What interests do you share and how are your personalities the same?

2. What hobbies do you like most of all? What are your favourite activities on a rainy day? Would you like to start any new hobbies?

3. Imagine you have your ideal job. What will it be and why? How will your working day go?

4. You can choose two of your favourite TV programmes. Which programmes will you choose? Describe one of them briefly.

Form 9     Speaking Test     1 semester

- Choose one of the following topics and speak of it.

1. Think about your closest friend or group of friends. What interests do you share and how are your personalities the same?

2. What hobbies do you like most of all? What are your favourite activities on a rainy day? Would you like to start any new hobbies?

3. Imagine you have your ideal job. What will it be and why? How will your working day go?

4. You can choose two of your favourite TV programmes. Which programmes will you choose? Describe one of them briefly.

Form 9     Speaking Test     1 semester

- Choose one of the following topics and speak of it.

1. Think about your closest friend or group of friends. What interests do you share and how are your personalities the same?

2. What hobbies do you like most of all? What are your favourite activities on a rainy day? Would you like to start any new hobbies?

3. Imagine you have your ideal job. What will it be and why? How will your working day go?

4. You can choose two of your favourite TV programmes. Which programmes will you choose? Describe one of them briefly.

Form 9     Speaking Test     2 semester

- Choose one of the following topics and speak of it.

1. What is your favourite British city? Tell about it if you were a guide.

2. What famous inventors do you know? What were their inventions? How did they change people’s life?

3. Why do we must protect our nature? Tell about pollution, chemicals, traffic, toxic wastes. What way can we protect our environment? 

Form 9     Speaking Test     2 semester

- Choose one of the following topics and speak of it.

1. What is your favourite British city? Tell about it if you were a guide.

2. What famous inventors do you know? What were their inventions? How did they change people’s life?

3. Why do we must protect our nature? Tell about pollution, chemicals, traffic, toxic wastes. What way can we protect our environment? 

Form 9     Speaking Test     2 semester

- Choose one of the following topics and speak of it.

1. What is your favourite British city? Tell about it if you were a guide.

2. What famous inventors do you know? What were their inventions? How did they change people’s life?

3. Why do we must protect our nature? Tell about pollution, chemicals, traffic, toxic wastes. What way can we protect our environment? 

Form 9     Speaking Test     2 semester

- Choose one of the following topics and speak of it.

1. What is your favourite British city? Tell about it if you were a guide.

2. What famous inventors do you know? What were their inventions? How did they change people’s life?

3. Why do we must protect our nature? Tell about pollution, chemicals, traffic, toxic wastes. What way can we protect our environment? 

Form 9     Speaking Test     2 semester

- Choose one of the following topics and speak of it.

1. What is your favourite British city? Tell about it if you were a guide.

2. What famous inventors do you know? What were their inventions? How did they change people’s life?

3. Why do we must protect our nature? Tell about pollution, chemicals, traffic, toxic wastes. What way can we protect our environment? 



Form 9     Speaking Test     2 semester

- Choose one of the following topics and speak of it.

1. What is your favourite British city? Tell about it if you were a guide.

2. What famous inventors do you know? What were their inventions? How did they change people’s life?

3. Why do we must protect our nature? Tell about pollution, chemicals, traffic, toxic wastes. What way can we protect our environment? 











Form 9     Speaking Test     2 semester

- Choose one of the following topics and speak of it.

1. What is your favourite British city? Tell about it if you were a guide.

2. What famous inventors do you know? What were their inventions? How did they change people’s life?

3. Why do we must protect our nature? Tell about pollution, chemicals, traffic, toxic wastes. What way can we protect our environment? 


Перегляд файлу

9 form               Writing Comprehension                         1 semester                      1 variant

Name,  surname ___________________________________ Date _____________

I. Write down questions to the following statements.

1. Mod is a subculture that is originated in London in the late 1950s and peaked in the early-to-mid – 1960s.                                                                                                                            

What ____________________________________________________________________. Where _________________________________________________________________ .     When __________________________________________________________________ .

