Розробка уроку по темі "My Favourite Book"

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Розробка уроку по темі "My favourite book" . Метою уроку є ознайомити та пригадати улюблені твори українських та зарубіжних письменників, покращувати діалогічне та монологічне мовлення учнів.

Перегляд файлу

Хмельницький навчально-виховний комплекс №4






Розгорнутий план-конспект

мультимедійного уроку

у 8 класі за підручником

ENGLISH 8” Л.Биркун














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Петросян Леся Олександрівна

  Посада - вчитель англійської мови, I категорії

                           Освіта – вища

                           Стаж роботи в навчальному закладі – 13р.











Тема: Моя улюблена книга


  • Активізувати ЛО в мовленні учнів; систематизувати й узагальнити набуті знання учнів; тренувати учнів у вживанні в мовленні тематичної лексики
  • Вдосконалювати комунікативні компетенції (навички діалогічного мовлення на рівні мікродіалогу та монологічного мовлення), удосконалювати техніку читання, письма та аудіювання.
  • Закріпити навички вживання пасивного стану на письмі
  • Розвивати мовну здогадку, вміння самостійно працювати. Сприяти загальнокультурному розвитку учнів.
  • Виховувати інтерес до читання, розвивати кругозір, художній смак, сприяти збагаченню мови

Тип: Урок застосування знань, умінь та навичок

Обладнання: ноутбук, мультимедійний проектор, текст для читання із завданнями, фрагмент фільму  для аудіювання з тестовими завданнями, карточки з граматичним завданням, учнівські проекти.

Хід уроку

  1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
    1. Організаційний момент. Привітання.
    2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
    3. Введення  в іншомовну атмосферу
      1.                     Робота з прислів’ями
      2.                     Лексика. Літературні жанри
      3.                     Вправа на встановлення відповідності
    4. Перевірка домашнього завдання (учнівські проекти).
  2. Основна частина уроку
    1. Аудіювання. Завдання для контролю розуміння прослуханого тексту.
    2. Читання. Виконання завдань.
    3. Кросворд (учні відгадують назву твору та його автора).
    4. Правило. Вживання та утворення пасивного стану.
    5. Письмо. Вживання пасивного стану.
    6. Робота в парах. Складання діалогів.
    7. Говоріння. Пояснення розуміння Божих Заповідей.
  3. Заключна частина
    1. Підведення підсумків уроку.
    2. Повідомлення та пояснення домашнього завдання.






My favorite book


I. Introduction

1. Organizing the class.

T: Good afternoon, pupils and guests! I’m glad to see you. So let me start our lesson.

2. Reporting the aims and the subject of the lesson.

T: Look at the screen and you can easily guess the topic of our lesson. “Books and friends

should be few but good”, said the old Latin proverb. So, the topic of our lesson is “My

Favorite Book”. Today we are going to have a talk about books and people who write them.

You’ll improve your listening, writing and reading skills. You’ll also make up dialogues,

repeat the Passive Voice and watch the fragments of films. I hope you will be active. Enjoy

every minute of our lesson.  The epigraph of our lesson today is …

                                                                            To read a book for the first time is to

 make the acquaintance of a new friend; to

read it a second time is to meet an old one.

T: How do you understand this epigraph? Explain, please.

3. Warming-up

 1) T: First of all, I’d like you to revise proverbs and sayings about books and reading. Have a look at the screen. Match the halves, read some English proverbs about books and translate them.

  • Life without literature … is death.
  • A good book is ... a source of wisdom.
  • Wear the old coat ... and buy a new book.
  • There is no worse robber than … a bad book.
  • Choose a book ... as you choose a friend.
  • A room without books is ... a body without a soul.
  • Many books do not use up words … many words do not use up thoughts.
  • The more you read … the more you know.
  • Life without books is ... a tree without leaves.
  • Choose an author … as you choose a friend.

T: I believe your life is full of books. Are you fond of reading?

2) T: Give the answer on the question:  What type of literature is it?       

  • It’s the story of a person's life written or told by another person. (A biography)
  • It’s a story that teaches a moral or a lesson. It often has animal characters. (A fable)
  • These novels are often set in worlds much different from our own and usually include magic, sorcery and mythical creature. (Fantasy)
  • It’s a story that has been passed down, usually orally, within a culture. They include fairy tales, tall tales, trickster tales and other stories passed down over generations.  (A folktale)
  • It’s a story that has been handed down over generations and is believed to be based on history, though it typically mixes fact and fiction. The hero of it is usually a human.            (A legend)
  • It’s a traditional story. It may center on a god or supernatural being and explain how something came to be, such as lightning or music or the world itself. (A myth)
  • These stories examine how science and technology affect the world. The books often involve fantasy inventions that may be reality in the future. (Science fiction)

T: Make up sentences with these words.

