Презентація "Розваж себе"

Про матеріал
Презентація розрахована для учнів 7 класу. Заснована згідно шкільної програми за підручником Карпюк. Презентація містить новий вокабуляр з даної теми, завданя для практичного опрацювання та тексти для читання.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Entertain youself. Розважте себе

Номер слайду 2

New words. A comedy Комедія. A science fiction film Науково-фантастичний фільм. A cartoon Мультфільм. A historical film Історичний фільм

Номер слайду 3

New words. A horror film Фільм жахів. A musical Мюзикл. An action film Бойовик. A thriller Трилер

Номер слайду 4

New words. Entertainment Розваги. Leisure Дозвілля. To entertain Розважати. To have leisure Мати дозвілля

Номер слайду 5

Match the type of film with its definitions

Номер слайду 6

Positive or negative opinion?

Номер слайду 7

write a short essay about your favorite movie using the words in the box

Номер слайду 8

The cloud of words

Номер слайду 9

Reflexive Pronouns. Коли особа чи предмет справляють дію, спрямоване на себе ми використовуємо зворотні займенники (Reflexive pronouns). В українській мові вони відповідають частки або займеннику себе. Наприклад: Little boy fell and hurt himself. - Маленький хлопчик упав і поранився.

Номер слайду 10

Reflexive Pronouns

Номер слайду 11

GRAMMARI don’t need any help. I can do it ___________ . Edwin fixed his bike all by _____________ . Beth and Chris got a little lost one day on their way back from school. But they found the right way home all by ____________ . Olivia got a very good mark on her English test. She was very pleased with __________.

Номер слайду 12

GRAMMARThe teacher said to the class: “I would like you to do the exercises ________ . There’s no need to shut the garage gate. It does that all by __________ . Catherine and Abby are sisters. Yesterday, they made their lunchboxes __________ . At the wedding reception, there was a buffet where we could just help _________ .

Номер слайду 13

GRAMMARMr. Jones said to his wife: “No need to call the plumber darling, I can fix the tap ___________ . When she was five years old, Mary taught __________ to ride a bicycle. The teacher said to the class: “For the next five minutes, you are free to talk ___________ . The computer keeps turning ___________ off and I don’t know why!

Номер слайду 14

MY VISIT ТО THE CINEMAI really enjoy going to the cinema; it is one of the favourite pastimes even though I don’t really go there often. Fortunately, the cinema isn’t too far away from where I live and I can get there by bus within ten minutes. I am very lucky to live in a big town because it means that I have a choice of cinemas and a wider choice of films. Watching films is always very relaxing and entertaining. The convenience of the cinema is that you can choose what time you want to go because there are usually a number of showings. You know, it is popular to go out somewhere first and then go on to a late-night film.

Номер слайду 15

MY VISIT ТО THE CINEMAThe cinema is particularly popular among students because they don’t have to pay full price for some films and is therefore a reasonably cheap form of entertainment. There are a variety of films available today. I especially like comedies or love stories. Detective stories with a lot of action and suspense grab my attention also. I particularly enjoy films where you become so involved with the story that you forget you are sitting in a cinema. The last film I went to see was an American comedy (Thriller called «Who’s Watching the Baby-sitter? »). I really enjoyed it because it was funny, it had a lot of action in it and the end was so unexpected. Nowadays cinemas are so comfortable that it is almost like being at home so it is a luxury to go to the cinema.

Номер слайду 16

TRUE/FALSEI often go to the cinema. I am so happy that I live in a town. Students don’t like going to the cinema. I don’t like detective stories. The last film I saw was not interesting. It wasn’t predictable.

Номер слайду 17

TRUE/FALSECinemas are uncomfortable today. My favourite type of films is comedy. I like going to the cinema in the afternoon. It takes me a lot of time to go to the cinema. We can watch different types of films in our cinema. Going to the cinema isn’t cheap for the students

Номер слайду 18

New words. A character Персонаж. A plot Сюжет. A title Назва. Catchy Помітний. Confusing Збиває з пантелику. Convincing Переконливо. Fascinating Захоплюючий. Spectacular Ефектний

До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
11 березня 2023
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