2. Punk rock is a rock music genre that developed between 1974 and 1976 in the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia.                                                                                        

What ____________________________________________________________________ . Where ____________________________________________________________________ . When ______________________________________________________________________ .

II. Describe a club you attend (or you would like to attend). Tell about:  -the name of the club; -the activities which the club offers;  -how often you attend it;  -people who are members of a club;  -demands for members of the club;  -the reason you have chosen the club.



9 form               Writing Comprehension                         1 semester                   1 variant

Name,  surname ___________________________________ Date _____________

I. Write down questions to the following statements.

1. Mod is a subculture that is originated in London in the late 1950s and peaked in the early-to-mid – 1960s.                                                                                                                             

What ________________________________________________________________.            Where _______________________________________________________________ .           When ________________________________________________________________.

2. Punk rock is a rock music genre that developed between 1974 and 1976 in the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia.                                                                                        

What _________________________________________________________________.               Where ___________________________________________________________________ . When ___________________________________________________________________ .

II. Describe a club you attend (or you would like to attend). Tell about:  -the name of the club; -the activities which the club offers;  -how often you attend it;  -people who are members of a club;  -demands for members of the club;  -the reason you have chosen the club.



9 form               Writing Comprehension                         1 semester                     2 variant

Name,  surname ___________________________________ Date _____________

I. Write down questions to the following statements.

1. Rock-and-roll is a form of music that evolved in the United States in the late 1940s and early 1950s.                                                                                                                                           What ____________________________________________________________________. Where _________________________________________________________________ .     When __________________________________________________________________ .

2. American designers began marketing hip-hop fashion in the early 1990s.                                                                                         What ____________________________________________________________________ . Where ____________________________________________________________________ . When ______________________________________________________________________ .

II. Describe a TV programme you’ve seen recently. Tell about: -the title of the programme;  -the type of the programme, place it was set;  -who the presenter was;  -who the main characters were;  -the main points of the plot;  -your recommendation about presenting the programme. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



9 form               Writing Comprehension                         1 semester                     2 variant

Name,  surname ___________________________________ Date _____________

I. Write down questions to the following statements.

1. Rock-and-roll is a form of music that evolved in the United States in the late 1940s and early 1950s.                                                                                                                                           What ____________________________________________________________________. Where _________________________________________________________________ .     When __________________________________________________________________ .

2. American designers began marketing hip-hop fashion in the early 1990s.                                                                                         What ____________________________________________________________________ . Where ____________________________________________________________________ . When ______________________________________________________________________ .

II. Describe a TV programme you’ve seen recently. Tell about: -the title of the programme;  -the type of the programme, place it was set;  -who the presenter was;  -who the main characters were;  -the main points of the plot;  -your recommendation about presenting the programme. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 form Writing Comprehension  Surname ______________  2 semester   1 variant Date ____

I. Use the prompts to write about the following jobs as in the example.

1. travel agent: arrange travel plans/ travel bureau

A travel agent is a person who arranges travel plans for clients. He works in a travel bureau.

2. waiter: serve food/ restaurant or café


3. nurse: take care of patients/ hospital or doctor’s surgery


4. editor: find and correct mistakes in other people’s writings/ newspaper or magazine


II. Read the passage and write down three questions to it.

Charles Ginsburg led the research team at Ampex Corporation in developing the first practical videotape recorder (VTR). In 1951, the first video tape recorder (VTR) captured live images from television cameras by converting the information into electrical impulses and saving the infor-mation onto magnetic tape. Ampex sold the first VTR for $50, 000 in 1956. The first VCassetteR or VCR was sold by Sony in 1971.

1. Who ___________________________________ ? 2. When ____________________________

___________________ ? 3. What _________________________________________________ ?

III. Using the prompts below, write sentences in the Past Passive .

1. What a nice bike! – It/ give/ my parents/ birthday.___________________________________

2. – Look at that house! What happened to it? – It/ destroy/ in an earthquake.


