Сценарій святково- розважальногозаходу "Halloween is coming "

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Сценарій святково- розважальногозаходу "Halloween is coming " - можна використати як сценарій позакласного заходу, святкової вечірки загальношкільного масштабу для учнів 5-11 класів Пропоную відеозапис нашого свята https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xwlLcKiuUU
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Виховний захід

Halloween is coming



Вчитель англійської мови

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Бондар Ж.Ю.






Тема: Halloween Party

Мета: Познайомити школярів зі святами  Великобританії та 

            США. Розширити знання учнів щодо традицій святкування Хелоуіну. 

           Поповнити   словниковий запас учнів з даної теми. Формувати

           позитивні мотиви навчально-пізнавальної діяльності учнів; підвищити

           рівень володіння англійською мовою. 

           Викликати повагу та інтерес до традицій англомовних країн.


Фільм про наближення Halloween

Сцена в аеропорту ( звук оголошення рейсу , Граф Дракула з табличкою

Harry Potter )


Dracula : Hello, Potter! I’m really hungry to see you . My wife is hungry too and is waiting for you. Halloween night is coming soon. Hurry up!!

(заходять в будинок , страшні звуки, зявляється  дружина Дракули )

Dracula : Bad evening, my awfulness. Our exchange student is here.

Dracula’s wife : Nice to meet you Harry. Aru you hungry ?I’ve cooked many delicious  things : Dead Man's Finger Sandwiches, Monster Toasts, Vampire Cookies, Spiders, Butterfingers , Eyes, Daddy Long Legs Cupcakes.

Harry Potter ( злякано ) Daddy’s Long Legs ??? No, thanks .

Dracula’s wife : Ok, later, my sweetheart.

Ведучий:( Дракула) So, my darling. Let’s get ready for celebrations and you, Harry, can go out to meet some yummy kids.


(сцена «Діти на вулиці»)

Pupil 1: Halloween is coming,

What will you do?

I might go treat-or-treating

What about you?

Pupil 2: Halloween is coming,

What will you be?

I might be a pirate on the deep blue sea.

Pupil 3: Halloween is coming,

What will you see?

I might see Jack-o-Lantern

Winking at me.

Pupil 4: Halloween is coming,

Who will you meet?

I might meet a princes

Skipping down the street.

Pupil 5: Halloween is coming,

What will you be?

It’s a secret,

So, wait and see.

Pupil 6: Halloween is coming,

What will you wear?

Harry Potter(кутаючись у ковдру):  I might wear a blanket

And be a brown bear.

Pupil 1: Halloween Halloween has come to us again.

We shall have some “trick-or-trick”

And play funny games.

Welcome Welcome Halloween,

You are with us again.

We’ll have a lot of fun today,

We’ll sing, we’ll dance, we’ll play.

(Harry повертається до будинку, зявляється павук )

Spider: Oh, it’s the 31st of October. It’s our day today! Let’s celebrate!

I’m a Spider

A Spider I am

Don’t even touch me

Because you will cry.

I’m a Spider

My color is black,

And that’s a web

Behind my back.

I’m a Spider

My web is light,

It can easily catch a fly.

I’m a Spider

Step out of my way

I always say”die”

But never “OK”.


A song “ Who’s afraid……” (Танок «Діти і павук»)

Spider: Who’s afraid of big black spiders,

big black spiders, big black spiders,

Who’s afraid of big black spiders,

You ,you , you, you, you.

Children: We are not afraid of big black spiders,

big black spiders, big black spiders,

We are not afraid of big black spiders,

No, no, no, not we. (Діти виводять павука з зали)

(Зявляються відьми ,залітають під музику  , танок навколо казана )


Witch 1: I’m here. Hope, I’m not late.

Witch 2 Hello, my dear. I’m very glad to see you! How are you?

Witch 3: I’m awfully bad! & what about you?

Witch 4: Just the same. I’m very bad too.

Witch 5: Let’s sing a song and maybe we’ll feel better.


Witch1 : Halloween is here and there,

Halloween is everywhere

Goblins, mummies, vampires, bats,

witches, monsters, and pumpkins fat.

