Тема уроку: Шкільне життя

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Тема уроку: Шкільне життя


.: Match the subjects to the activities


  • 1.Maths
  • 2.Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
  • 3.Geography
  • 4.History
  • 5.Language and literature
  • 6.Foreign languages
  • 7.PE (Physical education)
  • 8.IT (information technology)
  • 9.Art

What do we do during lessons?

a play team sports

b learn to use software

c solve problems

d do vocabulary exercises like this one

e draw or paint

fstudy maps

g read and discuss books

h learn about the past

ido experiments

Complete the sentences with the words from the box

Classmate, deputy head, examiner, head teacher, lecturer, students, stuff

  • 1.There are twenty-eight___________in my class.
  • 2.Miss Brown is an ________________ as well as a teacher. She knows all about the final exams.
  • 3.My father is a ______________ at university.
  • 4.The _____________ is away at a conference this week. In her absence, the ________ is in charge of the school.
  • 5.Uncle Dan is not really my uncle. He`s my dad`s old__________ . They went to school together thirty years ago.
  • 6.Our school is big. There is a teaching ____________ of more than 100.

  • Reading
  • The school year in Britain starts in September. The lessons last 40-45 minutes.
  • British pupils wear a school uniform. The favouritecolours are blue, grey, black
  • and green. The first foreign language they learn at school is French. Sometimes
  • they also learn a second foreign language: German, Spanish. British students have
  • ten days at Christmas and Easter holidays and six weeks in the Summer. Schools
  • also have special half-term holidays in the middle of each term.

Schools in England and America use their own marks: letters or percentage A -

  • excellent, B – good, C – satisfactory, D – bad, E – poor.
  • In most English schools forms start only at the secondary school, at the age of
  • eleven. So at the age of twelve British students go to the second form. At the age of
  • twelve Ukrainian students go to the sixth form.
  • The school day starts with assembly. All schools organise a short daily
  • meeting for the whole schools to give important information.
  • The five minutes between lessons is not a break. Pupils must use this time to
  • move quickly to the next lesson. During the lunch hour pupils have time to do
  • many things besides eating. They can also read in the library, participate in clubs
  • or sport, and go home.
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Тема уроку: Шкільне життя

Мета уроку:

навчальна – удосконалювати  навички  усного та писемного  мовлення,

читання,  аудіювання;  вчити аналізувати отриману  інформацію;

систематизувати  граматичний  матеріал.


розвивальна – розвивати  уміння  робити зі ставлення, висловлювати

свою думку, збагатити словниковий запас.


виховна–виховувати  розуміння  важливого  значення  освіти та


Оволодіння  іноземною  мовою і потреби користуватися нею, як засобом


спілкування,  виховувати повагу до школи.


Тип уроку: урок комплексного  застосування  знань, умінь, навичок.

Обладнання: презентація,  роздатковий  матеріал.

Методи і прийоминавчання: робота в групах, індивідуально-відокремлена


Хід уроку:

I. Підготовка до іншомовногоспілкування.

1. Привітання

T: Good morning pupils! Good morning dear guests!


2. Повідомленнятемитаметиуроку

T. So, today we’ll discuss a very important topic “School life”. We’ll know what is different and what is common in the system of

education in different countries.



(читання слів з перекладом на дошці)


Education–  образование

Knowledge - знания

Kindergarten – детскийсад

Classmate – одноклассник

Deputyhead – заместительдиректора

Teachingstuff–  преподавательскийсостав

Headteacher–  директор

Library – библиотека

Assemblyhall – актовыйзал

Curriculum – учебнаяпрограмма

Study – учиться

Subject - предмет


4. Уведення в іншомовне  середовище


T: Look at the screen and match the beginning of the proverb in column A with its


ending in column B.


Match the beginning of the proverb in column A with its ending in column B.


