Позакласний захід з англійської мови

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Позакласний захід на тему "The Wonderful world of English" для учнів 5-7 класів. Захід проводиться у формі змагань, де учні мають змогу продемонструвати свої знання з предмету.

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Сценарій позакласного заходу

“The wonderful world of English”

  1. If you are a dreamer, come in

If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,

A hoper, a prayer, a magic bean buyer…

If you arre a pretender, come sit by the fire

For we have some flax – golden tales to spin.

Come in. Come in.

  1. Dear pupils, teachers and parents! We begin our English party “The wonderful world of English”
  1. Today we are going to show our results of English language learning.
  2. Today it won’t  be a lesson, but an intelect show and you won’t be pupils, but participants of the show and one of these teams will receive the Diploma.
  1. So, ladies and gentelmen we have two teams. Please, introduce yourself.

(представлення команд)

I Task

You must name an excessive word.

For each next true answer you’ll get one point.

1.Duck, goose, hen, rabbit, cock.

2. Face, eye, leg, nose, cheek.

3. Black, yellow, white, light, blue.

4. Classroom, bedroom, living-room, kitchen.]

5. pen, bed, ruler, pencil-box, book.

6. English, Ukrainian, Music, School, Math.

7. Wolf, squirell, hen, fox, hedgehog.

8. Mother, father, family, uncle, granny.

II Task

You must guess the riddles.

Has no legs                                     My face is black

But just for fun.                              As black as night

It is always                                     On it with chalk

On the run (A ball)                        All pupils write (A blackboard)


This s a house                                          My beautiful tail s bushy

With one window in it                             And the colour of it is red

Showing films                                         I hate the idea of it being worn

Nearly every minute. (TV-set)            Round your neck or upon your head

                                                                                                      (A fox)

And now let’s have a rest. You are going to Ukrainians have talent.

(заставка “Україна має талант»)

                                           This is a season

                                           When mornings are dark

And birds do not sing

     In the woods and the parks

This is a season

When children ski

And Father Frost

Brings the New Year tree


OK. And now check up how do you know English holidays and traditions.

  1. The day when sweethearts say beautiful words to each other. (St. Valentines Day)
  2. The most important religious holiday. (Easter)
  3. Where the biggest Christmas Tree situated in London every year? (Trafalgar Square)
  4. When the English people celebrate Halloween? (On the 31st of October)
  5. This winter holidays is a favourite holiday for Ukrainian people, but it is not so popular in England. (The New Year’s day)
  6. Where does Santa Claus put the presents to the children in Great Britain? (The stockings)
  7. When is Christmas celebrated in Great Britain? (On the 25th of December)
  8. When was the independence of the USA declared? (On the 4th of July, 1776)
  9. What the traditional dishes at Christmas dinner? (Stuffed turkey and Christmas pudding)
  10. Who comes together with Father Frost? (Snow Maiden)

So, and now tell me please do you like to travel?


OK. We are going to London and visit its places of interest. But you must guess what is it.

(слайди з визначними місцями Лондона, вчитель читає опис, а учні відгадують)


But when we travel we must speak with the citizens of country. Let’s check up how do you understand English?

Translate into Ukrainian.

  1. Taras is washing his hands.
  2. The sun shines brightly in spring.
  3. We went to the cinema last Sunday.
  4. I like to do sums every day after lessons.
  5. My sister listens to music.


And now tell me, please do you like to listen to music. So there are many songs which are very popular among us.

Listen the melody and name its in English.

And we are going to the show X-Factor. Look at the board and sing a song altogether.

(Beatles “Yesterday”)

Now our jury will sum up the results and our pupils have prepared a surprise. Let’s have a rest.

(виконують фізхвилинку)

The winner of the today’s game is the team….

  • I think the friendship has won . do you agree with me? Each child and teams had wonderful answers and played very well. Thank you for the work. Our competition is over and our winner today is the team… The prize for the winner is the Diploma.
  • Our show is over. Thank you very much. Good – bye!
8 липня 2018
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