Розробка уроку англійської мови для 9 класу з теми "Who Are You?"

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Розробка уроку англійської мови для 9 класу з теми "Who Are You?" (підтема "Youth Subcultures") за підручником Оксани Карпюк, 2017) з використанням інтерактивних технологій.

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Teacher: I.Petrova           Form: 9A   Date:18.10.2017

Form: 9

Topic: Youth Subcultures


Практична: Практикувати учнів у писемному та усному мовленні.  Активізувати вживання лексичних одиниць теми та граматичного  матеріалу «Герундій».  Розвивати навички аудіювання. Практикувати учнів у переглядовому читанні. Тренувати учнів у вживанні герундія в усному та писемному мовленні. Вчити учнів співпрацювати у групах;  вести дискусію; складати діалог – розпитування.

Освітня: Розширювати філологічний світогляд учнів. Збагачувати знання учнів з теми «Молодіжні субкультури»

Розвиваюча: Розвивати слухову пам'ять учнів, слуховий контроль, коротко -  та довготривалу пам'ять, здатність самостійно планувати мовний вчинок; логічно, послідовно висловлювати думки англійською мовою.

Виховна: Виховувати культуру спілкування, повагу до оточуючих, здатність до співпраці, інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови.

Обладнання: Підручник для 9 класу, прислівя Tastes differ”, девізWhere there is the willthere is the way”, аудіо запис пісні Show me your face”, граматична вправа; індивідуальне завдання; презентація «Молодіжні субкультури»,  відео https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n09BncaEvh4

картки для самооцінювання.

Перебіг  уроку

І.Початок уроку. Організація класу. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку учням

T.:  Good morning, friends! I hope you are doing well.

You know, I am so absent-minded. I need your help. Look at the blackboard and try to guess the topic of our lesson.

Today we are going to learn more about youth, we’ll refresh our active vocabulary and the grammar material concerning Gerund and its usage, have a discussion. At the end of the lesson you are to make up dialogues about different youth subcultures.

II. Warm- up

T.: Have a look at the blackboard.

Tastes differ

What do you think of this proverb? Do you agree with it? Why (not)?

Sure, we all are different. Some of us are optimistic and cheerful, honest and sincere, others are shy or jealous. And some of us are good actors. Let’s play our favourite game called “Show and guess”.

Chatterbox; bully; workaholic; gossip, computer geek.

T.: You see, if you try hard – you succeed.

So the motto of our lesson is: Where there is the will – there is the way

III. Check on homework

T.: What subultures do you know? Tell about one of them!

T.: I am eager to listen to your projects. Be ready to comment upon the works of your groupmates and give the marks!

IV. Grammar review

T.: We notice that many of you used Gerund in your stories. So you see it is really important to know the peculiarities of Gerund. Besides, it’s quite convenient! Let’s practice a bit! Here are some cards. … and …. will work individually. Read the assignment and say if it’s clear to you. … will work at the blackboard.

Complete the sentences using the proper grammar form of the verb!

1. I don’t mind (to meet) tonight. It’s a good idea.

2. My mom can’t stand (to eat) spicy food. She hates spices.

3. We are looking forward (hear) from you! Come back as soon as possible!

4. We decided (to contact) him. We need his advice.

5. This leather jacket is worth (to buy). It’s of a good quality, I should say.

 T.: The rest of the pupils should be attentive and smart while doing the exercise!

Cards for individual work:

Card 1.

Complete the sentences using the proper grammar form of the verb!

1. I can’t stand (get up) so early.

2. He (be) not so good at (play football), I should say.

3. They do not mind  (invite) her.

4. I can’t help (laugh) when I watch this film.

5. He decided  (enter) this college.

Card 2.

Complete the sentences using the proper grammar form of the verb!

1. She is fond of (dance).

2. They are crazy about  (swim).

3. He doesn’t mind (do) it today.

4. I’d like (become) a surgeon.

5. She can’t help (smile) when she sees him.


V. Listening. Skimming. Speaking

T. : Do modern teens often socialize online? You know some young people spend hours in social networks not even knowing the real name or face of their online pals. Listen to the song and complete the words of the song.

Show Me Your Face!

I am __________to send an___________

_______________I can’t see your face.

I ____ ____________to meet you ___day

Out in time and __________.

           Show me your face.    Am  I asking _____?

           Out time and ____________

           All I _______is _________touch.

I am ________to_________for night and day.

I am going to __________you.

Can you help me to _________the way

To make all my dreams _______ ______.



T.: Let’s check! By the way, have you heard about Weblish?  To learn more about it look through the text of ex. 8, p.50 and say the definition of Weblish. Do you use it? Why (not)?

T.: Let’s have a look at ex. 9, p.50. Who can transform this message in Weblish into usual spoken English?

Key: Hi, Ann!

How is your trip? My friends and me are very busy here. They all send their love to you. What are your plans for the rest of the holidays?

Write, please! See you soon!



V. Discussion

T.: Do you spend much time in the I-net? Still, you should always remember about safety online. Here are some cards. Make up 3 groups according to them!

Cards: Facebook, Instagram, Viber.

Work in groups and think over why it can be dangerous to be online. You may use the information provided in ex.12, p.53!

T.: When you are ready, raise up your hand, please!

VI. Dialogues

T.: So, what youth subcultures do you know? Let’s watch this video and complete this scheme! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n09BncaEvh4


Work in pairs and make up dialogues asking each other about different subcultures according to the cards you get!




new age travelers



VII. Homework

T.: At home you are to get ready for the test. Refresh everything in your memory and  write an essay about any youth subculture you like. Is the task clear to you?

VII. Summing up. Assessment

T.: What have we done at the lesson? What did(n’t) you like? Why (not)?

…., please, assess and comment upon the work of your groupmates.

Tick to choose the appropriate variant. Try to be sincere!


I was ………..at




Very good























T.: The lesson is over! See you!





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Всього відгуків: 2
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    Відповідність темі
29 грудня 2017
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4.5 (2 відгука)
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