Тест “What is London”

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Тест “What is London” має на меті перевірити рівень знань здобувачів освіти про столицю країни, мову якої вивчають.
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1. Where can you see historical places? 

a) in the National Gallery

b) in the West End

c) in the East End 

d) in the British Museum

2. What part of London is good for shopping?

a) the Covent Garden

b) the East End

c) the City

d) the West End

3. What is the largest and richest museum in the world?

a) Victoria and Albert Museum  

b) Louvre 

c) The British Museum

d) the Museum of Fine Arts

4. What is Madam Tussaud's Museum famous for?

a) collections of antiquities

b) human and animal mummies

c) a lot of pictures 

d) wax models of famous people

5. Where are famous people buried in London?

a) in Hade Park

b) in Westminster Abbey

c) in the Tower of London

d) in St Paul's Cathedral

6. London stands on the river ...

a) Thames

b) Severn

c) Nile

d) Tame

7. The official home of the British Royal Family is…

a) Westminster

b) Buckingham Palace

c) Covent Garden

d) St. James's Palace

8. A commercial and trade centre of London is called …

a) the City of London

b) the City of Westminster

c) the Westminster Palace 

d) the Westminster Castle

9. "When a man is tired of London, he is tired of ... "

a) work 

b) home

c) the UK 

d) life

10. Poor workers live in …

a) the East End

b) wide streets and law hauses 

c) on the banks of the Thames

d) wherever they want

11. The Thames runs into … 

a) the English Channel

b) The Atlantic Ocean

c) The Gulf Stream

d) The North Sea

12. All these attractions are in London, except …

a) the Royal Family Museum

b) Buckingham Palace

c) the National Gallery

d) Hampton Court

13. Lud Hill is …

a) the place, where the Parliament met 

b) the oldest port

c) an ancient cathedral

d) the oldest part of the city

14. The coronation church is called … 

a) Buckingham Palace 

b) St Paul's Cathedral

c) Westminster Abbey

d) The Tower

15. How many well known places of interests in London? 

a) 100

b) 200

c) 300

d) 500

16. The Egyptian Galleries in London contain …

a) human and animal mummies 

b) ife-size wax models of famous people

c) the world's richest collections of antiquities

d) there aren't any Egyptian Galleries in London

17. London is unlike any other city because:

a) it's the biggest in the world

b) a lot of workers live there

c) it has never been planned

d) there are a lot of historical places

18. We can find Speaker's Corner in …

a) Regent’s Park

b) Hyde Park

c) St James's Park

d) Richmond Park 

19. What Soho is known for?

a) concerts

b) casinos and nightclubs

c) librаries 

d) shopping centers

20. What is popular among visitors in Albert Hall?

a) ancient icons

b) wax models

c) famous paintings 

d) the Promenades

21. The right place for lovers of music is …

a) Piccadilly Circus

b) Covent Garden

c) Hampton Court

d) Madam Tussaud's Museum

22. The Queen’s crown is in …

a) Buckingham Palace

b) The Tower of London

c) Hampton Court

d) Covent Garden

23. Where can you see the British Prime Minister?

a) In Piccadilly Street

b) In Downing Street

c) In Speaker’s Corner

d) In Poet’s Corner

24. What is modern London?

a) well- planned

b) a city-park

c) a small town 

d) really three cities

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