План-конспект уроку з англ.мови в 4 кл. за т. '' Let's Go Shopping ''

Про матеріал

Урок активізує лексичні одиниці теми; розвиває навички діалогічного мовлення; розвиває навички аудіювання; узагальнює і систематизує матеріал з теми, розширює ерудицію учнів, поглибдює знання з теми « Покупки »; формує комунікативну і соціокультурну компетенцію.

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План-конспект уроку з англійської мови в 4 класі

на тему:









        учитель англійської мови

        Ларіна Т.О.

        ЗОШ І-ІІІ ст. №4, м.Жмеринки








Жмеринка - 2017





Тема:  Покупки

Підтема : «Let’s Go Shopping»

Цілі:  Практичні: Активізувати лексичні одиниці теми; розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення; розвивати навички    аудіювання; узагальнити і систематизувати матеріал з теми.

           Освітня:    Розширити ерудицію учнів,   поглибити знання з теми « Покупки »; формувати комунікативну і соціокультурну компетенції.

         Розвиваюча: Розвивати культуру спілкування  в ситуаціях, вміння працювати в групах; розвивати  мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію, інтелектуальні та пізнавальні   здібності.

        Виховна: Виховувати культуру спілкування в практичному використанні мови;  виховувати почуття поваги,   ввічливості при спілкуванні.

Тип уроку: Комбінований урок

Обладнання: Підручник, мультимедійна дошка , мовний плакат з магазинами, роздатковий матеріал (див. додатки)   D:\lena\Школа\IMG_0209.jpg           D:\lena\Школа\IMG_0210.jpg

D:\lena\Школа\IMG_0211.jpg            D:\lena\Школа\IMG_0250.jpg






І. The Beginning of the Lesson

The children are organized into 3 groups.

1) Greeting, aim


T:Good morning, сhildren! I’m glad to see you!

Ps: Good morning, teacher! We are glad to see you, too!

T: Sit down, please. But I am not your teacher, I am a shop assistant. Today we are going to do the shopping together and I am going to teach you how to do it in the best way. Do you like  going shopping? Let’s invite everybody  to go shopping with us.

Big Mac, large fry, cherry coke and apple pie
Fast food is okay
Just don’t do it everyday!

So let’s go shopping
Let’s go shopping
Baked, not fried-
Little dressing on the side
Let’s go shopping


 SLIDE 2.    

T: What do you need when you go to the shop? (We need money, a shopping chart and a shopping list.). Well, shopping lists and shopping charts you have. If you work and answer well you will get some pocket money  and then you will change them to  the items from you lists.

 But first, let’s see if you can speak English.

SLIDE 3.         

T: Your task is to read this tongue twister as quick as you can.

Suzie, Suzie, working in a shoeshine shop.
All day long she sits and shines,
all day long she shines and sits,
and sits and shines, and shines and sits,
and sits and shines, and shines and sits.
Suzie, Suzie, working in a shoeshine shop.


SLIDE 4.                                                        

T: Where can you buy these goods?

P1: I can buy rings at the jewelry.

P2:   I can buy milk at the dairy.

P3: I can buy bread at the bakery.

P4: I can buy apples at the greengrocer’s.

P5: I can buy meat at the butcher’s.

P6: I can buy buckwheat at the grocer’s.

P7: I can buy jeans at the clothes.



Listening Comprehension

T: Listen to the dialogues. Then listen to the  questions and choose the correct answers.


Dialogue № 1             

Mr. Black: I’d like some apples, please.

Shop-assistant: What apples would you like: green, red or yellow?

Mr. Black: Green, please.

Shop-assistant: How many apples would you like?

Mr. Black: Can I have 5 apples?

Shop-assistant: Of course.

Questions: 1) What did Mr. Black want to buy? (apples)

                    2) How many apples did Mr. Black want to buy? (five)

                    3) What apples did Mr. Black prefer?  (green)

Dialogue № 2             

          Customer: Good morning!

           Shop-assistant: Good morning!

           Customer: I want a loaf of bread, please.

           Shop-assistant: Here you are.

           Customer: Thank you.

           Shop-assistant: Do you want anything else?

           Customer: Yes. I’d like a bottle of milk, a packet of sugar, three pounds of apples and two cans of Cola. How much is all                     that?

           Shop-assistant: Five pounds fifty, please.

           Customer: Here’s six pounds.

           Shop-assistant: That’s 50 pence change. thank you very much and come again.

Questions:  1) What did the customer asked first? (a loaf of bread)

                     2) How much was the change? (50 pence)

                     3) How many bottles of milk did the customer ask? (1 bottle)

Dialogue № 3   

  Ann: I’d like a pair of shoes, please.

  Shop-assistant: What fashion  would you like?

  Ann: Low shoes for every day wear.

  Shop-assistant: What colour would you like?

  Ann: Blue.

Shop-assistant: What size do you wear?

  Ann: Five. Can I try them on?

  Shop-assistant: Of course.


Questions: 1) What did Ann want to buy at the shoe shop? ( shoes)

                     2) What was Ann’s size? (five)

                     3) What colour of shoes did Ann choose? (blue)



T: Check your answers.

Dialogue № 1              Dialogue №2                      Dialogue №3

 1. a)bananas              1. a) a pack of sugar             1. a) a dress

     b) apples                    b) a loaf of bread                 b) shoes

     c) grapes                     c) a bottle of milk               c) a skirt

2. a) six                        2. a) 15 pence                        2. a) five

    b) eight                        b) 50 pence                          b) four

    c) five                           c) 5 pence                              c) three 

3. a) red                        3. a) 3 bottles                        3. a) white

    b) green                       b) 1 bottle                              b) black

    c) yellow                      c) 2 bottles                             c)  blue 




Talking about shopping


T: Let’s play the game “Get                                                       


Check yourself.


T: Find and circle the names of  7 food items,  which you can buy at the Confectionary. Check your answers.



Count your money and buy the items you can according to your shopping list.




ІІІ.  The Final Part of the Lesson

  1. Home  Assignmant

T: Make up a story  about your today’s going shopping.

  1. Summarizing

T: Write down your own ideas for the next going shopping. What would you like to buy and what shops would you visit? Stick your answers on the board.


  1. Evaluation


До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Буренко В.М., Михайлик)
29 червня 2018
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