Quiz "Christmas Party "

Про матеріал
Квіз для молодших класів з англійської мови. У квесті є загадки , вірші , цікаві завдання та пісенька.
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 «Christmas Party»  Quiz

Мета : формувати знання учнів з теми свята ; розвивати навички читання, аудіювання, говоріння та письма; розвивати інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови за допомогою цікавих ігрових форм навчання ; розширювати кругозір учнів.

Хід уроку

Teacher : Good morning , everyone!  How are you today ?

Відповіді учнів…..

Стук у двері .

Teacher: Who is knocking at the door. Are you waiting for Santa Claus at the moment ?....

Let’s call him.

Children (pupils) Santa, Santa where are you?

Тоді заходить Санта

Ho! Ho! Ho!

I am here !

Hello, my dear friends!

I am Santa Claus!

I am very old

My land is very, very cold

In my sleigh with two reindeer

I bring presents every year.


Merry Christmas everyone!

Children, do you like presents?

Тоді діти хором відповідають : Yes, of course.

Santa: I brought many presents for you, but I lost my friend.

Teacher: Can we help Santa find reindeer.

 We are glad to see you today at our party.  You know that Christmas is the best holiday for millions of people around the world. And today we are going to speak about the greatest wonderful and exciting holiday.

Christmas is a season when you have fun on the snow:

-         A day when  Jesus Christ was born

-         A time when you can sing carols

-         A time when you get presents

Let’s start our party!

Some pupils prepare very interesting poems and  carols. Now , let’s listen to them with great pleasure.

Task 1.


Merry , merry Christmas

Is likely to come

Merry , merry Christmas

You are welcome !


Father Frost

Bring many toys

 For little girls

And little boys.


Hello! I am winter

I am white and beautiful

I come with cold and snow

But you like me I know


The snow is falling

The wind is blowing

The ground is white

All day and all night.

Teacher: Good job.

Look at the board . We have the  first part.

Task 2.

Teacher: Come here and choose a toy you want for Christmas.

I want a doll ….for Christmas

Task 3.Лунає пісня “Jingle bells” .

And now let’s sing together a Christmas song. Santa come here and sing with us.

Teacher : Look at the board , we have the second part.

Task 4. Teacher: You have a find correct letters and make up right words.

Task 5.“Solve the Riddles”Загадки зроблені у формі подарунків , які є на ялинці.

Now , very interesting task for you.

  1. It’s blue by night

By day it’s white

It is cold and hot dry

It falls from the sky .( SNOW)

  1. What man cannot live inside the house? (A SNOWMAN)
  2. I come with cold and snow . But children like me and know. (WINTER)
  3. We decorate… with toys, glass balls, sweets, bells (CHRISTMAS TREE)
  4. Which month of the year is the shortest ? ( FEBRUARY)
  5. We dream about them all night before Xmas? ( PRESENTS OR GIFTS)
  6. The place where the English children hang their stockings at night waiting for their presents (FIREPLACE)
  7.  In what season we celebrate Christmas ?  ( in winter)
  8. What games children like to play in winter?  (they play snowballs, make a snowman, ski, skate)
  9.                    Who bring a lot of presents and comes at night? (Santa Claus)

Teacher : Look at the board , we have the third part.

Task 6 .“ Do the Crossword”

Teacher : What it is? P: It is a stocking ….

O, we have the forth part

Task 7.

Teacher : Here is a task . You have to choose a correct answer.

Look , we have the fifth part.

Reindeer is ready. Teacher: What is this?  Santa , is this your friend?

Santa: Yes, of course. Thank you , me dear children .

Task 8. Let’s find Christmas wishes .

Olenka , pick one…I wish you a good mood….

На дошці прикріплений Миколай “I wish you…. Учні по одному підходять і вибирають, що вони бажатимуть  один одному у Новому році.

Task 9. На завершення лунає ця пісня “We wish you a merry Christmas”. . Тут підходить Санта Клаус і співає разом з дітьми.

Santa: Oh, today I have seen very clever, nice and polite children . I want to thank you for saving this Christmas . Thank you Vasylyna… ( вручення сертифікатів)

The end


Гілевич Тетяна
20 листопада 2023
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