Практичні завдання "Present Tenses. Revision."

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                          Revision of the present tenses.

Exercise 1. Choose the Present Simple tense or Present Continuous tense.

I     a letter now.

Susan     in the garden at the moment.

Jane     to bed at 10 o'clock on weekdays.

I am in London this summer. I     English.

My brother and sister     basketball every Friday.

The buses sometimes     late.

James is a student. But he     this week.

Lions     in Africa.

Hurry up. Our train     at platform 3.

Wait a minute, please. Mr. Jones     on the phone.

Be quiet. My parents     TV.

Stop it! What do you think you     ?

Can you tell me where Pete and Cindy     this bread?

Jack is six years old, but he     Spanish and French.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple / Present Continuous / Present Perfect  tense.

I can't hear you! I ……………….. a shower. (have)

Sam ………………. his homework yet. (not do)

Look at the boy. He ………………. us. (watch)

Our team is in Madrid this week. They ……………………part in a contest. (take)

I …………………… up very early on weekdays. (get)

My dad is in the garage. He …………………. already his car. (clean)

Dan ……………………..a lot of new friends so far. (make)

I can see that you …………………..a lot of fun. (have)

My little sister …………………… the dishes on Saturdays and Sundays. (dry)

We ……………………. a week in Italy each year. (spend)

Sarah is so lazy. She never …………………….to help her mum. (try)

You …………………….. again. (cry) What's the problem?

                Exercise 3. Put the verbs in the correct form: Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous.


  1. I …………………………….. (lost) my key. Can you help me look for it?
  2. You look tired. …………………………………… (you/ work) hard?
  3. Look! Somebody ……………………………. (break) that window.
  4. I …………………………. (read) the book you gave me but I ……………………………. (not/ finish) it yet.
  5. “Sorry, I’m late.” -- “That’s all right. I……………………………. (not / wait) long.
  6. Hello! I ……………………………… (clean) the windows. So far I ……………………………… (clean) five of them and there are two more to do.
  7. There’s a strange smell in here. ……………………………….. (you/ cook) something?
  8. My brother is an actor. He ……………………………… (appear) in several films.


Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate present tense form (Simple, Continuous, Perfect).


1. My parents ……………………….. near Chennai for 6 years.

live       are living       have lived

2. I ……………………….. my parents twice a month.

visit      am visiting            have visited

3. ‘What are you doing there?’ ‘I …………………………….. TV.’

watch             am watching                have watched

4. Watch carefully. First I …………………………. a cucumber and …………………………. it into small pieces.

am taking, am cutting                          take, cut                         am taking, cut

5. I will follow you wherever you ……………………………..

will go                are going                          go

6. I will call you if I ………………………… time.

Get                   am getting                     have got

7. What ………………………. snakes …………………….?

do, eat            are, eating              are, eat

8. How ………………………… I ……………………… to the airport?

do, get              am, getting                    do, getting

9. I …………………………. this fragrance very much.

like                am liking                  have liked

10. I will hit anybody who ………………………………. my names.

Calls              is calling                  has called

11. Why …………………………. she ……………………….. on the table?

does, stand                  is, standing                       does, standing

12. The temple …………………………. on a hill outside the town since it was built.

is standing                         has stood                                stands

13. How long ……………………….. you ……………………. Jessica?

do  know                   are knowing                    have known

14. I ……………………………… 4 kg recently.

Have putted on               am putting on             have put on


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