3) T: Look at the screen again. There is a matching exercise on it. Help these writers to find their books and make up sentences with them in the Passive Voice.

  1. O. Dovzhenko                           a) Geese and Swans Flying
  2. Daniel Defoe                             b) Fedko-halamydnyk
  3. Rudyard Kipling                        c) The Last Leaf
  4. Jonathan Swift                           d) The Jungle Book
  5. V. Vinnichenko                         e) Sherlock Holmes
  6. Conan Doyle                              f) The Elk
  7. Yev.Gutsalo                               g) Gulliver’s Travels
  8. M. Stelmah                                 h) Robinson Crusoe
  9. Mark Twain                                i) Zacharovana Desna
  10.       O. Henry                                 j) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Keys: 1-i, 2-h, 3-d, 4-g, 5-b, 6-e, 7-f, 8-a, 9-j, 10-c.

4. Home task (pupil’s projects)


II. The main part of the lesson

1.  Listening Comprehension

a) Pre-listening activity.

  • Do you like to go to the library?
  • How often do you go there?
  • Who chooses books for you at the library?
  • What kind of books do you like to read?


b) Listening comprehension

T: And now I’d like you to listen to unusual conversation at the library. Let’s look at the screen. (2 times)


        c) Post-listening activity

Put the sentences in the correct order according to this film. (Card №1)

  1. The Cookie Monster asked one box of cookies. (3)
  2. The Monster asked a book about rhymes.(4)
  3. The librarian got angry. (6)
  4. The Cookie Monster came to the library.(1)
  5. The Cookie Monster asked a Picture Book. (5)
  6. The Monster asked a book about “Little Red Riding Hood”(2)
  7. The Cookie Monster asked a glass of milk. (8)
  8. The Cookie Monster asked a book about cookies. (7)

2. Reading

  1. Pre-reading activity

T: I’m sure all of you have heard the name of a famous writer Agatha Christie. But what do you know about her life and career? When did she live? What was her family like? Did she live a happy and long life?

  So, I propose you to read her biography. Take your texts and start to read.

  1. Reading-activity.

Agatha Christie

      Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie is possibly the world’s most famous detective story writer. She wrote 79 novels and several plays. But she was a painfully shy woman whose life was often lonely and unhappy.

      She was born in 1890 in Devon, the third child of Clarissa and Frederick Miller, and grew into a beautiful and sensitive girl with golden hair. She didn’t go to school but was educated at home by her mother. Her father died when she was 11 and both she and her mother were grief-stricken.

      During World War I, while she was working in a hospital, she learned about chemicals and poisons, which proved very useful in her later career. She wrote her first detective novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, in 1920. In it she introduced Hercule Poirot, the Belgian detective who appeared in many subsequent novels. Her other detective was an elderly spinster called Miss Marple.

      In 1914, at the beginning of the war, she married Archibald Christie but the marriage was unhappy. It didn’t last and they divorced in 1926. That year was a double tragedy in her life because her much-loved mother died.

      Agatha suffered a nervous breakdown, and one night she abandoned her car and mysteriously disappeared. She went missing for 11 days and was eventually found in a hotel in Harrogate, in the North of England.

      Agatha desperately wanted solitude and she buried herself in her work. On 25 November 1952 her play The Mousetrap opened in London. Today, over 40 years later, it is still running. It is the longest running show in the whole world.

      She enjoyed a very happy second marriage to Max Mallowan, an archeologist. Her detective skills were a help to him in his excavations in Syria and Iraq. She ultimately found happiness with her beloved husband. She died peacefully in 1976.

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c) Post-reading activity

1. Give answers to the questions

1.How many works did she write? (Christie wrote 79 novels and several plays)

2. How many children were there in her family? (She was not a single child in her family.                                     She was the third child.)

