Позакласний захід. "Весна. Весняні квіти".

Про матеріал
Захід розроблений за підручником О. Карп'юк направлений на узагальнення лексики по темі "Природа", розвиток іншомовного мовлення дітей та виховання почуття прекрасного і дбайливого ставлення до природи.
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Позакласний захід з англійської мови у 3, 4 класах

тема: «Весна. Весняні квіти»






Вчитель: Вєтрова Н. І.





м. Запоріжжя 2015


  • Ознайомитись з новими лексичними одиницями. Узагальнити лексичний матеріал за темою « Пори року».
  • Закріпити назви кольорів, удосконалювати навички читання.
  • Розвивати діалогічне та монологічне мовлення учнів.
  • Розширити знання учнів про весняні та літні квіти. Розвивати почуття прекрасного. Виховувати почуття дружності та дбайливе ставлення до природи. Активізувати пізнавальний інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.


Форма проведення: гра-дискусія.

Обладнання: емблеми квітів, різнокольорові пелюстки квітки, елементи костюмів диких тваринок та квітів, комп’ютер, інтерактивна дошка, відеозаписи.

Хід заходу

(Двоє ведучих, одягнені у елементи костюмів квітів, зустрічають гостей. Звучить пісня «Дівчина весна», дівчинка в українському національному костюмі виконує прості рухи під музику.)


Ведучий 1

Good morning dear guests! We are glad to see you here. We want to tell you that spring is here and we are very happy.


Ведучий 2. Spring is a beautiful season of the year. Everything looks clean and green.

In the spring, in the spring

Sweet and fresh is everything.

Winter winds are no more blowing,

In the fields all is growing

In the spring, in the spring

Sweet and fresh is everything.


Ведучий 1  

Spring is here, summer is near,

Grass is green, so nice and clean.

Winter, spring, summer fall –

We like spring best of all.

(на сцену виходять інші учні і розповідають вірші про весну)


Учень 1

Spring, spring, spring

The trees are green

Blue skies seen.

Grey winter has gone away

The world looks new and gay.


Учень 2

The sun is shining

The flowers are blooming

The sky is blue

The rains are few.

Учень 3


Cheep-cheep! – Why do the birds sing?

Cheep-cheep! –Why do the birds sing?

Cheep-cheep! –The birds all sing

Cheep-cheep! – Because it’s spring.


Ведучий 2

Children, what are the winter months?



March, April and May are spring months.


Учень 4  March brings sunny days and winds

               So, we know that spring begins.


Учень 5  April brings the primrose sweet,

               We see daises at our feet.


Учень 6    May brings flowers, joy and grass

                And the holidays for us.


Учень 7   Spring is coming, spring is coming

                Flowers are coming too

                 Snowdrops, lilies, daffodils

                 Now are coming too.


Учень 8   I like flowers that are bright

                 I like flowers that are white

                 I like flowers with a smell

                 I like flowers very well.


Ведучий 1       Spring comes after winter. Green grass and flowers grow in the     

                      Garden. All birds and animals like spring very much.


Ведучий 2       Everything wakes up from the long winter sleep.

       (Учні 1 класу , одягнені в костюми диких тваринок, заходять до зали)

                 Oh, some animals are coming here!


Учень 1(a bear)  It is spring. The weather is fine.


Учень 2(a hare)   Yes. And who are you?


Учень 3 (a wolf) I am a wolf. And who are you?


Учень 4 (a squirrel) I am a squirrel. I like spring.


Учень 5(a hedgehog) Hello! I am a hedgehog. I like to play in spring.

(Всі хором)


We like to jump, we like to play, we like to study every day.

(Діти виконують пісеньки «Веселий алфавіт» та інші.)

Pupil 9 (a bear)

“S" is for Spring and for Summer too,
When it’s warm and the sky is blue.

Pupil 5 (a hedgehog). Look! What’s
this? (Показує на розкидані різнокольорові пелюсточки квітки.)Let’s recite a poem about colours.

(Кожен учень бере пелюсточку, говорить слова про той колір, який тримає у руці, і всі складають одну квіточку.)



Щоб навчитись малювати,

Треба кожен колір знати.

Green — зелений як травичка

Blue — блакитний, як водичка,

Yellow — жовтий, як курчатко,

Grey — як сіре мишенятко,

Pink — рожевий, наче ружа.

Blackце чорний, як калюжа,

Red — червоний, наче мак,

Purple — схожий на буряк,

White — це білий, білий сніг,
Що на землю мяко ліг.


Pupil 2 (a hare). Oh, it’s a beautiful
I flower! I like flowers!


Pupil 10 (a hare). Our friends like
flowers too.


Pupil 8 (a bear). Let’s present this
flower to them! Let’s go to the forest!
(Учні 1-ого класу виходять під пісню «Zoom, zoom my plane» з «Get Ready 1».)


