Позакласний захід " In the World of Love"

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Позакласний захід приурочений до дня Всіх Закоханих. Про любов до другої половинки, до батьків та рідної землі.
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Love is patient and kind,

it is not jealous or proud;

love is not ill-mannered or selfish;

love does not keep a record of wrongs;

love is not happy with evil,

but is happy with the truth.


 Ведучий 2

Love never gives up;

and its faith, hopy, and patience never fail.

Love is eternal.

Faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these is love.

Ведучий 3.

Love – there are many beautiful words, poems and songs about this feeling. In every language it sounds wonderful. ( далі на різних мовах вираз «Я тебе кохаю…»  + фото слайди)











  1. Українська – Я тебе кохаю.
  2. Білоруська – Я цябе Каха.
  3. Угорська – Серет лек.
  4. Грецька – С’агапо.
  5. Іспанська – Йо ТЕ амо.
  6. Італійська – Ті амо.
  7. Німецька – Їх лібе дих.
  8. Португальська – Те а’мо
  9. Польська – кохам ціе.
  10. Японська  – Suki desu.
  11. Словацька – Любимо та.
  12. Французька – Же ТЕМ.
  13. Чеська – Мам ті радий.
  14. Slovenian – Ya te volim.
  15. Англійська – I love you (Ай лав ю).


 Student 4:


O my love ‘s like a red, red rose

That’s newly sprung in June;

O my Love’s like the melody

That’s sweetly played in tune…

Compare 5

Ні, dear guests, teachers and schoolmates! We’ve gathered here to celebrate a festival of love. St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated in February all over the world and it is a festival of romance.  And love can be different : love to each other, love to our Mums and to God. Let’s speak about LOVE!!!!

COMPARE (girl):in early times boys showed their love by doing  brave or even dangerous things to express their feelings to the lady. They gave beautiful flowers and presents. They sang romances.

Назустріч одне одному йдуть хлопець і дівчина. Юнак дарує дівчині квіти і читає вірш.

Boy 6: Your hair is so fair,

Your eyes are so blue

That’s why I can’t stop

Loving you.

Girl7: Let me call you sweetheart

I’m in love with you

Let me hear your whisper

That you love me too.

 (Лунає тиха ПІСНЯ and the couple is dancing )-  love me tender love me sweet...

Ведучий 8:

Ladies and gentlemen! It’s lovely to meet you here, at Valentine’s party! No one really knows the actual origin of Valentine’s Day. Many historians connect it with the ancient Roman festival. But whatever the origin, Valentine’s Day is celebrated in many parts of the world today and is a holiday for both young and old .


Boy - 2 Му sweetheart, look! I can’t believe it! It is St. Valentine himself?!


Girl: - 3 You’re welcome, patron of lovers!


St Valentine: My children! I’ve come from the past to remind you of kindness, friendship and love in your wicked world.

(двоє закоханих і стають на коліна.)

St Valentine:. Му daughter! Му son!


Вривається стража.

1-й guard. Priest! You are condemned to death!


2 –й guard. To prison! To the tower!


{Священик у тюрмі. Входить тюремник з дочкою,)

St Valentine: What a beautiful girl!

The jailor: This is my daughter. She is blind she will probably never see the light! (плаче)

St. Valentine: I’ll help her by doing a miracle!( Торкається очей дівчини)(Дочка тюремника радіє, до неї повернувся зір.)


The  jailor’s daughter:  I’m so grateful to you! Even in prison, you Valentine, showed your love for everyone and gave me my sight!


St Valentine: Unfortunately, tomorrow on February, 14 I will die. But I’m not scared and I want to tell everybody on earth, I LOVE YOU. I’m YOUR VALENTINE.!!!


Лунає пісня "Stranger in the night”

Ведучий 4: There are a lot of legends and fairy tales about love . Some of them are happy, some of them are sad. Here is one of the beautiful love story “THE NIGHTING GALE AND THE ROSE”




One day a nightingale in a tree heard a beautiful girl and a handsome young man talking in a garden.


GIRL: I like you very much young man. But I will only dance with you at the party tomorrow if you bring me a red rose.


