Презентація "Книга чи фільм?"

Про матеріал
Ця презентація призначена для уроку англійської мови в 8 класі і висвітлює захопливу тему "Книга чи фільм". У ході презентації демонструється порівняння книг та фільмів, які були за основу для їх створення.
Зміст слайдів
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A book or a movie ?

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"Game of Thrones" is an exciting world of the Seven Kingdoms, where summer and winter last for several years, mysterious and terrifying enemies come from the north, and noble families wage a never-ending war for the throne.

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The book tells the story of Isabella "Bella" Swan, who, after moving from Phoenix, Arizona, USA, to the small town of Forks, Washington, falls in love with the vampire Edward Cullen, putting her life in danger.

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The Hunger Games is a dystopian novel by the American writer Suzanne Collins about sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who is forced to participate in the so-called Hunger Games for survival.

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"Home of Strange Children" is a whimsical little book with black and white photos. A book about time travel, children capable of magical things, and terrifying monsters.

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Archie tells about all his victories and failures himself - when something happens, he turns to the reader. It seems to bring you closer to the main character and creates the effect of presence.

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Sherlock Holmes is a brilliant detective, the most attractive detective in the history of the criminal genre and probably the first representative of his profession to win such fame and popular love.

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The Vampire Diaries is a series of books written by Lisa Jane Smith in the style of mystery, fantasy and science fiction. This story is about a girl, Elena Gilbert, whose love two vampire brothers fight for.

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До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
28 січня
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