Тест Family and friends Lesson 1

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Контрольна робота з англійської мови 6 клас Unit 1 Family and Friends Lesson 1 They are Friends
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Test 1

“My Family and Friends”

Lesson 1


  1.               Match the words

a)Dictionary                   1)серйозний

b)register                 2)cловник

c)waste-paper basket     3)ввічливий

d)chalk                           4)смітник

e)serious                         5)ідеальний

f)perfect                          6) журнал


  1. II. Fill is or are

1. There ….two tables.
2. There ….a big blackboard.
3. There ….school bags.
4. There …many chairs.

5. There …a lot of pupils in the class.

6. There …a pinboard on the wall.


  1. III. Complete the sentances

      cousin, grandmother, uncle, aunt, sister, parents.

1. My father and my mother are my ___________________ .

2. My mother`s daughter is my ________________________.

3. My father`s mother is my __________________________ .

4. My father’s brother is my __________________________.

5. My mother’s sister is my ________________________ __.

6. My aunt’s son is my ______________________________ .


  1. IV. Translate into English

1. Я успішний в англійській мові .

2. Мій брат зацікавлений в музиці.

3. Вона шаленіє від собак.

4. Я не успішний в математиці.

5. Ми зацікавлені в спорті.

6. Ти успішний в танцях.


  1. V. Describe a member of your family. Start like this:

I have got a …………. . Her/ his name is ……….. .  She/He  ……….(years old) . 

She /He ……  and …….. .   She/ He has ……………...       Her/ His hobby …..