Презентація "Garbage processing in Ukraine".

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Дана презентація містить фото і опис про процес забруднення в Україні. Адже забрудення це досить вагома проблема людства.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Garbage processing in Ukraine.

Номер слайду 2

Waste processing. Waste processing is the implementation of any technological operations associated with changing the physical, chemical or biological properties of waste, with the aim of preparing it for environmentally safe storage, transportation, disposal or removal. Reuse or recycling of production waste or garbage.

Номер слайду 3

Importance of waste recycling. First, the resources of many materials on Earth are limited and cannot be replenished in terms comparable to the time of existence of human civilization. Second, once in the environment, materials usually become pollutants. Third, waste and end-of-life products are often (but not always) a cheaper source of many substances and materials than natural sources.

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In Ukraine. In Ukraine, where the volume of accumulated waste reaches 15-20 billion m3, it is possible to extract gold, silver, platinum, vanadium, titanium, mercury, zinc and others from them. New economic relations and demonopolization of the service sector led to structural changes in sanitary cleaning enterprises, as a result of which enterprises of various forms of ownership were created, the competitive activity of which is not always supported by a regulatory and legal framework.

Номер слайду 5

Garbage burning. Garbage burning. Combustion of MSW allows to significantly reduce their volume and weight; convert substances (including dangerous ones) into inert solids; to destroy substances that would lead to the formation of biogas during direct burial in landfills. It is possible to utilize energy due to the burning of organic components of waste.

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