Тест для 9х класів "The structure of a business letter"

Про матеріал
Тест містить "розібраний" лист - завдання на подвійне співставлення: 1) співставити текст з його місцем у листі 2) назву частин листа з їх прикладами
Перегляд файлу


Match the parts of the business letter with their definitions and the examples. Then write the numbers and  letters in the correct places of the letter blank.


I.                     imageenclosure

II.                  body

III.               inside address

IV.                signature

V.                   letterhead VI. date

VII.         salutation

VIII.      final comment

IX.            closing phrase

X.               official position


a)      the main message of a letter

b)      sender’s name or surname in written form

c)      day, month and year of sending the letter

d)      all the information about a sender

e)      all the information about a receiver

f)       greetings

g)      sender’s status in a company

h)      something you add to your letter (copies or other documents)

i)       a phrase you sign your letter

j)       a phrase you use to show your desire to receive the answer from the one you write to


1)                                                                                                                                                   Dear Madam,                                        5) I am looking forward to hearing from you


2)                                                                                                                                                   Faithfully yours,                                                6)CATS

imageHanna Datsenko

3)                                                                                                                                                   22 Tupikova

Kyiv, 01003


        12 Bright Street                                                    7) 24 November, 2010

Beijing 34567 

        China                                                                    9) The list of our products

Tel.: 890-123-45

        e-mail: future@ukr.net                                        10) The Vice-President


8) We found out about your company and the services you offer from your site. And we are aware to inform you that our organization is interested in making and developing a separate branch dealing with the problems of pets of Chinese children. As we looked though all the firms, companies and organizations working in this sphere, we have chosen your company because of high quality of your work and demands to your personnel. So, we would welcome the opportunity of our meeting and in case of your agreement we would make all the appointments for cooperating. In this connection we also would like to hire your team as consultants for our managers from R&D department.



V-letterhead – d, 4;  

VI-date – c, 7;   

III-inside address – e, 6;

VII-salutation – f, 1; 

II-body – a, 8;       

                IX-closing phrase – j, 5;

VIII- final comment – I, 2; I-enclosure – h, 9.

IV-signature – b, 3

                X-official position – g, 10;


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