Сценарій з англійської мови

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Сценарій для позакласного заходу з англійської мови. Матеріали пісень з підручника Family and Friends 3,4

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“Bad Tuesday”

Author: That morning Michel got up with a funny feeling. Something was wrong with him.

Mary Poppins: it’s Tuesday. Go and take a shower.

Michael: I won’t.

M.P.: Make your bed.

M. I won’t.

M.P.: You are ill. You will have some medicine.

M.: I’m not ill. I don’t want to be good.

M.P.: You got out of bed the wrong side this morning.

M. I didn’t. There is no wrong side to my bed. It’s next to the wall.

M.P.: Both sides were wrong this morning.

Jane: What is it, Michael?

M: I won’t tell you.

J: Mary Poppins, what is it for?(Мэри Поппинс берет компас у Майкла)

M.Poppins: To go round the world with.

M. What an idea! It is not a ship. This little box can’t take you round the world.

(М.Поппинс поворачивает компас со словами…Look here!)

M.P. Park!

J. Where are we now?

Student1: Welcome! At the park it’s so much fun for you, for me, for everyone. Play on the seesaw, play in the pool, eat an ice cream it’s nice and cool. Play with a Frisbee, play with a ball, play on the slide it’s fun for all!!

M.P. : I’m afraid we can’t stay. We are on our way round the world. Beach!

(Все поют It’s a wonderful day)

 M.P. I’m sorry but we are on our way round the world. Zoo!

Jane; look at these creatures!

(Рассказывают о выдуманных животных)

animal 3: Oh, here you are ,my dear friends. Well, we’ll make home for you all in a moment.

m.P.: We are not going to stay. We are taking a little trip round the world.

Animal2  ; Isn’t it strange? Going round the world when you could stay here with us? My dear children, tickle me behind the ears. That always sends me to sleep.

Animal1; Next time you must stay for tea and we’ll sit together on a rock and sing a song to the moon.

М.P. we promise to do it next time. But we must be at home in a moment. Home!

Michael; wow! It’s unbelievable

Jane: Round the world and back in a minute-what a wonderful box! We must do it again!

М.P. that’s enough for today. Wash your hands and let’s have dinner.

(Places to go)



Луцова Ірина
24 вересня 2021
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