1. Live and…A. …a dangerous thing.


2. Knowledge is…B. …to learn.


3. A little knowledge is… C. …power.


4. It is never too late… D. …to know nothing.


5. To know everything is… E. … learn.


6. There is no royal road…F. …to learning.


The answer key: 1-E, 2-C, 3-A, 4-B, 5-D, 6-F.



Word Association:


Boys and girls, what words are associated in your mind with the word




P 1 : Study


P 2 : School


P 3 : university


P 4 : good job


P 5 : career


P 6 : books


P 7 : learn


P 8 : knowledge


“Live and Learn”


P 7 : And I’d like to continue your thought using another proverb.


“Knowledge is Power”


Your home task for today was to prepare information about schools of different countries

T.: Tell me please about the education in Ukraine


Education in UKraine

The system of secondary education in Ukraine includes primary forms and junior and senior secondary forms.

     Children usually go to school at the age of 6 or 7. Primary forms comprise 1 to 4 forms. Junior secondary forms comprise 5 to 9 forms. After the 9 th form children can enter  technical schools of different types. Those who want to enter higher educational institution should complete 10-11 forms.


Education in GB

At the age of 7 English school children go to junior schools. They do many subjects: English and Maths, Natural, History and Drawing, Handicrafts, French and Latin. They do not go to school early as we do,

But they stay there longer.

 The first lesson usualy starts at 9 o`clock. There are 3  lessonswith short breaks of ten minutes between them and then an hour break for lunch. After lunch they have too more lessons are over by half past three.

      If you have a look at an English pupils school record you will see that the marks in it differ from the marks we have. Our school children get marks from 1 to 12. At English school there are marks from 1 up to 10 and at some schools from 1 up to 100.

     Junior school ends at the age of 11 when pupils take the Eleven  Plus examination and then secondary school begins.


Education in the USA

     The American system of school education differs from the systems in other countries. There are state public schools, private elementary schools and private secondary schools.

     Public schools are free and private schools are feepaying. Each state has its own system of public schools.

    Elementary education begins at the age of 6 or 7, when a child goes to the first form. At the age of 16 schoolchildren leave the elementary school and may continue their education at one of the secondary schools or high schools, as they call them. The programme of studies in the elementary school includes English, Arithmetic, Geography, History of the USA, Natural sciences, etc. Sometimes they learn foreign language and general history. Besides giving general education some high schools  teach subjects useful to those who hope to find jobs in industry and agriculture or who want to enter colleges or universities.


Education in Canada

The school system of Canada is very much like the one in the USA, but there are certain differences. Education in Canada is general and compulsory for children from 6 to 16 years old, and in some provinces – to 14. It  is within the competence of the local authorities, and therefore it may differ from province to province.

     For example , Newfoundland has an 11-grade system. Some other provinces have 12-grade systems, and Ontario has even a 13-grade system. Grades 1-6 are usually elementary schools, and grades 7-12 are secondary schools. In some provinces there is kindergarten year before the first grade.


Education in Australia

     There exist a centralized national system of education in Australia. The top of this system is the Federal Ministry of Education. But there are still many differences in the structure the curricula of schools in different states.

     There exists two types of schools in the country: state schools and private schools. Tuition in state scools is free of charge. Private schools charge rather high  fees. 80% of Australian children go to state school, and only 20% attend fee-paying schools.School education is obligatory for all children from 6 to 15 years.


II. Основначастинауроку


1. Читання


Pre-listening task


T:Answer the questions.


1. What do you know about British schools?


2. What is common between your school and foreign schools?


3. What do you like at British school life?


4. What  subjects do you study at your school?




The school year in Britain starts in September. The lessons last 40-45 minutes.

British pupils wear a school uniform. The favourite colours are blue, grey, black


and green. The first foreign language they learn at school is French. Sometimes


they also learn a second foreign language: German, Spanish. British students have


ten days at Christmas and Easter holidays and six weeks in the Summer. Schools


also have special half-term holidays in the middle of each term.


