Сценарій свята "Thanksgiving party"

Про матеріал
Сценарій свята стане в нагоді вчителям для проведення позакласних заходів з учнями 5-6 класів
Перегляд файлу



Обладнання: ноутбук, проектор, мультимедійна презентація, відеоматеріали, постери, маски індиків, картинки із символами свята, корзина із ласощами, яблучний пиріг.  


Хід заходу

image(Відеозапис-заставка Happy Thanksgiving)

Ведучий 1: Good afternoon dear guests! We are glad to see you here. The fourth Thursday of November is the Thanksgiving Day. It is a very famous and popular holiday in the USA. Today we are going to speak about

Thanksgiving Day. We’ll do it in such a way: first, we’ll say a word or two about the history of this colourful holiday and then will play a little.

Welcome to our party! 


T – for time to be together,

imageTurkey, talk and tender weather. H – for harvest stored away, home and heart, and holiday. A – for autumn's frosty art and abundance in the heart. N – neighbours, and November, nice things, new things to remember K – for kitchen, kettles, croon, kith and kin expected soon. S – for sizzles, sights and sounds, and something special that abounds.

All together:

That spells THANKS – for joy in living and a jolly good Thanksgiving.


Ведучий 2: To begin with we would like to tell you the history of this kind holiday - Thanksgiving Day.

(Пісня "Little Pilgrim" у виконанні учнів (на екрані – кліп до пісні)


"Little Pilgrim" Little pilgrim clothed in grey

On that first thanksgiving day.

Natives also clothed in brown

imageCome to visit Plymouth town. Side by side they ate and prayed On that first thanksgiving day.

Let’s be thankful for this day For our friends and our play.

Let’s be thankful, let’s be glad,

For our food and the things we have

Let’s give thanks for you and me  Find our home and family.


(На екрані - відео The Story of Thanksgiving, ведучі розповідають історію)

Ведучий 1: In 1620 on the 22nd of December a ship named the Mayflower brought 102 Englishmen to the rocky coast of what is now

Massachusetts, 1 of the 50 states of the USA.

Ведучий 2: 22 грудня 1620 року  корабель під назвою «Травнева квітка» привіз       102     англійців    до      скелястого берегу         теперішнього 

Массачусетса, 1 з 50-ти штатів США.

Ведучий 1: When the Pilgrims landed they founded the colony called Plymouth.

Ведучий 2: Коли Пілігрими зійшли на берег, вони заснували колонію під назвою Плімут.

Ведучий 1: They had only the belongings that they had brought on the small ship! The winter was so cold! They were starving and nearly half of them died…

Ведучий 2: Із речей у них було лише те, що вони змогли взяти із собою на корабель. Зима була дуже холодною і майже половина з них померла тієї зими.

Ведучий 1: They became good friends with Indians and lived with them in peace.

Ведучий 2: Але вони здружилися з індіанцями і жили з ними мирно.

Ведучий 1: Indians helped the Pilgrims. They showed them how to hunt, to fish and plant crops.

Ведучий 2: Індіанці допомогли пілігримам, навчивши їх полювати, рибалити та вирощувати зернові на нових для пілігримів землях.

Ведучий 1: Thanks to the help of Indians, the Plymouth settlers had a good harvest the next fall.

imageВедучий 2: Завдяки допомозі індіанців поселенці Плімута   зібрали       хороший     врожай наступної осені.

Ведучий 1: In October 1621 they had 3-days feast of deer, fish and wild turkey and invited Indians to it.

Ведучий     2:     В    жовтні    1621    року     вони

організували 3-денне  свято з олениною, рибою і дикою індичкою та запросили індіанців на нього.

Ведучий 1: Pilgrims thanked God for his blessings.  

Ведучий 2: Пілігрими дякували Богу за його благословення. Ведучий 1: The 1st Thanksgiving Day was a great success!

Ведучий 2: 1-й День Подяки мав великий успіх.

Ведучий 1: President Abraham Lincoln established Thanksgiving as an official national holiday.

Ведучий 2: Президент Авраам Лінкольн зробив День Подяки офіційним національним святом.

Ведучий 1: Now every year on the 4-th Thursday of November American families and friends gather, have a feast and give thanks.

Ведучий 2: Тепер щороку в 4-й четвер листопада американські сім’ї та друзі збираються за  столом і промовляють слова подяки.


Звучить пісня There are many things I’m thankful for у виконанні учнів, глядачі підспівують, на екрані показується кліп до пісні.


“There are many things I’m thankful for”

There are many things

I am thankful for,

I can find them near and far.

imageThere are many things

  I am thankful for,

Let me tell you what they are:

Chorus:  I am thankful for

Good food to eat,

I am thankful for my family,

I am thankful for all my friends, And I’m thankful to be me.


Ведучий 1: And now let’s relax. Sing and act with us.

(На екрані транслюється відео пісні “If You're Thankful and You Know It”, 

учні виконують відповідні рухи)


“If you’re thankful and you know it”

If you’re thankful and you know it, clap your hands.

If you’re thankful and you know it, clap your hands.

If you’re thankful and you know it,

then your face will surely show it.

If you’re thankful and you know it, clap your hands.

