Презентація на тему "Захист навколишнього середовища"

Про матеріал
Даний матеріал може бути використаний в проєктній роботі по темі "Захист навколишнього середовища" на уроках англійської мови в 11 класі. Проєкт передбачає пошукову роботу учнів, основану на краєзнавчому матеріалі.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1


Номер слайду 2

Kate Lisovskaya Ann Shakina Irine Glazunova Eugene Nekrasov Look through our project and think of….

Номер слайду 3

How does the environment influence me? Who won in constant pollution the world? Can you see the future of your town? These questions were put before us

Номер слайду 4

Do you know that… Eight millions tons of oil are spilled into the Earths oceans every year. One ton of recycled paper can save 17 trees and three cubic yards of landfill space. Glass produced from recycled glass instead of raw material reduces related air pollution by 20% and water pollution by 50%.

Номер слайду 5

We discovered, that…   Pavlograd coal pits pollute the Samara with 95 th.m3 a day. The air we breath is polluted by 1mln.20002 th. harmful substances Our plants (especially PMP) throw poisons into the air practically without purifying. Pavlograd atmosphere has 807 tons of harmful Substances. 13 tons of poisons belong to our transport. Average length of living is 65-67 years. The facts shocked us!

Номер слайду 6

We have to send a letter to local authorities to ask them made steps to improve the ecological state in our town Pavlograd We have to pay all peoples attention to protect Nature We made a decision to plant at least a tree for a pupil of our class Our Conclusions

Номер слайду 7

Appeal to the local authorities We are worried about what is happening in our town. We appeal to your reason to save it! Think about the lives of your next generations! Stop polluting our air, water and land! Stop producing dangerous materials at our plants! We demand on your serious steps to improve the ecological State of Pavlograd. Pupils of school №4

Номер слайду 8

Working with our project we Visited the Varniak Ecological Council (Kate Lisovskaya, Irine Glasunova Looked through additional material (Ann Shakina) Used computering technologies (Eugene Nekrasov)

Номер слайду 9

До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
23 березня 2020
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