Space Adventures of Baby Yoda

Про матеріал
Відкритий урок по темі емоції,космос до підручника "Full Blast 6 form". Спрямований на розвиток різних навичок аудіювання, читання,говоріння,письма,закріплення лексичних навичок,іграшку з "Зіркових воєн" Бейбі Йоду використала,як головного персонажа уроку, з яким діти подорожують по різних планетах виконуючи завдання.
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Teacher:Hello, my dear boys and girls!

I'm very glad to see you today. How are you? You look happy, don't you? Let's see. If you're happy clap three times, if you're so-so clap twice and if you don't feel good do it once. .. I'm very pleased to see you in a good mood.

The topic of our lesson is very unusual and I want you to guess it after watching a video. Write your ideas on some special cards of planets. These planets have their  names. What are they? Stick these cards on the blackboard after the video please. 

(Учні відповідають)

Now the blackboard looks like a space with a lot of planets and your ideas absolutely right. The topic of our lesson is "Space Adventures".

Today we'll take a space trip around our galaxy with a very skillful capitan.

Meet Baby Yoda. This is a creature from which an example of authority should be taken.

But to go on a trip with him you should follow some certain rules 

The first one "Never say I can’t ,always say I’ll try". If you agree, stand up and sit down. The second one "Today is a great day to learn something new". If you agree, step your feetThe third one "Work as a team".If you agree, shake hands with your neighbours.. And the last one "Listen to the speaker". If you agree show "Thumbs up".

Baby Yoda has practically all traits of character. In different situations he can act differently, none knows what can he do. When he is pleased he can be cheerful, friendly, polite, outgoing and active. When he is angry he can be bossy, quick-tempered, egoistic and stubborn. Sometimes he is shy, jealous, lazy and embarrased, worried, lonely or shocked.


Main part of the lesson.

T: And now your turn to introduce yourselves to your captain. Your captain must be sure that the members of his ship can be helpful in any situation.

(Учні називають свої три риси характеру)

You are different not only due to your character but also due to your habits. Let's make four groups to work in four sections of the ship. (Учні діляться за допомогою ракет і планет).

The captain wants to know what section is the most skillful. So you have some tasks. (Лексичні вправи)


T: All of you are skillful and can make a special mission. We'll travel around our galaxy in order to find some help to overcome the war on our planet .

Our team is united and very enthusiastic and we can start our journey. So, children ‘’Ready,Steady,Go’’.

Listening.  The first stop is “The cold planet”. Our agents Billy and Splodge are there,before listening do the task. Listen to the information we’ve got.

Pre-listening activity. Write the words under the pictures.

While-listening. Watch the story. Circle true or false for these sentences. Watch the story. Write the missing words in the sentences.

After listening.

Imagine that Billy and Splodge discover another strange planet. What's it like? Do aliens live there?

Після прослуховування і виконання завдань.

T: As you see,this planet is not for us. It itself needs help.

The next planet we are going to visit is The Joyful Planet.

The dwellers of this planet are very cheerful and musical.

We should copy them singing and dancing.

(Учні танцюють і співають).

Energizer “ Button Factory”.


“The Indiffirent planet”

The next stop is "The Planet Indiffera".

T: Our agents have got some information about it. Your task is to read and to learn about this planet as much as possible and to prepare the report about it.  It must contain some certain facts. You should finish the sentences.


Once upon a time, there was a planet called Indiffera. Indiffera was a strange planet because everyone who lived there was completely indifferent about everything. They never felt excited, angry, or sad. They were  without any emotions.

One day, the planet received a visit from a spaceship called The Explorers. The crew of The Explorers were eager to understand the residents of Indiffera .

As the crew landed on the planet, they noticed that the streets were quiet, and the people seemed disinterested in their arrival. The crew wanted  to understand the people's indifference and try to change it.

The first task was to learn about the residents. The crew walked around the city and noticed a woman sitting on a park bench, staring into space. They approached her and asked, "Excuse me, ma'am. Why does everyone on this planet seem so indifferent?"

The woman looked at them and replied, " It's just how things have always been. We don't know any different."

The crew wanted to find a solution and moved to their next task: organizing an event. They decided to throw a grand party with music, dancing, and games. The residents paid no attention.

For their final task, the crew decided to create a workshop to teach the residents about different emotions and how to express them.  They asked the residents to imagine a situation where they felt happy , sad, or angry.

To their surprise, one of the workshop participants, a young man named Kilo, raised his hand and said, "I think I felt sadness when my pet fish died. I miss him." 

Encouraged by Kilo's response, the crew continued the workshop and invited more residents to share their potential feelings. 

By the end of the workshop, the residents of Indiffera showed signs of empathy, joy, and even tears. The crew from The Explorers realized they had succeeded in their task. They had managed to help the people of Indiffera feel emotion for the first time.


It was a strange planet because ______

The planet received a visit from ___

The crew wanted ___________

The first task was __________

The crew decided to _______

They created a workshop to____

Killo said ____________

By the end of the workshop _____

This planet is not for us either.


 T: So, as you see for those people also need help of others and only human can help them.

And now let’s travel to one more planet which likes to play its name is “Playful planet’’ people here like grammar games and they give the instruction to them for us, so let’s try. Let’s split into two teams. One team closes their eyes and another perform an action, then they freez and you open your eyes and  tell  what were they doing and then you change the positions.

Game “Past Continuous statues”.


T: So, as you see here they only like to play and don’t pay attention on  serious things. Children as you know every ship has its ‘’Log book’’ and ours is not an exception write the most memorable things and we’ll put them into our “Secret Box”.

Evaluation.T : The captain will evaluate your skills and you’ll get your rates in your e-mail. And, your hometask is to compare our planet with those planets which we have visited.

Resourses for the lesson.

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