Розробка контрольної роботи з письма

Про матеріал

Розробка завдань контрольної роботи з письма за темою "Я, моя родина, мої друзі" , включає завдання на переклад з української на англійську та навпаки, завдання на добір визначення, вживання інфінітива та герундія, творче завдання.

Перегляд файлу

Test 1(I- variant)

  1. Translate from English into Ukrainian.
  1. I'm looking forward to going on holiday.
  2. All the happiness of my life depends on your loving me.
  3. I insist on being told the truth.
  4. The pupils stopped talking when the teacher entered the classroom

2. Translate from Ukrainian into English.

  1. Я не можу уявити своє життя без перегляду телебачення.
  2. Я ненавиджу танцювати
  3. Моя сестра божеволіє від читання коміксів.
  4. Чи  варто переглянути цей фільм?

3. Write the words to their definition

  1. Who likes to talk about other people’s private life?
  2. Who doesn’t eat meat?
  3. Who spend a lot of time sitting and watching television?
  4. Who was born in July?( Birth sign)
  5. Who knows what he wants and tries hard to get it? 

4. Use the appropriate form of the infinitive or gerund

  1. Why do you avoid (to speak) to me?
  2. Fred managed … (to find) a taxi.
  3. Tom has given up … (to smoke).
  4. It’s a hard job (to teach) children.
  5. Anna’s parents expect … (to get) a letter from her soon.

5. Whom can you call the real friend? Why? What is a real friend for you?



Test 1(II- variant)

  1. Translate from English into Ukrainian.
  1. He has always dreamt of visiting other countries.
  2. І don't feel like seeing him.
  3. Bob stopped to look at the watch.
  4. The firemen are trying to put out the fire.

2. Translate from Ukrainian into English.

  1. Я захоплююся пошуком в інтернеті та слуханням музики.
  2. Він з нетерпінням чекає подорожі у нові країни.
  3. Вона не переносить дивитися жостокі фільм.
  4. Я думаю тобі краще подзвонити йому ввечорі.

3. Write the words to their definition

  1. Who talks all the time?
  2. Who knows everything about computers?
  3. Who was born on Christmas?( Birth sign)
  4. Who is friendly and open?
  5. Who always tells the true?

4. Use the appropriate form of the infinitive or gerund

  1. He was very glad of (to help) in his difficulty.
  2. The problem is not worth (to discuss).
  3. We decided … (to stay) at home.
  4. Imagine … (to be) married to a millionaire!
  5. Fred managed … (to find) a taxi.

5. Write down the situation or an incident when your friend prove to be a real friend.





Test 1(I- variant)

  1. Translate from English into Ukrainian.
  1. I'm looking forward to going on holiday.
  2. All the happiness of my life depends on your loving me.
  3. I insist on being told the truth.
  4. The pupils stopped talking when the teacher entered the classroom

2. Translate from Ukrainian into English.

  1. Я не можу уявити своє життя без перегляду телебачення.
  2. Я ненавиджу танцювати
  3. Моя сестра божеволіє від читання коміксів.
  4. Чи  варто переглянути цей фільм?

3. Write the words to their definition

  1. Who likes to talk about other people’s private life?
  2. Who doesn’t eat meat?
  3. Who spend a lot of time sitting and watching television?
  4. Who was born in July?( Birth sign)
  5. Who knows what he wants and tries hard to get it? 

4. Use the appropriate form of the infinitive or gerund

  1. Why do you avoid (to speak) to me?
  2. Fred managed … (to find) a taxi.
  3. Tom has given up … (to smoke).
  4. It’s a hard job (to teach) children.
  5. Anna’s parents expect … (to get) a letter from her soon.

5. Whom can you call the real friend? Why? What is a real friend for you?



Test 1.(I- variant)

Translate from Ukrainian into English.

  1. I can not imagine my life without watching television.
  2.  I hate to dance/dancing
  3. My sister is crazy about reading comics.
  4. Is it worth watching this movie?

3. Write the words to their definition

  1. Gossip
  2. Vegetarian
  3. Coach potato
  4. Cancer/leo
  5. determined

4. Use the appropriate form of the infinitive or gerund

  1. Why do you avoid speaking to me?
  2. Fred managed to find a taxi.
  3. Tom has given up smoking.
  4. It’s a hard job to teach children.
  5. Anna’s parents expect to get a letter from her soon.










Test 1.(II- variant)

Translate from Ukrainian into English.

1. I am fond of searching the Internet and listening to music.

2. He is looking forward to travel to new countries.

3. She can not stand watching horror films.

4. I think it's better for you to call him in the evening.

3. Write the words to their definition

  1. Chatter box
  2. Computer wizard
  3. Capricorn
  4. out-going
  5. honest

4. Use the appropriate form of the infinitive or gerund

  1. He was very glad of helping in his difficulty.
  2. The problem is not worth discussing.
  3. We decided to stay at home.
  4. Imagine being married to a millionaire!
  5. Fred managed to find a taxi.








Test 1.(III- variant)

Translate from Ukrainian into English.

  1. He is too angry to listen to our explanation.
  2. I’m afraid I forgot to switch off the light at home.
  3. My sister is crazy about watching television.
  4. Is it worth visiting this concert ?

3. Write the words to their definition

  1. Caring
  2. Gossip
  3. Coach potato
  4. Taurus/Gemini
  5. determined

4. Use the appropriate form of the infinitive or gerund

  1. When do you finish to studing?
  2. After having been looked through the papers were registered.
  3. I don’t feel like cooking.
  4. Would you mind  passing the salt?
  5. My sister spends ages talking on the phone.



















До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
25 липня 2018
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