Розробка інтегрованого уроку з англійської мови за темою "Музика навколо світу"

Про матеріал
Урок можна провести як підсумковий з теми «Англомовні країни», «Свята», «Традиції», «Музика в нашому житті» або як позакласний захід під час тижня іноземної мови
Перегляд файлу

Комунальний заклад освіти «Середня загальноосвітня школа №97

імені П.І. Шкідченка» Дніпровської міської ради












з англійської мови

для 8-го класу

за темою: «Музика навколо світу»











вчитель англійської мови

Пустова Надія Григорівна






Урок можна провести як підсумковий з теми «Англомовні країни», «Свята», «Традиції», «Музика в нашому житті» або як позакласний захід під час тижня іноземної мови

Тема: «Музика навколо світу»

Тип урок: інтегрований (краєзнавство, географія та музика)

Цілі: досягнення атмосфери співробітництва в класі, активізація пізнавальної діяльності учнів, розвиток громадської самосвідомості дитини та формування здатності до колективної праці.

Завдання: формувати вміння працювати в групах і парах; учити учнів викладати свою точку зору англійською мовою; вдосконалювати мовленнєві навички учнів: фонематичний, інтонаційний слух, здатність до імітації; мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів; готовність до іншомовного спілкування; вміння логічно викладати свою думку; уяву учнів в умовах роботи в парах; слухову, зорову пам'ять; виховувати толерантне ставлення до думки співрозмовника, культуру спілкування, групову відповідальність.

Методи та прийоми: робота в групах і парах, комунікативний метод.


Dear friends!

Compere 1. You are welcome to our meeting of English songs lovers.

Compere 2. I am sorry for interrupting you, but I want to add. We are fond of English songs as well as Russian and Ukrainian, aren't we?

C1. Yes, we are. So let's make a trip all over the world and sing our favourite songs.

C2. But first of all let's choose a kind of transport. Who can help us?

P1. I can!

One, one, one,

Little dogs run.

Two, two, two,

Cats see you...

Five, five, five,

Planes in the sky.

P2. I agree with you. The best way of travelling is by plane, because...

P3. As for me, I prefer a sea voyage, because…

C1. A sea voyage is a real pleasure if you don't have a sea-sick. By the way, do you remember a song about traveling by sea?

C2. No doubt, it has been one of our favorite songs since childhood. Let's sing

“The ship is sailing”.

C1. So, you see, friendship unites children and grown-ups. Our young “colleagues”, it's time for you (sing a song «Дружать в морі»)

C2. Thanks a lot. It's wonderful. We enjoyed your singing.

C1. Well, across the English Channel we have come to Great Britain. How nice!

C2. By the way, what languages do the people of Great Britain speak?

C1. English, of course!

C2. It goes without saying. And besides English, they speak Irish in Ireland, Welsh in Wales and Scottish in Scotland.

C1. What do you know about Great Britain?

a) Great Britain is situated in…;

b) London - the capital of Great Britain;

c) Some questions about Great Britain, London.

C2. Can you read (write, speak) English (Russian, Ukrainian)? How many languages can you speak? What languages can you speak?

C1. Let's imagine that you are at the disco club and want to make acquaintance with a girl (sing a song “Do you speak English?”)

C2. Scotland is a part of Great Britain. Tell us something about Scotland:

a) Scotland is a part of the UK…;

b) Robert Burns is…

c) “My Heart in the Highland”

C1. As you know the Scots as well as the English like to sing...

“My Bonnie is over the ocean”

C2. Every country has its own traditions. The English people keep their traditions with great honour:

a) English traditions;

b) St. Valentine's Day;

c) New Year.

Sing a song "Jingle Bells"

C1. Another English speaking country is the USA. What do you know about the USA?

a) The USA;

b) American holidays;

c) New York.

C2. As you know New York is a business centre of the USA. It is well-known for the Stock Exchange. We wish you to be healthy, wealthy and wise (sing a song “Money, money")

C1. Let's have a rest and play a very funny game (sing a song “Father Abraham”)

In Canada children like to sing "Alouette" (sing a song "Alouette")

C2. English is spoken all over the world. Meet guests from India

a) Kipling;

b) “Six Serving Men”;

c) “Ten Bananas”.

C1. So you see, children all over the world like to sing. Youth is the future of the world, we want to live in peace (sing a song “We shall overcome”)

C2. Our young friends will sing and dance their favourite song  (sing a song "The ducklings' dance")

C1. Our traveling is going to be over. We have come back to our native land, Ukraine

a) Ukraine;

b) Kiev – the capital of Ukraine.

C2. Our favourite Ukrainian song is «Веселкова». Follow us! Let’s sing!


















Songs addition

The Ship Is Sailing

The ship is sailing

The flag is waving

Hello, my friend (2)

The sun is shining

The stars are smiling

Hello, my friend, hello!

Through rain and thunder

We see the wonder

With you, my friend. (2)

We'll be together

In any weather

With you, my friend, with you!

