Розробка уроку " CHRISTMAS"

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Матеріал уроку являє собою збірку вправ та творчих завдань краєзнавчого характеру, які можуть бути використані як на звичайному уроці, так і на факультативних заняттях з обдарованими та творчими учнями.
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Developing speaking, reading and listening skills;

Educating students with respect to the world’s culture;



Sources of reading,


Course of lesson:


  1. Warming-up:

Song:”Silent night”


Silent night, holy night!

All in calm all is bright

Round you Virgin mother and child

Holy Infant so tender and mild

Sleep in heavenly peace

Sleep in heavenly peace.


Silent night, holy night!

Shepherds first saw the light,

Heard resounding clear and long,

Far and near the angel song:

Christ the Saviour is here,

Christ the saviour is here.


Silent night, holy night!

Son if God, oh how bright,

Love is smiling from shy face,

Peals for us the hour of grass.

Christ our Saviour is born,

Christ our Saviour is born.


2. Giving the topic


Teacher: We are going to speak about one of the most important holiday of the world-Christmas. At first I propose you to do the activity which is called “Christmas Similes”


A simile is a phrase or sentence that compares one thing to another using the words “like” or “as”


For example: Rudolph’s nose is as red as a berry.


Now it is your turn. Complete the following similes and write some of your own.


1. A Christmas tree is like a________________________________.

2. Santa is as _____________ as ___________________.

3. The bells sounded like __________________.

4. On Christmas day I am as ________ as a __________.

5. The present was as ___________________.

6. The present was like a __________________.


3. Reading


At Christmas, people remember when Jesus Christ was born and the Christian religion started. Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem, about two thousand years ago. The people who followed Jesus’ teaching were the first Christians.

Today Christmas is a very important time in the Christian year, but it is also very important to those who do not go to church. It is a time for buying and giving presents, having parties, and being with family. People start to get ready for Christmas in late October or early November. Shop-keepers decorate their shop with lights, trees and other decorations, and shoppers start to look for presents. People with family and friends in other countries often send cards and presents, and everyone begins to make plans for the coming holiday.

The cards say things like “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year” or “Season’s Greetings” These two traditions both started in the middle of the nineteenth century. Many children learn about the baby Jesus at school. Sometimes they do a play about the story and sing Christmas songs, called carols, for their mothers and fathers.

The Christmas holiday begins on 24 December: Christmas Eve. People often stop work early and have a drink together, or finish their Christmas shopping. They cover the presents in special paper, and put them under the tree. Children leave a stocking for Santa Claus is a big man with white hair and red clothes who brings presents for children during the night. If the house has a fireplace, the children sometimes leave their stocking by the fire because Santa Claus comes down the chimney. Mothers tell their children that if they are good children, he leaves presents in the stockings, if they are bad he leaves a piece of coal.

Many people go to church at midnight on Christmas Eve. Christmas dinner is in the afternoon and is the biggest meal of the day. Before they start to eat, people pull crackers. Dinner is usually turkey with lots of winter vegetables and then hot mince pies or a Christmas pudding. At three o’clock many people in Britain turn their television on because the Queen says: ”Happy Christmas” to everyone. Boxing Day (26 December) is also a holiday in Britain

The Christmas season ends on the twelfth day after 25 December, which is 6 January.




T/F sentences:

  1. Jesus was born in the town of Nazareth about 2000 years ago.
  2. Christmas is a very important time being with family.
  3. People start to get ready for Christmas in late November.
  4. The tradition to send cards started in the seventeenth century.
  5. Many children learn about Christmas at school.
  6. The children leave their stockings by the fireplace, because Santa Claus comes down the chimney.
  7. In the evening, people eat cold meat, Christmas cake, fruit and nuts.
  8. The Christmas season ends on the twentieth day after 25 December.


4. Filling in the blanks with words from the box:


Checks             nice               sing                               fills

naughty          beard            Boxing                      Eve

North Pole       decorate             elves              workshop

lap                  baked                turkey                          lights

cards                  presents                  under                chimney

sleigh                 holiday                reindeer                  family

coal                   toys                      merry                     spirit   






Christmas is a __________ when people get together with _________. People give ___________ to each other or send _______ wising each other a ____________ Christmas. As well, people _________ carols to get into the Christmas trees and put up __________ around the house. A common Christmas dinner is _________. There are also lots of __________ goodies for kids. Christmas begins on the day before Christmas, or Christmas _________ and continues until _______ day, when many people go shopping for sales.


Santa Claus:


Santa Claus is an old man with a white ____________ that lives at the ________. Children sit on Santa’s _________ and tell him what they want for Christmas. Santa ________ his list to see if the children have been _______ or ______ .If the children are good Santa brings them _______. If the children are bad Santa brings them __________. The toys are made in Santa’s _________ by _________. Santa travels around the world pulling by flying ________. When stops at a house, he goes down the _______ and puts presents ______ the tree and then he _______the stockings.


5. Christmas Quiz


  1. What is traditionally eaten on Christmas Day in Britain?


  1. roast beef
  2. tripe
  3. roast turkey


  1. Which country gives a Christmas tree to the British people every year to put up in Trafalgar Square?

a)  Norway

b)  Sweden

c)  Finland


3. What is inside Christmas pudding as a surprise?

a)  gold

b)  silver

c)  bronze


4. What did people use to put inside mince pies in medieval times?

a)  fruit

b)  mince meat

c)   nuts


  1. Whose annual speech is broadcast on Christmas Day?
  1. the Prime Minister
  2. the Archbishop of Canterbury
  3. .the Queen


6    In Britain the 26 the of December is known as

a)    Boxing Day

b)    St. Stephen Day

c)    Christmas eve



6. Writing: “A letter to Santa”


Dear Santa Claus,

Christmas is coming and I am looking forward to your visit. This year, I would like many things for Christmas:

First of all, ______________________________________

As well, _________________________________________

Finally, _________________________________________

I have been a good _______ this year, so I think I deserve these presents. Three good things I have done are:

(1) ____________________________________________

(2) _____________________________________________

(3) ____________________________________________

When you come down the chimney, please look in the kitchen. I am going to leave ________ and _________ on the table for you to have. Thank you Santa, I am very excited.


7. Homework:  prepare a project work “Christmas card”.


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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
30 січня 2020
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