3.Did she go to school? (No, she didn’t go to school)

4. How old was Agatha when her father died?(She was 11 when her father died)

5. How long did she go missing?(She went missing for 11 days after a nervous                                                   breakdown)

6. When did she get marriage at first? (She got marrige in 1914)

7. How old was A.Christie when she died?(She was 85,when she died peacefully in 1976)

 2. Choose the right variant from the text and translate it. (Card №2)

1. Agatha Christie was one of the most famous …story writer.

     a) adventure       b) romantic        c) detective

2. She was a painfully … woman.

     a) modest           b) shy                c) timid 

3. Agatha grew into a beautiful and … girl.

     a) kind          b) sensitive        c) clever

4. Her much loved … died in 1926.

     a) father          b) granny        c) mother

5.  Then she … disappeared.

     a) calmly        b) mysteriously   c) insensibly

6. Agatha … herself in her work.

     a) buried       b) opened       c) closed

7. Her second marriage was …

     a) happy      b) unhappy       c) tragic

3. Crossword

T: Let’s have a rest. Look at the screen. You’ll watch some fragments of films and cartoons. Your task is to guess who are the authors and the title to them.

  1. ”The Jungle Book” is based on the story of the same name by Rudyard Kipling    
  2. “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens
  3. “Hercules”. It’s the myth.        
  4. “Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe 
  5.  “Cinderella” by Charles Perrault
  6. “Sherlock Holmes”  by Conan Doyle    
  7.  “Snow White” by Brothers Grimm’s
  8. “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by  Mark Twain
  9. “The Snow Queen” by Hans Christian Andersen 

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4. Rules. The Passive Voice. (Pres. S., Past S., Future S., Pres. Cont.)

T: You have learnt about Passive Voice. What do you know about it? What can you tell me?










to be (am, is, are, was, were, ...)  +  III-я форма (-ed-)



I   + am III

he, she, it +  is III

we, you, they

+ are III

 I   + am being III

he, she, it +  is being III

we, you, they

+ are being III



I am asked

I am being asked




I, he, she, it

+ was III

we, you, they

+ were III




I was asked





I, we

 + shall be III

he, she, it, you, they

 + will be III




I shall be asked




5. Writing.

T: Take your exercise-books, write down the date and start to work.

Put the verbs in the Passive Voice. (Card №3)

  1. The book __________ (to write) by W. Shakespeare.
  2. Hockey ________ (to play) in winter.
  3. His new book ­­­­­­­________ (to finish) next year.
  4. The letter _______ (to write) now.
  5. Many houses _________ (to build) in our town every year.



6. Work in pairs.

T: You have cards №4 on your desks. Take them and make up a dialogue with these word-combinations.

 Make up the dialogues with these word-combinations. (Card №4)

  • To enjoy reading
  • The author
  • A detective story (fiction, novel, fantasy, thriller, tragedy, ect.)
  • Was published
  • The title
  • Popular/ well known
  • Main characters

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7. Speaking. The Main Book in Our Life.

T: You can read different kinds of books, you may like different writers but there must        be only one real book in your sole. It’s the Bible. Let’s read and explain 10 God’s Commandments. Look at the screen.

              10 God’s Commandments

  1. I am your Lord God, you will have no other gods.
  2. Do not make idols and do not serve them.
  3. Do not use God's name unnecessarily.
  4. Work six days, and seventh dedicate it to Lord God.
  5. Respect your parents.
  6. Do not kill.
  7. Do not commit adultery.
  8. Do not steal.
  9. Do not lie.
  10. Do not wish anything that is not yours; do not envy.

       8 . The Game

                      Let’s play a game

What do you know about these writers and their books?

  1. What was the name of Tom Sawyer’s younger brother? (Sid)
  2.  Who was the assistant of Sherlock Holmes? (Dr.Watson)
  3. What was Robinson Crusoe friend’s name? (Friday)
  4.  Where was R. Kipling born? (India)
  5.  What is William Shakespeare’s native town? (Stratford-on-Avon)
  6.  Who said these words: “To be or not to be”? (Hamlet)
  7. Who found Mowgli in the forest? (Bagira)
  8. Who wrote the tale “12 month”? (S.Marshak)
  9. How many spirits are there in Christmas song by Ch.Dickens? (three)
  10. How many commandments are there in the Bible? (10)
  11.  What stories by A.Chekhov have you read? (“Thin and thick”, “Chameleon”)
  12. Who is the author of Robinson Crusoe? (D.Defo)




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   III. Summarizing

  1. Today we have got a lot of information about books and now we have to sum up the results of the lesson. So, why do we need books? What do they teach us? I hope you understand that without books our life will be empty and boring. Read good books and enjoy them. Your marks are ...


  1. Your home task will be to write a composition “My Favorite Book”

           (The instruction “How to write an essay” is on the table)

           Thank you for your work at the lesson. See you!




































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Всього відгуків: 1
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Tov Victoria
    Дуже цікавий урок. Шкода немає презентації до нього.
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
26 лютого 2018
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4.7 (1 відгук)
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