Сценарій брейн-рингу " English is fun"

Про матеріал
Розробка цікавого сценарію брейн-рингу для дітей 5-6 класу загальноосвітніх шкіл з англійської мови.
Перегляд файлу

Собко Тетяна Романівна

вчитель англійської мови



Брейн - ринг:

" English is fun"



Брейн – ринг з англійської мови: " English is fun"

Сценарій проведення позакласного заходу з англійської мови для учнів 9 класів з використанням мультимедійного обладнання

Тема: Весела англійська мова

Практична: : вчити учнів сприймати та розуміти іншомовне мовлення на слух, формувати комунікативну компетентність учнів,розвивати та удосконалювати навички говоріння та аудіювання.

Освітня: поглибити переконаність учнів у необхідності вивчення іноземної мови; розширити знання учнів про країну, мову якої вивчають; вчити дітей вчитися самим, вчити учнів осмислювати отриману інформацію.

Розвиваюча: розвивати в мовну здогадку та швидку мовленнєву реакцію, розвивати логічне та критичне мислення, увагу, пам'ять.

Виховна: викликати інтерес до вивчення мови, прищеплювати любов до навчання в цілому, виховувати в учнів культуру мовлення, повагу до іншої культури, спостережливість, сумлінність у навчанні.

Завдання: to speak about English-speaking coutries, to revise proverbs, to develop speaking, communications, language skills.

Методи та прийоми: інтервю, технологія «Мікрофон», Jigsaw reading, технологія проектної діяльності, групова робота, зворотної реакції.

Обладнання: мультимедійне обладнання, презентація Power point, відеоролики “Hello! Yow are you” “Sweet dreams”( by Mаnson), гітара, постери, записи на дошці,картки з цифрами для журі, картинки для оформлення класу.

Хід заходу

Опис: клас повинен бути обладнаний для гри, парти повинні бути розставленні для двох команд, глядачів та членів журі, котре оцінює кожен конкурс відповідно до шкали оцінювання.


Teacher: Good morning dear jury, our teams and guests. You’re welcome to the intellectual English contest "Brain – ring”. Our aim is to show students’ knowledge not only of English but Literature and Geography ,History and other subjects.Now I’d like to introduce our jury to you. I know they will judge our competition fairly .


Our motto is -” Lets speak English” (Слайд 2)


Context 1: Speaking about yourself

Task: to develop communication skills.

1. What is your surname?

2. What form are you in?

3. What country do you live in?

4. Who is your best friend?

5. What time do you usually go to school?

6. What is your favourite subjеct?

7. Is sport important for you?

8. Do you live far from school?

9. When is your birthday?

10. Where do you want to live? Why do you go to school?

11. Are you good at English?

12. What is your favourite food?


 2: Toungue twister

Make the toungue twister, for example Peter put the pine in the pocket.

 3 Translate the words

A cathedral, a cinema, a monument, a church, travel agency, a museum, a railway station, a bus stop, a post office, a taxi rank, a fountain, a market.


Read the words in turn. If you are right, you will get 1 point.

ourselves build break also

eight silent because parent

other study recycle south

business ready know eyes

garbage heart library usually

allow healthy child who


5 Make the story

Put the words into the right order.

There are some dates which are holidays in this country.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) occupies most of the territory of the British

The first holiday of the year begins with the New Year Day on the first of January

. It consists of four main parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Children like this holiday very much, because their winter vacation begins with the New Year day and last two weeks.

IslesLondon is the capital of England, Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland,

They dance and sing round a New Year tree with Father Frost and Snow Maiden

, Cardiff— of Wales and Belfast — of Northern Ireland.

During the winter vacation children do not study, they can play hockey, skate, ski and others.

The UK is a small country with an area of some 244,100 square kilometres

New Year is my favorite holiday

It is very big and nice country.







6 Catch the stars

Holidays and  traditions

Ukraine and Great Britain

Place where I live.

Named 6 holidays

Tell four parts of UK

Tell few sentences about your country

Answer the question

When do people celebrate Christmas in GB?

When do people celebrate Christmas in Ukraine?

When do we celebrate Easter?

Tell few sentences about Britain

Answer the question

Is there a cathedral in your country?

Is there a supermarket ?

Is there a post office?

What are the main holidays in GB?

What is the capital of Great Britain? What is the capital of Northern Ireland? What is the capital of Northern Ireland? What is the capital of Wales?

Why do people go there?

You can watch films there.

You can see a doctor there.

You can buy a postcard there.

You can get money there.

Write a postcard at Christmas

Symbol of what country is this?

Translate into Ukraine

To enjoy a walk on the path

To have a picknick

To sit on the grass

To go boating

To sit on the bench

Write a postcard at Mother’s Day

What is the capital of GB ?

London is situated on the river …

People who live in GB are …

Put the words into the right order


country/ your/ Is/big


We/ have/parks/3 /city/in/our




7 Put the pictures into the right order

Тiger is the first.

Lion is second.

Zebra is the third.

Bear is fourth.

Frog is fifth.

Crocodile is sixth.