3. – Where were you born? – In London / but/ I / raise/ in New York.


9 form Writing Comprehension Surname______________  2 semester  1 variant  Date _____

I. Use the prompts to write about the following jobs as in the example.

1. travel agent: arrange travel plans/ travel bureau

A travel agent is a person who arranges travel plans for clients. He works in a travel bureau.

2. waiter: serve food/ restaurant or café


3. nurse: take care of patients/ hospital or doctor’s surgery


4. editor: find and correct mistakes in other people’s writings/ newspaper or magazine


II. Read the passage and write down three questions to it.

Charles Ginsburg led the research team at Ampex Corporation in developing the first practical videotape recorder (VTR). In 1951, the first video tape recorder (VTR) captured live images from television cameras by converting the information into electrical impulses and saving the infor-mation onto magnetic tape. Ampex sold the first VTR for $50, 000 in 1956. The first VCassetteR or VCR was sold by Sony in 1971.

1. Who ________________________________________ ? 2. When ______________________

________________________? 3. What _____________________________________________ ?

III. Using the prompts below, write sentences in the Past Passive .

1. What a nice bike! – It/ give/ my parents/ birthday.___________________________________

2. – Look at that house! What happened to it? – It/ destroy/ in an earthquake.


3. – Where were you born? – In London / but/ I / raise/ in New York.


9 form Writing Comprehension  Surname ______________  2 semester   2 variant Date ____

I. Use the prompts to write about the following jobs as in the example.

1. travel agent: arrange travel plans/ travel bureau

A travel agent is a person who arranges travel plans for clients. He works in a travel bureau.

2. hairdresser: cut and style/ hairdresser’s


3. surgeon: perform operations on the body/ hospital


4. receptionist: greet visitors/ office or hotel


II. Read the passage and write down three questions to it.

In the 1920s, American engineer, Philo Taylor Farnsworth devised the television camera, a device which converted the image captured into an electrical signal. The pick-up tube is the main element governing the technical quality of the picture obtained by the camera. the first electronic cameras using iconoscope tubes were characterized by very large lenses, necessary to ensure enough light reached the pick-up tube.

1. Who ___________________________________ ? 2. When ____________________________

___________________ ? 3. What _________________________________________________ ?

III. Using the prompts below, write sentences in the Past Passive .

1. What a nice sweater you are wearing! – Thank you. It/ knit/ my aunt.____________________

2. – Why is John so happy? – His project/ give/ the highest mark.


3. – This country house is so dirty! – It/ not / clean/ for months.


9 form Writing Comprehension Surname______________  2 semester  2 variant  Date _____

I. Use the prompts to write about the following jobs as in the example.

1. travel agent: arrange travel plans/ travel bureau

A travel agent is a person who arranges travel plans for clients. He works in a travel bureau.

2. hairdresser: cut and style/ hairdresser’s


3. surgeon: perform operations on the body/ hospital


4. receptionist: greet visitors/ office or hotel


II. Read the passage and write down three questions to it.

In the 1920s, American engineer, Philo Taylor Farnsworth devised the television camera, a device which converted the image captured into an electrical signal. The pick-up tube is the main element governing the technical quality of the picture obtained by the camera. the first electronic cameras using iconoscope tubes were characterized by very large lenses, necessary to ensure enough light reached the pick-up tube.

1. Who ________________________________________ ? 2. When ______________________

________________________? 3. What _____________________________________________ ?

III. Using the prompts below, write sentences in the Past Passive .

1. What a nice sweater you are wearing! – Thank you. It/ knit/ my aunt.____________________

2. – Why is John so happy? – His project/ give/ the highest mark.


3. – This country house is so dirty! – It/ not / clean/ for months.


