Розробка уроку англійської мови в 10 класі (Мистецтво) в умовах карантину

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Цей матеріал можна використати під час підготовки до уроку англійської мови в 10 класі (Мистецтво) в умовах карантину
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My dear students! Not to let you forget English, catch the following:

Our theme is «The art gallery. Past Perfect Continuous Tense»

  1. Do the Ex2 p. 176.

Try to explain the meanings of the words and phrases. Write them down into your exercise books. Find out the definitions of unknown words. Use a dictionary if you need.

a handy map — a specially designed (printed) guide that allows to get information about a certain place
an entrance ticket — a ticket allowing a person to get into a place, such as
a museum
to avoid the crowds — to get away of masses of tourists
reasonably priced caf és — low priced / cheap / not expensive caf és
to borrow audio guide for fee — to take up an audio guide paying some money

 photography is permitted — it is allowed to take photos
be organised into “wings” — be organised into outbuilding parts.
a personal discovery — an individual finding

  1. Do Ex. 3, p. 176.
    listen to the advice and explain what you should do to get an audio guide. ( додається окремим аудіо - файлом)
  2. Do ex. 4, p. 176.
    listen to the advice again and answer the questions  And write your answers into your exercise – books. Send me your anwers
  3. Watch  the videos   about  “The National Gallery Collection”
  1. Read the information about the national gallery of london and describe your imaginary visit there. Choose your variant of guiding and exploring the gallery.
    Don’t forget to use some of the linking words:
    - First, second, next, further, last, finally, in addition, moreover, also;
    - So, as a result, therefore, thus, due to;
    - In fact, obviously, especially;
    - For example, such as;
    - Because, as, that is why, while, not only … but also.  

Send me your anwers ( it maybe a  screenshot, a scan, a photo  or a Word file)

  1. Do Ex1.p175 in your exercise books.
  2.  Revise  the grammatical material of the topic « Past Perfect Continuous Tense »
  • Read the rule on page 173.

the Past Perfect tense talks about the “Past in the Past”. to define then tense you should understand what action took place earlier (Past Perfect) and what — later (Past Simple).
had + Ved at the examples in the table and compare the places of the verbs in the Past Perfect.

- Watch  the videos: 

        8) Виконати тестові  завдання за посиланням:

join.naurok.ua (використати цей код: 168545 , відкривши посилання, далі введіть прізвище та ім’я та натисніть приєднатись)








 Термін виконання завдань відкрито до 10.04.2020 р до 18.00



  1. Do ex1-7 p 173-175 in your exercise books. Send me your anwers ( it maybe a  screenshot, a scan, a photo  or a Word file)

Good luck!

13 квітня 2020
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