Do You Speak English?

1. Do you speak English?

– Yes, but just a little bit.

2. Are you from Chille?

– No, I am not. I'm from Brazil.

3. My name is Willy.

– And what's your name and where are you from?

4. My name is Allice.

– I am from Washington, D. C.

5. I'm glad to meet you.

– So I am glad to meet you too.

My Bonnie

My Bonnie is over the ocean

My Bonnie is over the sea

My Bonnie is over the ocean

Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me

Bring back, bring back

Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me, to me

Bring back, bring back

Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me

My Bonnie is over the ocean

My Bonnie is over the sea

My Bonnie is over the ocean

Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me

Bring back, bring back

Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me, to me

Oh, bring back, bring back

Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me

Father Abraham

Father Abraham had many sons

And many sons had Father Abraham

I am one of them - you are too

So let us pray the Lord

Right hand – left hand,

Right foot – left foot,

Head up – head down,

Clap your hands — and sit down.

We Shall Overcome

We shall overcome

We shall overcome some day

Oh, deep in my heart I do believe

We shall overcome some day

We'll walk hand in hand.

We are not afraid (2)

We are not afraid today.

We shall live in peace.

The truth will make us free.

We shall overcome.


Про калину пісня лине,

До неба злітає.

Гей, родино, Україна веселкою грає.

Сине небо обіймає золоті роздоли,

Нас чекає, зустрічає веселкова доля.

Хай у кожному серці,

Наче сонячна мрія,

Заспіває веселка

На добро і надію.

Понад світом дивоцвітом веселка іскриться,

Будем дбати, шанувати

Прадавні криниці, Ярославові поради, Кобзареве слово,

Честь козацької громади, солов'їну мову.

The Ducklings' Dance

One and two, and three, and four

We are dancing on the floor,

We are dancing on the floor

Clap, clap, clap, clap.

We are playing with the hands

Look at our smiling face

Look at our smiling face.

We can jump the rope

We can skate and ski

We are strong and happy

As only children can happy be.


Дружать в морі – дружать в морі корабли.

Дружать в небі — дружать сонце і зірки.

Дружать діти на Землі.

Дружба потрібна тобі і мені.

З піснею крокуєм по Землі,

Пісня наш хороший і наді йний друг,

То ж дай руку друг мені скоріш.

Money, Money, Money

I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay

Ain't it sad

And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me

That's too bad

In my dreams I have a plan

If I got me a wealthy man

I wouldn't have to work at all, I'd fool around and have a ball

Money, money, money

Must be funny

In the rich man's world

Money, money, money

Always sunny

In the rich man's world

Aha aha

All the things I could do

If I had a little money

It's a rich man's world

It's a rich man's world

A man like that is hard to find but I can't get him off my mind

Ain't it sad

And if he happens to be free I bet he wouldn't fancy me

That's too bad

So I must leave, I'll have to go

To Las Vegas or Monaco

And win a fortune in a game, my life will never be the same

Money, money, money

Must be funny

In the rich man's world

Money, money, money

Always sunny

In the rich man's world

Aha aha

All the things I could do

If I had a little money

It's a rich man's world

Money, money, money

Must be funny

In the rich man's world

Money, money, money

Always sunny

In the rich man's world

Aha aha

All the things I could do

If I had a little money

It's a rich man's world

It's a rich man's world

Jingle Bells

Dashing through the snow

In a one-horse open sleigh

Over the fields we go

Laughing all the way

Bells on bob-tail ring

Making our spirits bright

What fun it is to ride and sing

A sleighing song tonight

Jingle bells, jing-jingle bells

Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh


Alouette, little Alouette,

Alouette, play the game with me!

Put your finger on your head,

Put your finger on your head,

On your head, on your head,

Don’t forget, Alouette! Oh!

Alouette, little Alouette,

Alouette, play the game with me!

Put your finger on your nose,

Put your finger on your nose,

On your nose, on your nose,

On your head, on your head,

Don’t forget, Alouette! Oh!

Alouette, little Alouette,

Alouette, play the game with me!

Put your finger on your mouth,

Put your finger on your mouth,

On your mouth, on your mouth,

On your nose, on your nose,

On your head, on your head,

Don’t forget, Alouette! Oh!

Alouette, little Alouette,

Alouette, play the game with me!

Put your finger on your chin,

Put your finger on your chin,

On your chin, on your chin,

On your mouth, on your mouth,

On your nose, on your nose,

On your head, on your head,

Don’t forget, Alouette! Oh!

Audio addation:

1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KNedjsgnwY (My Bonnie)

2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASXowiv3FAc (Father Abraham)

3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM39QUiAsoM (We Shall Overcome)

4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHCLi3qV3us (Веселкова)

5) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETxmCCsMoD0 (Money, Money, Money)

6) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLf0-lro8X8 (Jingle Bells)

7) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDmwzyfuneY  (Alouette)

5 березня 2021
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