Zoom zoom my plane
I haw a car, brum, brum my car.

Listen to my little car.

I haw a car, brum, brum my car.

My car, brum, brum my car.

I have a train, chug, chug my train.

Listen to my little train..

I have a train, chug, chug my train.

My train, chug, chug, my train.

I have a plane, zoom, zoom, my plane.
Listen to my little plane.

I have a plane, zoom, zoom, my plane,
My plane, zoom, zoom, my plane.

Ведучий I. Long, long ago in the


Queen-Rose’s palace all the flowers
gathered to decide their turn to come
on the earth.

(на троні сидить королева Роза, квіти підходять до неї по черзі)

Queen- Rose. I’m glad to see you,
my dear flowers.


Flowers. We are glad to see you too.


Snowdrop. I am a nice little flower
in a white dress. I have no smell and
I’m so beautiful.


Queen-Rose. Your name will be
Snowdrop. You will be the first flower
in spring. People will like you very

Vio1et. I am a spring flower too. My
dress is violet I am very nice.


Queen-Rose. Your name will
be Violet. You will come after the
Snowdrop, a little later.

Daffodil I. I like the sun very much.
I am a little yellow flower.


Queen-Rose. Your name will
be Daffodil. You will come after the

D:\Photo\С фотика\DSCN4447.JPG

Tulip. I am a very nice flower. I like
when it is warm. I am red.


Queen-Rose. You will come after
the Daffodil, when it is warm and the
sun shines brightly. Your name will be


Bluebell. I am blue like the sky..
I like the sun, too.


Queen-Rose. Oh, I know, your
name will be Bluebell. People will see

you in the grass.


Corn-Flower. My color is blue
too. 1 make the fields beautiful, but
1 make the harvest not very rich.


Queen-Rose. Your name, my
beautiful one, will be Corn-flower.
People will see you in the fields.

Poppy. 1 am a nice red flower. I like
when it is sunny.

D:\Photo\С фотика\DSCN4434.JPG


Queen-Rose. OK. Your name will
be Poppy. You will make the fields and
the gardens colorful and beautiful.

Well, my dear flowers. Now you know
when to come in the fields and gardens.
1 think, people will like you very much.
And now let’s have fun!


(Заходить Незнайко)


Dunno. Good morning! My name
is Dunno. And who are you? You are
so beautiful. Oh, you are spring and
summer flowers.


Snowdrop. I am the first spring
flower. I come when the snow is on the
ground. I have a white dress. My name
is Snowdrop.


Violet. I come next. I don’t like
snow. I like warm days, so my name is


Daffodil. I come next. I am yellow
like the sun. I like to dance in the wind.
My name is Daffodil.

Tulip. My name is Tulip. I am red
and so nice.


Bluebell. I am a summer flower.
I am Bluebell. I am blue like the sky.


Corn-Flower. I have a pretty blue
dress. I make the fields beautiful. My
name is Corn-flower.


Poppy. I come in summer. My name
is Poppy. People like me very much.

Dunno. I’m so glad to meet you.


Dunno. You are “spring", you

are summer*... “Spring” is here.

“Summer” is here. You read and

you give the degrees of comparison

(Beautiful, big, good,, fat, comfortable, small)Now you read and you give the degrees              (
of comparison, (interesting, bed, long,

Economical, thin, large),


Dunno. Oh, I see. You are very
clever. I don't like doing sums. But I
like rifles.


Snowdrops. OK. Listen and try to

Blue as the sky.

In summer 1 grow
I am a sweet flower.

As you all know.

Dunno. I know It's a bluebell.






Snowdrop. Yes, you are right.


Queen- Rose
 We are pretty Cowers
 You will find in May.

  We blossom in woods
 And mike them look gay.


Dunno. It's very easy. Violets!

Queen-Rose. Yes, you are right.


Daffodil. It is the first flower to pop
up above the ground in spring.

Dunno. It is a snowdrop. 


Daffodil. Yes.


Tulip. I think you are clever too. But
can you sing?


Dunno. Yes, I can sing and

Corn-Flower. Let’s sing a song!Violet

A lot of spring flowers,

And sunny warm weather,

And singing and playing -
All come together!


What a happy day today, day today!
All the children here arc gay.

All the children dance and play.
What a happy day today!


Ведучий IІ. Spring is the most beautiful season of the year - when everything
begins to grow, when trees and
grass are green.


Ведучий I. But if we want our world to be
better, more wonderful, we must
protect its beauty.


Ведучий IІ. We mustn’t do harm to nature, we
mustn’t break young trees and pick
rare flowers.


Ведучий I. Dear friends, let’s care
about nature! We know that the Earth
is our home and we must take care
about it.



26 січня 2019
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