Schools in England and America use their own marks: letters or percentage A -


excellent, B – good, C – satisfactory, D – bad, E – poor.


In most English schools forms start only at the secondary school, at the age of


eleven. So at the age of twelve British students go to the second form. At the age of


twelve Ukrainian students go to the sixth form.


The school day starts with assembly. All schools organise a short daily


meeting for the whole schools to give important information.


The five minutes between lessons is not a break. Pupils must use this time to


move quickly to the next lesson. During the lunch hour pupils have time to do


many things besides eating. They can also read in the library, participate in clubs


or sport, and go home.


Post-listening task


T: Mark the following statements true or false.


School day starts with assembly.

British pupils go to school on Saturday.

There are schools only for boys and only for girls in Britain.

Children of your age can go to a grammar school in England.

A school year in Britain has four terms.

Each term is divided into two half-terms.

The marking system in Britain is similar to that in Ukraine.

Science includes chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics.

Pupils can eat lunch in the school canteen.

British students have ten days at Christmas and Easter holidays



3.Гра «Guess the room», «Guess the subject».


T: Let us do the next task in groups.


Group 1


1. Books, newspapers, magazines are kept there. You go there to borrow orread books. (A library)

2. A room where you have lessons at school. (A classroom)

3. Meetings, performances, gatherings and parties are held in it. (An assemblyhall)

4. A place where you can watch sports matches. (A stadium)

5. A room where you do exercises for your body. (A gymnasium)

6. A room where you can eat sandwiches and drink tea or juice during thebreak. (A canteen)

7. A room for teachers and class registers. (A teachers’ room)


Group 2


1. You do a lot of experiments during this lesson (Chemistry).

2. You read books, stories and poems bu different authors and discuss them (Literature).

3. You use calculators to do the tasks at this lesson (Math).

4. Before this lesson you warm up and then run and jump in the gum (PhysicalTraining).

5. You learn a lot of facts about different countries (Geography).

6. At this lesson you learn about kings and queens (History).

7. You draw portraits and make different things during this lesson (Art).


4. Письмо


T: As you know there are four kinds of questions in English grammar.Put all kinds


of questions to the sentence:(general, special, alternative, disjunctive).


Pupils study a lot of subjects at school.


T.: Match the subjects to the activities


  1. Maths
  2. Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
  3. Geography
  4. History
  5. Language and  literature
  6. Foreign languages
  7. PE (Physical education)
  8. IT (information technology)
  9. Art


What do we do during lessons?

a  play team sports

b learn to  use software

c solve problems

d   do vocabulary exercises like this one

e   draw or paint

fstudy maps

g   read and discuss books

h learn about the past

ido experiments





T.: Complete the sentences with the words from the box

Classmate, deputy head, examiner, head teacher, lecturer, students, stuff


  1. There are twenty-eight___________in my class.
  2. Miss Brown is an ________________ as well as a teacher. She knows all about the final exams.
  3. My father is a ______________ at university.
  4. The _____________ is away at a conference this week. In her absence, the ________ is in charge of the school.
  5. Uncle Dan is not really my uncle. He`s my dad`s old__________ . They went to school together thirty years ago.
  6. Our school is big. There is a teaching ____________ of more than 100.



Now I offer to see a funny cartoon.

“school rules”


5. Вікторина


T: And now I’d like to see what you know about education in Great Britain and inUkraine. So, answer my questions, please.




1. When do children go to Infant schools in England? (At 5)

2. What do schoolchildren do in junior schools? (Read, write, do sums)

3. What is pre-school education provided by? (Kindergartens)

4. How many terms are there at English schools? ( 3)

5. School uniform in England becomes more popular, doesn`t it? (Yes)

6. What are the main types of British schools? (State and private)

7. How many subjects, which are compulsory does the national curriculumconsist of? (10)

8. Is a foreign language a compulsory subject for all British pupils in all forms?(Yes)

9. When is secondary education compulsory for children in Great Britain?(From 5 to 16)

10. How many days of- holidays do English children usually have? (10)


ІІІ. Заключна  частина  уроку.