YOUNG MAN: a red rose? All right! I will find one.


NARRATOR 2:  the beautiful girl left the garden and the young man  began to look for a rose.


Young man: I think, I’ll ask this old oak about the red rose.


OLD OAK :  you’re right, I’m quite old. My branches are huge, but I didn’t see any red rose in this park.


Young man : ok. Thank you. O, the wild wind. You’re blowing  and flying everywhere. Maybe you could see a red rose?


THE WIND: oh, my poor young man. I’m fast and light. I can be strong either. I’m flying near and far but I didn’t see any red rose.

YOUNG MAN: there are so many beautiful red tulips in the garden. Maybe they could tell me something.


TULIP: I’m sorry my man. I’m red but I’m not a rose. I’m very young tulip in this garden so couldn’t see any red roses. Don’t give up, I believe, you will find your red rose.


THE NIGHTINGALE: this young handsome man shouldn’t look so sad. I will sing a song to make him happy.


Young man: O, the nightingale sings so nice but I’m so sad… All I want is one red rose!!! O where o where can I find it?


LIZARD: Why is he crying? Why is he sad?


THE BUTTERFLY : Why he is unhappy? What is he looking for?


THE NIGHT.: He is crying for a red rose…


LIZARD: For a red rose?  There is no a red rose in this garden. It’s impossible to find.  Ha-ha-ha.

THE NARRATOR 4 :  the garden started to laugh. But the nightingale didn’t laugh. He wanted to help the young man. He flew to the rose tree.

THE NIGHT. : give me a red rose and I will sing for you!


ROSE TREE1 : Sorry my beautiful bird… but my roses are white.


THE NARRATOR 1: the nightingale flew to another rose tree.


THE NIGHT. : give me a red rose and I will sing for you!


ROSE TREE2 : Sorry my little nightingale… but my roses are yellow.


THE NARRATOR 2: the nightingale flew to the last rose tree in the garden.


THE NIGHT. : give me a red rose and I will sing for you!


ROSE TREE 3: I’m sorry, nightingale… My roses are red but winter was very cold and now I don’t have any.


THE NIGHT. : I only want one  red rose. Please help me!


 ROSE TREE 3 :Well, I know how to get a red rose, but it is a very sad way.


THE NIHGT. : tell me ! tell me!

Rose tree 3: you must sing a beautiful song. You must press yourself onto my thorns. Your blood will make one red rose grow.


THE NIGHT. : I must die fir one red rose. But love is better than life. The young man can dance with the girl he loves.



Narrator 3: that night  the nightingale flew to the rose. It pressed itself and began to sing  ( A SOUND OF NIGHTINGALE)


ROSE TREE 3: press harder! Come closer! The sun will come up!


NARRATOR 4 : the nightingale pressed itself harder and  sang even more beautifully. Soon the rose turned pink.


ROSE TREE 3 : press harder! Only  the blood from your heart can make the rose red.


Narrator 1: the nightingale pressed itself against the thorn. And the pink rose turned red!!! But the  nightingale fell to the ground.


ROSE TREE 3: the little nightingale is dead. It is dead for one beautiful red rose. ( затихає солов»їний спів і на екрані зявляється червона троянда)


NARRATOR 4: in the morning the young man came to the garden  and he swa a red rose.


YOUNG MAN: wonderful! A red rose! Now my love will dance with me!


NARRATOR 4: the young man picked the red rose and ran oout of the garden


YOUNG MAN :  here is the red rose. The most beautiful rose in the world! Please take it , I want to dance with you.


NARRATOR 4 : the girl looked at the red rose in her hand, but she didn’t look happy.


GIRL:  I don’t want a red rose any more. Another young man brought me some jewels. I will dance with him at the party.


YOUNG MAN: why was I so stupid? A red rose is nothing! Love is nothing!


BUTTERFLY: he stepped on the red rose and walked away. And neither the beautiful girl nor the young man knew how the nightingale gave his life for the one red rose…  (звук солов”я затихає…)

 A SONG “  you are my sunshine”

Ведучий - 5. It was wonderful to watch this story. We’ve got also many  traditions on Valentine’s Day. By the way how will we  celebrate the day of love at school?


