Свято англійської мови для учнів 8 класів «Фестиваль весни і любові»

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Позакласний захід з англійської мови для учнів 8 класів - Свято англійської мови «Фестиваль весни і любові» (Spring, Love, Festival) допоможе зануритись у атмосферу весни, любові і англійської мови, учні розвинуть творчі здібності, ініціативу та художні смаки.
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Свято англійської мови для учнів 8 класів

 «Фестиваль весни і любові»

Вчитель англійської мови Черняхівської гімназії Черняхівської селищної ради  Житомирської області Якобчук Ганна Іванівна


                     Spring, Love, Festival

The girls – flowers are squatting on the stage.

Pupil 1: Open the windows and open the door

             And let the fresh breezes blow in,

             Cool days have gone away

             And all of a sudden it’s Spring! 

Pupil 2: Spring makes the world a happy place

             You see a smile on every face

             Flowers come out and birds arrive

             Oh, isn’t it grand to be alive.


The Girl – spring comes in. The “Flowers” are sleeping.


Spring:  Open your eyes and do not sleep

             And I’ll rub spring across your cheek-

             Smooth as satin, soft and sleek-

             Open your eyes and do not sleep!


The Girls – flowers are awaking and whispering “spring, spring…” The Gardener comes in.

Gardener: One – a pink rose,

                 Two – a water lily,

                 Three – a snow-drop,

                 Four – a yellow daffodil,

                 Five – a spring dandelion,

                 Six – a tiny blue bell,

                 Seven – a white daisy,

                 Eight – a rosy tulip…

                 There’s one more

                 Now let me see,

                 Oh, yes, of course

                 It must be me!

                 Hello! I’m a gardener!


The Girls – flowers sing a song “It’s spring time”, dancing around the Spring.

Gardener with Flowers: Hurrah! Hurrah!

                                       Spring beautiful days!

                                       It’s time to sing,

                                       It’s time to play!

Spring: Glad, that I live I am,

             That the sky is blue,

             Glad for the country lanes 

             And the fall of dew.

             After the sun – the rain,

             After the rain – the sun,

             This is the way of life

             Till the work be done.

Gardener: You are beautiful, my lady! And I know , you are very busy. You are a dream for every man! You make us to be hard- working. We dig the ground, when you come, plant trees and flowers, water them. We have much work in the gardens and on the farms. But we work as though we dance, with joy in the heart.


Little children dance “The Cowboys’ dance”


Spring: When I come, my dear, people not only have to work. They become happy and merry, because it’s a time of holiday making.

                    It’s time for people

                    To start celebrating,

                    And weave a rainbow

                    While they’re dancing.

Gardener: Ladies! Put on your Easter bonnets! Welcome, bonnet parade!


The boys and girls, wearing the holiday clothes and hats, decorating with Easter bonnets, come in. They carry baskets with Easter eggs.

They dance “Waltz”


Gardener: My darling! You are so charming, I can’t but love you.

                 I know I don’t express my thoughts

                 Too often or too clearly

                 But in my heart I hope you know

                 I love you very dearly.

Spring: I say a loving thank you

            For everything you do,

            And then a wish for happiness

            Today and all year through.


A girl sings a song “Only Hope”(Mandy Moore)


Fortune – teller: ( gives the fortune notes to some people. The last note she gives to Spring).


Spring (reads): “The second Tuesday after Easter is always oranges and     

                           kisses” Oh! Wow!

Gardener gives her the orange and she kisses him.

The girls and boys come in.

 The boys: (all together) “Oranges for kisses! Oranges for kisses!”

They give the oranges to the girls and the girls “kiss” them. Then they give the oranges to the Gardener and he gives them money.

The girls and the boys dance “Charleston”


Spring: I come to your heart and mind with joy and happiness. The traveling actors appear in small towns and villages along with me. They show that even fairy characters become crazy and funny in spring.

Gardener: Our Festival is going!

                 Whom shall we meet?

Actors:     Fairy heroes here to greet!

Gardener: Our Festival is going!

                 What will you be?

Actors:     It’s a secret, wait and see!


Everybody greets the actors.


Play “Little Red-Riding-Hood” (the modern version)


Spring: Angels of love fly down to the Earth and fill our hearts with   love.     Friends! Go on loving,

            Angels are calling!

            We can be better,

            Love is the answer!


The boys sing a song “Angels”( Morandi)

“Angels” shoot at the girls.

The girls sing a song “I’m with you”(Avril Lavigne)


Spring:    Take my hand and walk with me,

                Be my friend and talk to me.

Gardener: We can talk of many things

                 How we feel when a song bird sings.

Pupil 1:    High up in the cherry-tree

                 Sings a blackbird merrily.

Pupil 2:   The cherry is so white now,

                 The blossoms is so bright now.

Spring:     When the blackbird comes to sing,

                 All the world is glad for spring!

All the participants sing a song “I like to sing…”

They wave the flowers, balloons in their hands, and show the letters which make the  words “SPRING, LOVE, FESTIVAL”






Список літературиДЕНЬ СТУДЕНТА: МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ /создатель:  Н.В.









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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
23 лютого 2021
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