  1. Підведення  підсумків  уроку.

T: You worked really hard. You realized the differences of the systems of


education, you are ready to improve our schooling. Now I want you to sum up the




2.Пояснення  домашнього  завдання.


-Write a composition “ Myschool

Thank you for your work

The lesson is over. Good bye.



















 Match the subjects to the activities


  1. Maths
  2. Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
  3. Geography
  4. History
  5. Language and  literature
  6. Foreign languages
  7. PE (Physical education)
  8. IT (information technology)
  9. Art

What do we do during lessons?

a  play team sports

b learn to  use software

c solve problems

d   do vocabulary exercises like this one

e   draw or paint

fstudy maps

g   read and discuss books

h learn about the past

ido experiments



.: Match the subjects to the activities


  1. Maths
  2. Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
  3. Geography
  4. History
  5. Language and  literature
  6. Foreign languages
  7. PE (Physical education)
  8. IT (information technology)
  9. Art

What do we do during lessons?

a  play team sports

b learn to  use software

c solve problems

d   do vocabulary exercises like this one

e   draw or paint

fstudy maps

g   read and discuss books

h learn about the past

ido experiments




Complete the sentences with the words from the box

Classmate, deputy head, examiner, head teacher, lecturer, students, stuff


  1. There are twenty-eight___________in my class.
  2. Miss Brown is an ________________ as well as a teacher. She knows all about the final exams.
  3. My father is a ______________ at university.
  4. The _____________ is away at a conference this week. In her absence, the ________ is in charge of the school.
  5. Uncle Dan is not really my uncle. He`s my dad`s old__________ . They went to school together thirty years ago.
  6. Our school is big. There is a teaching ____________ of more than 100.





Complete the sentences with the words from the box

Classmate, deputy head, examiner, head teacher, lecturer, students, stuff


  1. There are twenty-eight___________in my class.
  2. Miss Brown is an ________________ as well as a teacher. She knows all about the final exams.
  3. My father is a ______________ at university.
  4. The _____________ is away at a conference this week. In her absence, the ________ is in charge of the school.
  5. Uncle Dan is not really my uncle. He`s my dad`s old__________ . They went to school together thirty years ago.
  6. Our school is big. There is a teaching ____________ of more than 100.





Complete the sentences with the words from the box

Classmate, deputy head, examiner, head teacher, lecturer, students, stuff


  1. There are twenty-eight___________in my class.
  2. Miss Brown is an ________________ as well as a teacher. She knows all about the final exams.
  3. My father is a ______________ at university.
  4. The _____________ is away at a conference this week. In her absence, the ________ is in charge of the school.
  5. Uncle Dan is not really my uncle. He`s my dad`s old__________ . They went to school together thirty years ago.
  6. Our school is big. There is a teaching ____________ of more than 100.





The school year in Britain starts in September. The lessons last 40-45 minutes.

British pupils wear a school uniform. The favouritecolours are blue, grey, black


and green. The first foreign language they learn at school is French. Sometimes


they also learn a second foreign language: German, Spanish. British students have


ten days at Christmas and Easter holidays and six weeks in the Summer. Schools


also have special half-term holidays in the middle of each term.


Schools in England and America use their own marks: letters or percentage A -


excellent, B – good, C – satisfactory, D – bad, E – poor.


In most English schools forms start only at the secondary school, at the age of


eleven. So at the age of twelve British students go to the second form. At the age of


twelve Ukrainian students go to the sixth form.


The school day starts with assembly. All schools organise a short daily


meeting for the whole schools to give important information.


The five minutes between lessons is not a break. Pupils must use this time to


move quickly to the next lesson. During the lunch hour pupils have time to do


many things besides eating. They can also read in the library, participate in clubs


or sport, and go home.






До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
27 березня 2018
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