Monkey is seventh.

Horse is eight.


8 Make the question

I am speaking English now.

I will climbing.

She is  watching film.

She was dancing.

I will learn a poem by heart.

They will cooking

They were watching TV.

He is reading now.

You are listening a music.

You will phoneing me.

She is eating now.

They were speaking English.

9 Captain contest

Вчитель читає текст , а діти малюють його зміст.

There is a big house on the street. It has two floors. To the left of the house there is a bank. It has got 6 windows. To the right there is a hospital. It has three floors. Behind the bank there is a tree. In front of the hospital there is a women with two dogs. One dog is big and another is small.

Task: to ask questions to each other

Aim: group work.

Context 11: Ask an answer competition

1.Where do kangaroos live?

2. Where is Chine situated?

3.What is the national dish of the Ukrainians?

4. What is the official language of Canada?

5. Name the fastest way of travelling?

6. What season comes after winter?

7. When do people usually have breakfast?

8. How many eyes has a man?

9. Who wrote "Tom Sawyer”

10. I  am cleaning my room. What’s the tense?

11. Name the odd word: tree, flower, sun, grass.

12. What is the weather like usually in summer?

13. What’s the British national drink?

14. Why do people go to bed?

15. What river does Kyiv stand on?

16. Who wrote "Jungle Book”.

17. How many oceans are there in the world?

18. What can you do with a book?

19 What colour is snow?

20. When is Christmas celebrated in Ukraine?

21.Who discovered America?

22.Sam was sleeping . Name the tense.

23. What days of the week children don’t go to school?

  • How many days are there in a year?
  • What season comes after winter?
  • What is the weather like usually in summer?
  • Is a horse an animal or a bird?
  • How many eyes has a man?
  • What colour is snow?
  • When do people usually have breakfast?
  • Can people eat brown bread?
  • What fruit is round and orange?
  • What do crocodiles eat?
  • Why do people go to bed?


SUMMARIZING T: Our brain ring has come to the end and we’re thankful to our teams, participants and jury. Wishing you all the best we say good bye to you.

Good- bye !




a cathedral

 a cinema

a monument

a church

a travel agency

 a museum

a railway station

 a bus stop

a post office,

a taxi rank

a fountain

a market.

I am speaking English now.

I will climbing.

She is  watching film.

She was dancing.

I will learn a poem by heart.

They will cooking

They were watching TV.

He is reading now.

You are listening a music.

You will phoneing me.

She is eating now.

They were speaking English.

We were dancing.

It was raining.

I am drawing now.

We are cleaning the house.



ourselves build break also

eight silent because parent

other study recycle south




business ready know eyes

garbage heart library usually

allow healthy child who





There are some dates which are holidays in this country.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) occupies most of the territory of the British

The first holiday of the year begins with the New Year Day on the first of January

. It consists of four main parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Children like this holiday very much, because their winter vacation begins with the New Year day and last two weeks.

London is the capital of England, Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland,

They dance and sing round a New Year tree with Father Frost and Snow Maiden

, Cardiff— of Wales and Belfast — of Northern Ireland.

During the winter vacation children do not study, they can play hockey, skate, ski and others.

The UK is a small country with an area of some 244,100 square kilometres

New Year is my favorite holiday

It is very big and nice country.



Holidays and  traditions

Ukraine and Great Britain

Place where I live.




Holidays and  traditions

Ukraine and Great Britain

Place where I live.

Named 6 holidays

Tell four parts of UK

Tell few sentences about your country

Answer the question

When do people celebrate Christmas in GB?

When do people celebrate Christmas in Ukraine?

When do we celebrate Easter?

Tell few sentences about Britain

Answer the question

Is there a cathedral in your country?

Is there a supermarket ?

Is there a post office?

What are the main holidays in GB?

What is the capital of Great Britain? What is the capital of Northern Ireland? What is the capital of Northern Ireland? What is the capital of Wales?

Why do people go there?

You can watch films there.

You can see a doctor there.

You can buy a postcard there.

You can get money there.

Write a postcard at Christmas

Symbol of what country is this?

Translate into Ukraine

To enjoy a walk on the path

To have a picknick

To sit on the grass

To go boating

To sit on the bench

Write a postcard at Mother’s Day

What is the capital of GB ?

London is situated on the river …

People who live in GB are …

Put the words into the right order


country/ your/ Is/big


We/ have/parks/3 /city/in/our











( 1 бал за кожну правильну відповідь)




1.Greeting ( 6 балів)



2.Translate the word( 6 балів)



3.Toungue twister(1 бал за кожне слово, що починається з потрібної букви))








 5.Make the story( 6 балів)




 6.Catch the stars( 1 бал за кожну правильну відповідь)




7.Put the pictures into the right order( 1 бал за кожну правильно поставлену картинку)




8.Make the question( 6 балів)




9.Captain contest( по 1 балу за кожний правильний малюнок)




10. Answer competition( 1 бал за кожну правильну відповідь)






Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 1
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Гамащак Наталья Василівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
16 січня 2020
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (1 відгук)
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