Презентація "Сендвіч"-нестандартний урок з англійської мови.

Про матеріал

В цьому році виповнюється 256 років до винаходу сендвіча. Жителі англійського міста Сендвіч, де вперше був з'їдений такий бутерброд, відзначають це кулінарне свято.Відповідно до історії міста,знатний англійський граф Джон Монтегю вперше замовив сендвіч в 1762 році.Повідомляється, що він грав в карти з друзями і захотів щось з'їсти, але тільки без ножа і вилки. Він попросив подати скибочки яловичини між двома шматками хліба - і так народився сендвіч

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Project “Make sandwich” Teacher Kondrashova Olena Volodumurivna School of Rozluv

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The inventor of the sandwich can be considered by John Montagu, the Fourth Earl of Sandwich. Legend goes that he was a gambler and demanded meat between two slices of bread so he wouldn’t have to get up from his games. he demanded that he bring a light snack in the form of meat between two slices of bread. Friends of John were also ordered a snack, they really liked it. John Montagu

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Every people have devised their own type of sandwich. For example, the French were to him add various sauces and pastes.

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Americans under a sandwich at all imply the multi-layered structure with meat, tomatoes, lettuce, mayonnaise.

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The Germans, think of the name "butterbrot"-"bread and butter", they are also invented add as a filling of sausage, to do which were great masters.

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But the fact that a sandwich in the literal sense of conquered the whole world and became the most popular and mass food.

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The sandwich is 256 years old and residents in the English town of Sandwich, where the bread meal was first eaten, are celebrating their culinary history.

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I take one egg,some sausage,some tomatoes,some mayonnaise.

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I like make sandwich ! Very much!

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Ukrainians under a sandwich at all black bread,lard with onion. They think it’s the best sandwich in the world. Maybe some black bread, mustard and salted herring very tasty too.

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Thank you The end

29 березня 2018
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