Тест "Youth Culture" для 9 класу

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота має на меті перевірити рівень сформованості в учнів лексичних та граматичних навичок, а також мовленнєвої компетенції з даної теми.
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Test       Variant 1

Task 1. Complete the definitions with the words:

dominant, to swear an oath, netiquette, to jump at the opportunity, to rebel, infamous

  1. A way of behavior on Internet –          2.  Important –
  1. Not to obey -                                        4.To have a chance –

5. To vow -                                                6. Famous for being bad -

Task 2.  Produce the words from the given ones and mention the part of speech..

  1. free –                                       2. club –

3. sceptic -                                    4. together –

5.to promote -                               6. music -

Task 3. Change the sentences into Reduced Relative Clauses.

1. Who is that man? He is waving at us.

2. The woman who is talking to my mom is my teacher.

3.Anyone who wants some help can call me.

4.  The student who is chosen as a winner will get a prize.

5. A young man is playing the guitar. He is a good musician.

6. A dog was hit by our neighbour's car. It is not seriously hurt.

Task 4. Paraphrase the sentences using the words in brackets.

  1. I’ll call the police if you don’t leave me alone. (unless)
  2. In the snowy weather we don’t go to school. (if)
  3. Make me some coffee and I’ll give you some biscuit. (supposing)
  4. If I see her, I’ll tell her. (in case)
  5. I’ll buy it if you give me a discount. (provided)
  6. What will you do if I ask you? (imagine)


Test       Variant 2

Task 1. Complete the definitions with the words:

to obey laws, to rave, abseiling, release, peer group, luxurious.

  1. Freedom to show or express yourself –                2. Very expensive and beautiful –

3.A group of the same age -                                       4. To follow the rules -                          

5.To talk about something you enjoy in an exciting way –         6. Climbing –

Task 2. Produce the words from the given ones and mention the part of speech..

  1. hand –                                       2. practice –

3. life -                                           4.  person –

4.member -                                    6. develop -

Task. 3. Change the sentences into Reduced Relative Clauses.

1. An elderly man was crossing the street. He was not seriously hurt.

2. The progress which was made yesterday gives us a head start.

3. A blonde woman is wearing a dark suit. She is the new boss.

4. The young boy who is coming to you is my brother.

5. The people who were living next door to us were from Poland.

6. The people who are sitting at the back can’t hear.

Task 4. Paraphrase the sentences using the words in brackets.

  1. If we get the tickets, we’ll go to the performance. (as soon as)
  2.  If I pass my driving test, I'll buy a car. (supposing)
  3.  If they don't give him the job, I don't know what he'll do. (unless)
  4.  What will you do if the bus doesn’t come? (in case)
  5.  You'll learn English more easily if you study a little every day.(provided)
  6. Will you give her these flowers when you see her? (imagine)
До підручника
Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 9 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В)
23 квітня 2020
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