If you’re thankful and you know it, stomp your feet.

If you’re thankful and you know it, stomp your feet.

If you’re thankful and you know it, then your face will surely show it.

If you’re thankful and you know it, stomp your feet.


Ведучий 1: Traditions define a holiday and make it special. In any generation they form a link with the past and comprise a heritage for the future generations. Thanksgiving gives an opportunity to feel this continuous contact of generations The tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving Day is deeply rooted in American history. And symbols of this holiday are just the same.  

imageВедучий 2: Традиції визначають свято і роблять його особливим. В будьякому поколінні вони утворюють зв'язок з минулим і включають в себе     спадщину   для    майбутніх поколінь.      День подяки        дає можливість     відчути       цей

                         безперервний    контакт    поколінь,

традиції святкування Дня подяки мають глибокі корені в історії Америки. А символи цього свята такі ж як і були сотні років тому.

(На екрані “Thanksgiving Vocabulary Video”)

Ведучий 1: As you know one of the main symbols of Thanksgiving is Turkey. 

Listen to the song (“Five Little Turkeys”)

Ведучий 2: Thanksgiving is a joyful feast. So, let’s have fun.  

(на екрані – відео пісні Turkey Dance, учні повторюють рухи з відео)


Ведучий 1: Now you know about the history, the symbols and the traditional menu of Thanksgiving Day. We invite you to take part in Quiz.

(На екрані – презентація вікторини “Test your knowledge of Thanksgiving”)

          1. Who were the Pilgrims?

a)   Puritans searching for religious freedom

b)  Englishmen exploring new lands

c)   Indians

d)  Prisoners searching for freedom

2. The newcomers founded the colony called

a)   New England

b)  imagePlymouth

c)   Massachusetts  

d)  Mayflower

3. How did Indians help the settlers?

a)   they taught them to build houses

b)  they brought them food

c)   they invited them to celebrate Thanksgiving Day

d)  they taught them to hunt, to fish and to plant crops

4. What year did the Piligrims have their first Thanksgiving Feast? a) 1619

b)  1620

c)   1621

d)  1622

5. What food was probably NOT on the Pilgrims’ Thanksgiving menu? a) Fish

b)  Corn

c)   Dried fruit

d)  Biscuits

6. Which President established Thanksgiving as an official national holiday?

a)   Washington

b)  Jefferson

c)   Lincoln

d)  Nixon

7. On Thanksgiving Day people nowadays give thanks to

a)   parents and friends for all they have done

b)  Pilgrims and Indians for this holiday

c)   God for His blessing

d)  their President for his wisdom


Ведучий 2: Thank you very much for your activity. We have done everything

planned for today except one thing. We haven’t spoken about one more symbol of Thanksgiving – Horn of Plenty.  

imageThe Horn Of Plenty (The Cornucopia) – is a familiar

Thanksgiving symbol of earth’s bounty, and reminds us how much of our food comes from the earth.  

Ведучий 1: Ріг достатку – це  символ подяки

щедрості землі, і нагадує нам про те, як багато нашої їжі родить земля.

Ведучий 2: We are also thankful to our nearest and dearest for many things. Let’s make a Horn of Plenty. 

Ведучий 1: Ми також вдячні нашим рідним і близьким за багато речей.

Давайте створимо свій символічний Ріг Достатку.

Ведучий 2: Take a sheet of paper and write your own thanks. Then all volunteers read aloud their notes and put them down into the Horn of Plenty.

Examples of thanks: 


We Are Thankful for Many Things:

üI thank Jesus for living and dying for me.

üI am thankful to be able to do the thing I always wanted to do.

üI am thankful for a good place to live and for plenty good food to eat. It makes me grow strong so I can have lots of fun. And that's what I like is fun.

üThank you for the music, and songs I am singing.

üI am thankful for people who love me and help me.

üI really feel thankful for all the good things in my life.

ü imageI am thankful for my sister and my brother.  

üI am thankful for so many blessings in my life.

üMy heart is filled with gratitude to my teachers.

üThanks for the flowers blooming and birds singing with good cheer.

üI know that beauty of the world is a gift from God to help us live.

üI am thankful for the pretty clothes I wear.


Ведучий 1: It is good to pause one day each year to take an account of yourself and your surroundings. Thanksgiving gives an opportunity to feel this continuous contact of generations. Thanksgiving is a time for sharing. It is better to give than to receive. Let us appreciate everything we are given!  Let us love our parents, relatives, teachers and friends!  Let us say thanks for everything!

All together: THANKS!

(Учні на сцені співають заключну пісню “On Thanksgiving day”)




“On Thanksgiving Day“

Thank you, thank you, thank you Let's all say thank you.

We will all say thank you On this special day.

Thank you, thank you, thank you

Let's all say thank you

On Thanksgiving Day! 

Many, many years ago,

When pilgrims first arrived.

Crops were small, this made it all A challenge to survive.

In honour of their hard work They all gathered around and dined,

And gave their thanks at harvest time. We celebrate this holiday With friends and family.

And thank the Lord for all our gifts This joyful jubilee.

There's turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie Enough for everyone.

Let's eat and drink and have some fun.  


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