9 form               Writing Comprehension                         1 semester                    variant 1

Name,  surname ___________________________________ Date _____________


I. Use the prompts to write about the following jobs as in the example.

1. travel agent: arrange travel plans/ travel bureau

A travel agent is a person who arranges travel plans for clients. He works in a travel bureau.

2. waiter: serve food/ restaurant or café


3. nurse: take care of patients/ hospital or doctor’s surgery


4. editor: find and correct mistakes in other people’s writings/ newspaper or magazine


II. Describe a TV programme you’ve seen recently. Tell about: -the title of the programme;  -the type of the programme, place it was set;  -who the presenter was;  -who the main characters were;  -the main points of the plot;  -your recommendation about presenting the programme. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



9 form               Writing Comprehension                         1 semester                variant  1       

Name,  surname ___________________________________ Date _____________


I. Use the prompts to write about the following jobs as in the example.

1. travel agent: arrange travel plans/ travel bureau

A travel agent is a person who arranges travel plans for clients. He works in a travel bureau.

2. waiter: serve food/ restaurant or café


3. nurse: take care of patients/ hospital or doctor’s surgery


4. editor: find and correct mistakes in other people’s writings/ newspaper or magazine


II. Describe a TV programme you’ve seen recently. Tell about: -the title of the programme;  -the type of the programme, place it was set;  -who the presenter was;  -who the main characters were;  -the main points of the plot;  -your recommendation about presenting the programme. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


9 form               Writing Comprehension                         1 semester                     variant 2              

Name,  surname ___________________________________ Date _____________


I. Use the prompts to write about the following jobs as in the example.

1. travel agent: arrange travel plans/ travel bureau

A travel agent is a person who arranges travel plans for clients. He works in a travel bureau.

2. hairdresser: cut and style/ hairdresser’s


3. surgeon: perform operations on the body/ hospital


4. receptionist: greet visitors/ office or hotel



II. Describe a club you attend (or you would like to attend). Tell about:  -the name of the club; -the activities which the club offers;  -how often you attend it;  -people who are members of a club;  -demands for members of the club;  -the reason you have chosen the club.




9 form               Writing Comprehension                         1 semester                     variant 2              

Name,  surname ___________________________________ Date _____________


I. Use the prompts to write about the following jobs as in the example.

1. travel agent: arrange travel plans/ travel bureau

A travel agent is a person who arranges travel plans for clients. He works in a travel bureau.

2. hairdresser: cut and style/ hairdresser’s


3. surgeon: perform operations on the body/ hospital


4. receptionist: greet visitors/ office or hotel



II. Describe a club you attend (or you would like to attend). Tell about:  -the name of the club; -the activities which the club offers;  -how often you attend it;  -people who are members of a club;  -demands for members of the club;  -the reason you have chosen the club.



9 form               Writing Comprehension                         2 semester                     variant 1              

Name,  surname ___________________________________ Date _____________

 You are at the UK now. You are going to write a letter to your home friend. Write about the place where you are. Use the following  prompts: is situated/is located…; in the south/ east/ west/ south-east/ etc. of …; on the south/ east/ etc. coast of …; in the centre/ heart/ middle of …

Tell about:

-where the place is situated and how to get there;

-describe it briefly;

-where you stay;

- where you eat;

-places to see;

- activities to do;

-what this place is famous for;

-express your attitude to the place.



9 form               Writing Comprehension                         2 semester                     variant 2              

Name,  surname ___________________________________ Date _____________

You have received a letter from your pen-friend. He/ she asks you to tell about the place you live. Write a letter to him/ her. Use the following  prompts: is situated/is located…; in the south/ east/ west/ south-east/ etc. of …; on the south/ east/ etc. coast of …; in the centre/ heart/ middle of …

Tell about:

-where your place is situated and how to get there;

-describe it briefly;

-how much it costs;

-places to see;

- activities to do;

-what this place is famous for;

-recommend what your client has to see/ to do there;

-express your attitude to the place.



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