Test "Weather" (Writing) 5th form

Про матеріал

Контрольна робота з письма на тему: "Weather" для 5 класу. Робота складається з 3х рівневих завдань та може бути використана для перевірки рівня засвоєння лексико-граматичного матеріалу з теми.

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I. Read and guess what the weather is like.


windy   hot   foggy   rainy   snowy   cloudy


  1. It’s so cold and I can’t see anything. It’s…
  2. Hurray! Everything is white. It’s…
  3. We can go swimming in the sea. It’s…
  4. Look! The sky is grey. There is no sun. It’s…
  5. Oh, I haven’t got my umbrella. I’ll get wet. It’s…
  6. Look, the papers and leaves are flying like birds. It’s…


II. Complete with the correct Present Perfect (have/has+V3/ed) forms of the verbs in brackets.(You___________ (read) many books.

                       You have read many books.)


  1.  I____________ (lose) money.
  2. We_________ (listen) to the radio.
  3. My sister and I_________ (drink) juice.
  4. Alice _________ (buy) a nice hat.
  5. You __________ (get) a dictionary.
  6. Tom __________ (play) tennis.


III. Answer the questions.


  1. What are your favourite colours?
  2. What do you wear at school?
  3. What do you wear when the weather is rainy?
  4. Do you wear jeans?
  5. What clothes would you like to buy?
  6. Have you got Ukrainian embroidered shirt (Vyshyvanka)?

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14 вересня 2022
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