Ведучий - 6:  I’m sure there will be lots of valentine cards and wishes. It will be fun on  the breaks and during the lesson.



(Шість учнів сидять за трьома партами. Заходить вчитель.)


Teacher: Hello, everybody! Oh, what a wonderful day we are having today - St. Valentine’s Day! You know  on that day you can send a Valentine’s card. But you must never write your name on it. And now, children, please, write down a loving message to someone you love.

Are you ready? I’m eager to listen to your stories.

(Діти зачитують свої валентинки )

1.Well, dear Liza! I’m going to be a millionaire, when I’m grown up. Now, will you be my Valentine?


2.Dear Luka! I think, I love you, but I won’t know for  sure until I ask my mother.

3.Dear Sasha! Let’s get married so we can do our homework together.


4. Sorry, Dima! I can’t love you any more. I have a dog now.


5.Dear Nazar! I can’t marry you yet. I can’t even cross the street by myself.


6. Dear Yulia! Happy St. Valentine’s Day! I wanted to send you a long love letter but I don’t spell well.

У вчителя на телефоні лунає пісня” I just call to say I love you”

Teacher: Oh, my Romeo! I am going to you!!!

(Учитель іде з сцени, а за ним і діти (може лунати попередня музика)

Ведучий – 5: But don’t forget about love to your friends, because

Friendship is the thing for two

Three or four, even more,


 Ведучий 6: Like a song that’s made to sing,

Friendship is a doing thing.

  So, meet our friends ,who know what real friendship is.


Friendship is what

I can offer you

Peace is what

I can pray for you

Song is what

I can sing for you

Remembrance is what I want from you

Учень 2:

My friend is nice.

We like to play

We play together every day.

We laugh and cry

And laugh again

Because, you,

we're friends


Учень 3:

Friends care

Friends share

We need friends


Учень 4:

Friends are forever,

They should always be together, friends are forever,

They should never part.

Friends are forever,

In each others heart.


Учень 5:

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

I have a friend

And That Friend is you!!!

( можна презентацію із фото друзів класу)


Ведучий 4:

Friendship is really a very important feeling in our life. Without friends what can we do? And I want to share my opinions about the rules of friendship. If you want to be a friend, you should take care of each other. Real friends can confide in each other. You can’t be friends if you are not honest. Those who don’t have trusty friends are lonely and unsociable.

I think everybody should have a friend, because it is impossible to live without one. ( PRESENTATION  “MY FRIENDS”)


 COMPARE 1: The most tender and best words are kept in our hearts for Mother. Mankind exists only due to Mother's love. There is nothing more sacred and unselfish than Mother’s love.


Compare 2: To each of us our mother is the dearest person. She is near us when we are small children and she is always ready to help us when we become older!

( вмикається презентація до слів про маму)

M is for the million things she gave us


O means only that she’s growing old.


T is for the tears she shed to save me.


H is for her heart of purest gold.


E is for her eyes, with love-light shining.


R means right, and right she’ll always be.



A word that means the world to me.

(презентація до кожного рядка)



Flowers for mother

I never have a special day

To give flowers to my mother;

I give them to her every day

To show how much I love her!


( A COMPETITION “ how well you know your mum”)

  1. What colour of eyes has she got?
  2. Is she short or tall?
  3. Is she wearing a dress now?
  4. What’s her favourite food?
  5. What colour of hair has she got?
  6. When is her birthday?...



Today we spoke a lot about love, but we should not forget about love to God, because God is also love.


 Yes, it’s true. There is a God in heaven above, Who gives his love to me.

He gives his love to me, me.


I love Jesus does He know,

Have I ever told Him so.

He would like to hear me say

 That I love Him every day.

Ведучий :: Our joyful holiday of friendship, true love and romance is ending with good music and your smiles. We guess it’s time to let all those special people in your life know how much you care abоut them. You may think of others who are important to you — Moms, Dads, grandparents, sisters, brothers, boyfriends, girlfriends and teachers. Today  is a good time to tell them how you feel. Wishing you all the best we say ‘good-bye’ to you!







2 лютого 2023
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