Позакласний захід з англійської мови "The Autumn Party"

Про матеріал

Позакласний захід з англійської мови "The Autumn Party" можна використати у роботі з учнями 3-4 класів. В ході заходу учні спілкуватимуться про осінню пору року, оцінять її щедрі дари, декламуватимуть віршики, співатимуть, танцюватимуть. Для вдалого проведення заходу не зайвим буде підібрати для учнів відповідне вбрання, адже це створить атмосферу справжнього свята. Діти із задоволенням готуються до подібних заходів, пізнають світ англійської мови.

Перегляд файлу

The Autumn Party

(Свято для учнів 3-4 класів)

Мета заходу:

  • узагальнити та закріпити вивчений матеріал;
  • розвивати пам’ять та увагу учнів;
  • розширювати світогляд школярів;
  • зацікавлювати учнів до вивчення англійської мови;
  • виховувати почуття відповідальності, взаємоповаги та співпраці.

Обладнання: ноутбук, костюми, подарунки.

Хід заходу

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear boys and girls, parents and teachers! We are very glad to see you and we hope that you will enjoy our party.

Teacher:  Dear children! Today we are going to have an interesting Autumn Party.

T: What do you know the autumn months?

Ch: (The autumn months are September, October and November)

T: Children! Do you like autumn?

P1: Yes, I do. I like autumn. And my favorite autumn month is September. In September the days become shorter and the nights become longer.

P2: There are juicy apples and pears in the gardens. We gather potatоes and cabbage, turnips and carrot.

P3: September is beautiful. But I like the second autumn month. This is October. It is the best month for planting trees. People also prepare for winter.

P4: The trees are yellow, red, green and brown in autumn. The ground is like a carpet of many colours. Birds do not sing their songs. They begin to leave for warm countries.

P5: I like November. It is the month of rain, fog and snow. The weather is cold and wet.

На сцені зявляється Осінь

Autumn: Hello! Who am I?

Children: You are Autumn, a very beautiful season.

Autumn: But I can’t work without my good helpers. I have three of them. What are they? Yes, they are autumn months: September, October and November.

(На сцені зявляються осінні місяці)

September: Hello, dear pupils! I am September. And I am glad to meet you! You are kind and friendly.

October: Hi! How are you?

Ch: We are fine, thank you. And you?

October: I’m fine, thank you too. I am glad to see you at our party.

November: Hello, my dear! You are very friendly children!

Autumn: I have a surprise for you today. There is something in my basket. Listen to the description and try to guess what it is.

This is the season

When days are cool.

When we eat apples

 And go to school.

T: Children, do you know what it is?

Children: Yes, we know. It is autumn.

T: You are right.

T: Did you learn the poems about autumn ?

Ch: Yes, we did.

T: Let’s recite the poems.


September means it’s time again

For going off to school.

The days are getting shorter

And the nights are getting cool.


October is the month

When the smallest breeze.

Gives us a shower

Of autumn leaves.


Bonfires and pumpkins,

Leaves sailing down.

October is red

And golden and brown.


No sunshine, lots of rain,

No warm days, snow again.

No bugs or bees,

No leaves on trees.

You must remember

This is November.


In autumn the leaves are red,

They’re green, yellow and bright.

The weather is cold and wet,

The clouds are nice and light.

T: My dear boys and girls! You are smart. Do you like to sing songs?

Ch: Yes, we do.

T: Let’s sing the songs.

A song“ Seasons”

Spring is green.

Summer is bright.

Autumn is yellow.

Winter is white.


A song”What’s the weather like today?”

What’s the weather,


What’s the weather,


What’s the weather like today?

All together,

All together,

What’s the weather like today?


Look it’s windy,

Look it’s windy,

Look it’s windy,


Fly a kite,

Fly a kite,

Fly a kite, everyone.


Look it’s rainy,

Look it’s rainy,

Look it’s rainy,


Jump in the puddles,

Jump in the puddles,

Jump in the puddles, everyone.


Look it’s sunny,

Look it’s sunny,

Look it’s sunny


Let’s go swimming,

Let’s go swimming,

Let’s go swimming, everyone.


Look it’s snowy,

Look it’s snowy,

Look it’s snowy,


Catch a snowflake,

Catch a snowflake,

Catch a snowflake on your tongue.


What’s the weather,


What’s the weather,


What’s the weather like today?

All together,

All together,

What’s the weather like today?

(www.the kiboomers.com)

T: Children! You are really good singers.  Do you like the autumn leaves?

Ch: Yes, we do. They are beautiful.

T: You’re welcome to our party, dear Autumn Leaves!

(До зали заходять діти в костюмах осінніх листочків).

Leaves: Hello, dear friends! We like to learn English. And you?

Ch: We like English too.

T:  Let’s sing song about autumn leaves.

(Діти разом співають під мелодію пісні «Листья жёлтые над городом кружатся»)

Autumn leaves are falling, falling,

Autumn leaves are falling, falling

On the ground,

On the ground.

Autumn time is coming, coming,

Autumn time is coming, coming

All around,

All around.

Leaves are orange,

Leaves are yellow and brown,

Leaves are falling so slowly

On the ground.

Autumn time is coming,

Harvest time is coming,

Apples, pears, berries,

Mushrooms are so yummy!

T: Now, lets dance.

(Діти в костюмах осінніх листочків танцюють танець)

Autumn: Children, thank you for your singing and dancing. I have many presents for you. I wish you to be happy, healthy and friendly.

 Осінь роздає щедрі дари для дітей: яблука, груші,виноград 

T: Dear children! I'm glad that we have a happy end and we are all together again. I wish you all the best! Good luck!

Thank you for your attention.







23 липня 2018
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