Halloween is a time of glee,

for pumpkins, mummies, you and me.


Witch 2 I like to fly on the broom and I love making magic spells.

(Всі разом )


Take three snake’s teeth and four frog’s legs,

A tortoise tail and eight ants’ eggs

Say “ abracadabra, jim, jam, jell”

And now you’ve got a magic spell.

Take a black bat’s ear and a monkey’s toes

A butterfly’s eye and a rabbit nose

Say “ abracadabra, jim, jam, jell”

And now you’ve got a magic spell.


Конкурс  Guess what is in the pot ?

(Зявляється кіт – перетворюється з іграшкового кота)



Black Cat: I’m a black cat

with an arched back.

And now I’ll tell you a story.

 It is as gloomy as my fate.

In the dark, dark wood

There was a dark, dark house.

And in the dark, dark house

 There was a dark, dark room.

And in the dark, dark room

 There was a dark, dark bookcase.

And in the dark, dark bookcase

There was a dark, dark box.

And in that dark, dark box

There was a ghost.

( під страшну музику зявляється привид , співає пісню)


A Ghost: A song: I’m a tiny ghost,

A ghost, a ghost.

I like to frighten people

The most, the most.

I used to fly at night,

At night, at night.

Because I’m so light

And white and white. (відьми і привид проводять танцювальний флеш моб )


( зявляються Дракула, дружина та Harry )


Dracula’s wife : it’s time to have  scary dinner , my dear. Welcome to our disgusting table.

( сідають за стіл).


Сценка «Trick or treat?

♫ Knock knock, [Pretend to knock on a door.]

trick or treat? [Trick-or-treat gesture.]

Who are you? [Shrug your shoulders and then point forward.]

a ghost. I'm a ghost. I'm a little ghost. [Point to yourself. Ghost gesture.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a ghost. I'm a little ghost.

[Float around the room making ghost noises.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

a cowboy. I'm a cowboy. I'm a little cowboy. [Point to yourself. Cowboy gesture.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a cowboy. I'm a little cowboy.

[Move around the room like cowboys riding on horses.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

a witch. I'm a witch. I'm a little witch. [Point to yourself. Witch gesture.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a witch. I'm a little witch.

[Fly around the room like witches riding on broomsticks.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

a monster I'm a monster. I'm a little monster

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a monster. I'm a little monster.

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

a ballerina. I'm a ballerina. A little ballerina. Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a ballerina. A little ballerina.

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

a pirate. I'm a pirate. I'm a little pirate. Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a pirate. I'm a little pirate.

 (Всі разом)

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Trick or treat?

Give me something

good to eat.

Apples, peaches, tangerines.

Happy Happy Halloween.

Trick or treat?

Trick or treat?

Give me something

sweet to eat.

Cookies, chocolate, jelly beans.

Happy Happy Halloween.

Trick or treat?

Trick or treat?

Give me something sour to eat.

Lemons, grapefruits, limes so green.

Happy Happy Halloween.

Trick or treat?

Trick or treat?

Give me something good to eat.

Nuts and candy. Lollipops.

Now it's time for us to stop.

(конкурси )


Dracula :Let’s play some games and than you’ll get sweets.

Apple bobbing, also known as bobbing for apples, is a game often played on Halloween. then try to catch one with their teeth. Use of arms is not allowed, Let’s make two teams /(Утворюють  дві команди . Виграє команда гравці якої швидше витягнуть всі яблука)

Mummy.You have to make a mummy of one of your friend using this special material . The team who will make the best Mummy for the shortest time gets the victory . (дві команди утворюють «мумій»  з одного з учнів за допомогою туалетного паперу  чи паперового рушника )

(Дракула пригощає переможців солодощами )

Draculas wife : And now ittime to give the prizes to all the winners of English Week(оголошують результати , вручають дипломи та призи. )

Dracula :T he clock strikes twelve on Halloween night.

The goblins are ready to take off in flight.

The bats are all circling the bell tower light

Don’t forget it’s Halloween night.

(До  залу повертаються всі артисти і співають пісню караоке   )






















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Англійська мова, Сценарії
12 лютого 2019
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