СLIL(Geography):The UK

Про матеріал
На цьому уроці англійська мова поєднується з географією.Учні синтезують та застосовують знання з географії та англійської мови одночасно.На уроці використовуються відео, карти.
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CLIL Lesson Plan

Class: 5

Time-60 minutes

Topic: (Geography): The UK

Teaching aims:

 -to identify parts of the UK;

-to locate every part of the UK on a map;

-to compare the parts of the UK;

-to make a presentation about the United Kingdom;

-to develop presentation skills;

-to develop research skill;

-to develop students’ knowledge of content-related lexis.



. By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

- use set expressions and natural disaster vocabulary to speak about the nasty weather,

- ask questions about weather conditions using past tenses,

- make a poster about natural disasters in different regions,

- understand the recording about natural disasters and find the missing information


Content :

-basic information about the United Kingdom.


Cognition :

-identify countries of the UK;

-classify parts of the UK into sizes;

- make a presentation  about  their country;

-complete the map with the cities of the UK.



Communication :

-Present Simple;

- topic vocabulary;

-strategies for reading and understanding a text;

-strategies to improve classroom talk;

- strategies to make presentations

-describing parts of the UK.

- to help learners consolidate and develop their vocabulary by active using the words expressions  given



Culture :

-to develop students` knowledge about countries of the UK, their capitals and other cities, famous landmarks;

- to compare the United Kingdom and Ukraine.



Materials and resources:

video Interactive Whiteboard Software Right on 1, a projector, CLIL lesson worksheet: a text, vocabulary lists,  a map of the UK (one for each student), Student’s book Right On 1, Express Publishing.


1. Lead-in


(5 minutes)


The teacher tells the students that they are going to read one small but an interesting poem.( Task 1 on worksheet)

Students predict  (travelling).

2. Task 1:

(5 minutes)

The teacher elicits students’ knowledge about travelling asking questions. (Task 2 on worksheet)


3. Task 3:

Speaking on the map

(5 minutes)


 The teacher tells the students that they are going to travel to an English-speaking  country.He/she asks them to look at the map of the UK  аnd tell what parts there are  in the UK. (Task 3 on worksheet)


4.Task 4:

Presentation of the new words

(5 minutes)

Students are given words and their definitions. The task is to match the words to their definitions.

Next students must find the right translation to following  words and word combinations. (method"Confused logical chains").

 (Task 4 on worksheet)

5. Task 5:


and do – Map


(10 minutes)

Students must read the text in their textbooks p.22
Students are given an outline map of the United Kingdom)

and are asked to complete the map with cities  of the UK (Task 5 on worksheet)
Suggested words to use:


  • Bangor
  • Derry
  • Edinburgh
  • London
  • Bath
  • Cardiff
  • Belfast
  • Stirling





6. Task 6 :

A video about the UK (video has subtitles, so in a weaker group students can read and listen at the same time)




Students watch the video and do multiple choice. (Task 6 on worksheet)

7. Task 8.

Speaking activities

(10 minutes)


  • Students speak about their favourite country in the UK and explain why.

8.Assessment: Scaffolding

(5 minutes)

Ask students to copy and finish the sentence: "The most important thing I learned at this lesson was ...."


(5 minutes)


  1.  Соllect information about your country under the headings: Country?

                  Capital city?

                  Other cities?

                  Landmarks ?

2. Present your country to the class




CLIL : student’:s worksheet

(Task 1 on worksheet)


Don’t cry bitterly and go to Italy.

Don’t miss your chance and go to France.

Take your pen and go to Japan.

Buy some cheese and go to Greece.






 (Task 2 on worksheet)

Answer the questions.

T: -Do you like to travel?

T: -Where have you been ?

T: -Have you ever travelled abroad?

T: -Have you ever heard such names as the UK,England?

T: -Is it one country or different?


(Task 3  on worksheet)

(Task 4  on worksheet)


a place for sportsmen


something built over a river


one of the sides of a building or room


a large structure to remember an important person or event


a part of land surrounded by water


a place of interest

official language

the language or one of the languages that is accepted by a country's government, is taught in schools, etc.:


"Confused logical chains"

Great Britain Уельс

Northern Ireland Шотландія

Wales  Північна Ірландія

England  Велика Британія

Scotland  Англія

(Task 5  on worksheet)

























(Task 6 on worksheet)


Multiple choice task:

  1. A famous landmark in Edinburgh, the capital of  Scotland, is

A)  a loch     B)  a castle    C) a lake

  1.  The William Wallace monument is in

A) Edinburgh  B) Belfast  C) Stirling

  1.  The famous Albert Clock is

A)   near a city wall  B) in Belfast  C) in Derry

  1.  The Millenium Stadium is

A) in the capital of  Wales  B) in Northern Ireland C) in the south of     England

  1.  There is an ancient Roman Spa in
  1. London  B) Westminster  C) Bath




                              CLIL: LessonPlan- Texts


The United KINGDOM


England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are parts of the United Kingdom (UK). London is the capital city. English is the official language. Great Britain is the island with England, Wales and Scotland.

  • Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland. A famous landmark in Edinburgh is Edinburgh Castle.
  • Stirling is a city in Scotland. A famous landmark in Stirling is the William Wallace Monument.
  • London is the capital city of England. A famous landmark in London is the Palace of Westminster.
  • Bath is a city in England. A famous  landmark in Bath is the ancient Roman Spa.
  • Cardiff is the capital city of Wales. A famous landmark in Cardiff is the Millennium Stadium.
  • Bangor is a city in Wales. A famous landmark in Bangor is the Menai Straits Bridge.
  • Belfast is the capital city of Northern Ireland. A famous landmark in Belfast is the Albert Clock.
  • Derry is a city in Northern Ireland. A famous landmark in Derry is the old City Wall.





This is a map of the United Kingdom. At the top, in the north, is Scotland. It’s full of green hills and lochs. A loch is a Scottish lake. Scotland’s capital city is Edinburgh. It’s very popular with tourists. There is a famous castle in Edinburgh. A famous landmark in Stirling is the William Wallace Monument. Northern Ireland is part of a different island. Belfast is the capital city. A famous landmark of the city is the Albert Clock. This is Derry another city in Northern Ireland. A famous landmark in Derry is the old city wall. Wales is on the west coast of  Britain. Cardiff is the capital of Wales. A famous landmark is the Millenium Stadium. England is in the south  of the UK. Its capital city is London. A famous landmark in London is the Palace of Westminster. Bath is another great city in England. It is famous for its ancient Roman spa. The United Kingdom is a great place. There are four different countries, all full of  wonderful  things!


4 квітня 2020
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