Презентація до уроку з теми "Україна" (9-11кл)

Про матеріал
Презентація висвітлює сучасну ситуацію в Україні і сприяє формуванню Соціальної та громадянської компетентності та реалізації наскрізної змістової лінії-Громадянська відповідальність. Підходить для проведення виховного заходу.
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Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1


Номер слайду 2

Do you know these people?Volodymyr Zelenskyy. President of Ukraine. Valeriy Zaluzhnyy. Cin. C AF of Ukraine

Номер слайду 3

to rescuea volunteerto hideto fleean air raid siren{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}martial lawfreedom to hidebordersto fleemartial lawto rescuea volunteerborderssafe (not in danger)freedom to supportan air raid sirento supporta bunker a bunker safe (not in danger) Ukrainian armed forces 10.6. Learn the words5.4. Ukrainian armed forces

Номер слайду 4

Discuss these questions. Use the new words. 1) What is freedom for you? Are Ukrainians free? 2) What should people do when they hear an air raid siren? 3) Imagine that you are the next president in your country. What would you like to change?4) How do you see the future of your country?

Номер слайду 5

volunteers1. _________ a warning sound.2. _________ opposite to “lose”.3. _________ to help someone emotionally or in a practical way.4. _________ a place where people can hide.5. _________ to escape by running away, especially because of danger or fear 6. _________ to save someone from danger7. _________ you can do whatever you want to, without being controlled or limited  8. _________ temporary rule by military authorities in time of emergency 9. _________ a line that divides one country from another 10. _________ people who help for free to supportto win bordersan air raid siren freedom to rescueto flee martial lawa bunker. Match the words with their meanings.volunteersan air raid sirena bunkerto winto flee  to rescueto support freedommartial law borders

Номер слайду 6

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words. The first letter is given. These days the whole world knows about the situation in Ukraine. On February 24th russia crossed Ukrainian 1) b_________ . Over 3 million people had to 2) f_______ and look for safety in other countries. For more than 6 months Ukrainians are fighting for 3) f__________ of their country and nation and they will definitely win. At 5 a.m. russia crossed the borders and started the attack. At that time, the government of Ukraine announced 4) m_________ l__________ . After that, an intensive fight for freedom began. Since that day, 5) a________ r___________ s_________ didn’t stop and a lot of people are still hiding in 6) b______________ . This war united Ukrainians even more as one big family. Everyone helps. There are a lot of 7) v_______________ s who cook for free, who donate, who help people find new homes. Doctors and firefighters 8) r_______________ people non-stop. 9) U____________ a________ f________ defend the cities and villages. Everyone wants to help. Ukraine gets a lot of 10) s___________ from other friendly countries. Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, and others welcome Ukrainians and help them find a place to live,a job, etc. Some countries donate a lot of money. Other countries are trying to stop russia and want to hold peace talks. It’s amazing how the whole world is helping Ukraine in the war against russians. Ukraine is super strong and will definitely win this war. ordersreedomleeartialawiraidirensunkersolunteersescuekrainianrmedorcesupport

Номер слайду 7

1. Ukraine crossed the borders of russia.2. More than four million people had to flee.  3. There is martial law in Ukraine.4. Students have to stop studying.5. Support from other countries is important. True or False6. russia invaded Ukraine on February 22nd. rrrrrr

Номер слайду 8

Stefania. Never knew it, never saw it, ___________________________Evil claws wouldn't get them - ______________________________Showing all the world Your true freedom spirit,_______________________________But without limit. We don't wanna hear another bomb in the distance, _______________________________Stefania, Stefania are all the mothers, and they can hear:“That is victory and we can go to Ukraina!”Stefania mother, mother Stefania______________________________Mum, sing me lullaby, ______________________________Let me hear your voice again, mum,Please, just let me…. Listen to the song and put the phrases into the correct place. And then, sing it together!!Coming from the distance, But they keep resisting, What it means to be a hero. We don't wanna see another innocent victim. Years have passed, your hair’s gone grey, and I can see that. Oh, please, I beg you,

Номер слайду 9


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Never knew it, never saw it,

Coming from the distance,

Evil claws wouldn't get them - but they keep resisting,

Showing all the world

Your true freedom spirit,

What it means to be a hero, but without limit.

We don't wanna hear another bomb in the distance,

We don't wanna see another innocent victim.

Stefania, Stefania, are

All the mothers, they can hear:

“That is victory and we can go to Ukraina!”



Stefania mother, mother Stefania

Years have passed; your hair has gone grey

And I can see that …

Mum, sing me lullaby,

Oh, please, I beg you,

Let me hear your voice again, mum,

Please, just let me….



25 лютого 2023
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