Презентація майстер-класу для вчителів англійської мови з проблеми “Teaching and learning English vocabulary with pleasure"

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Дика С.М. Майстер-клас для вчителів англійської мови загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів з проблеми “Teaching and Learning English Vocabulary With Pleasure".

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Average Vocabulary Size

Activity 1: “Five Kind Words”

Objectives: to develop lexical competencies; to obtain feedback from participants, and to increase their selfesteem and self-knowledge.

Equipment: paper, pencils or felt-pens

Procedure: Work in a group of 5. Take a piece of paper and a pencil. Draw an outline of your hand and write your name on its "palm". Give this piece of paper to a neighbour on the right of you  and take the piece of paper from the neighbour on the left.  Write an attractive trait of character of the owner of the palm inside one of the “fingers” and pass the sheet to the next participant. The next participants, one by one, have to  do the same thing till the piece of paper doesn’t return to the owner.


o    What feelings do you have when you are reading the inscriptions on your hand?

o    Do you know all your benefits which were written by others?

Activity 2: “A Magic Chair”

Objective: To increase self-identity. Equipment: An empty chair (preferably of a round form ).

Procedure: Put an empty chair in the middle of a circle with the participants who are sitting on their chairs. Invite one of them to take the empty chair. Then the empty chair is declared to be a “magic chair”, and the person, sitting on it, is announced  be the best and most beautiful one. Ask other participants to say compliments to the person on the “magic chair”.

Reflection: Why do we do this?

Ask a person, who was sitting on a chair, to share the experience.

Activity 3: “Let’s Create a “Vocabulary of  a Heart”

Activity 5: “Grow Your Vocabulary”

Activity 6. Song “Skeleton Dance”


Reflection: Game “A Microphone”


Which statement about the importance of words in our life you would like to quote?

2)          What was the most interesting thing for you in our today's workshop?

3)          And what you would like to learn more?

Literature and other Sources:


Амонашвілі Ш.О. Без серця що зрозуміємо? / Ш.О.Амонашвілі. – Х.: Подільський культурно-просвітительський центр імені М.К.Реріха, 2002. – С. 11-24.


Вайлупова Л. П. Виды мотивации изучения иностранного языка [Електронний ресурс] / Л. П. Вайлупова, О. В. Диордиященко. – Режим доступу : http://intkonf.org/vaylupova-lp-diordiyaschenko-ov-vidyi-motivatsii-izucheniyainostrannogo-yazyika/.


Капінус О. Л. Інтернет-ресурси у навчанні вокабуляру англійської мови / О. Л.

Капінус. // Науковий вісник Донбасу. - 2012. - № 3. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/j-pdf/nvd_2012_3_4.pdf.


Козуб М. В. Комп’ютерна лінгводидактика у викладанні іноземних мов /  М. В. Козуб. – Режим доступу: http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/portal/soc_gum/Pipo/2011_3233/11kmvflt.pdf.


McCarthy Michael. English Vocabulary in Use / Michael McCarthy, Felicity O’Dell. – Cabridge University Press, 1996. – 296 pp.


Nation I. S. P. Learning Vocabulary in Another Language [Електронний ресурс] / I. S. P. Nation. – Cambridge University Press, 2001. – Режим доступу :

http://www.corpus4u.org/ forum/upload/forum/2005110612351651.pdf.


10 Ways to Build Your Vocabulary in a Foreign Language.


4 серпня 2018
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