6-Reading Comprehension (I term)

Додано: 1 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 143 рази
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text.

The farmer had a dog. When the dog was old, the farmer thought: “The dog is very old. I don’t want to give him food – he can’t work well.”

     So he drove the dog out. Poor dog! He walked and walked and walked. He was very hungry. In the evening he saw a wolf. The wolf said:” What’s the matter with you? You look terrible!”

“I haven’t got a home now. The farmer doesn’t want me. I’m very old now. I can’t work much now, and he doesn’t want to feed me. I’m hungry.”

     “I know how to help you”, said the wolf.

In the morning, the farmer went to work in the field. He took his little son with him. He put his son down and started working. The wolf ran up to the boy, took him and ran away with him.

     When the farmer saw it, he ran after the wolf. But he couldn’t get his son back. Then the dog ran after the wolf. The dog took the boy away from the wolf and brought the little boy to his father. The farmer was very happy. He thanked the dog and said: “Excuse me, please! You are a very good friend. Come back and live with us.”

     The old dog was very happy!

Mark if the sentence is true or false.

The farmer had a dog.  

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2

Read the text.

The farmer had a dog. When the dog was old, the farmer thought: “The dog is very old. I don’t want to give him food – he can’t work well.”

     So he drove the dog out. Poor dog! He walked and walked and walked. He was very hungry. In the evening he saw a wolf. The wolf said:” What’s the matter with you? You look terrible!”

“I haven’t got a home now. The farmer doesn’t want me. I’m very old now. I can’t work much now, and he doesn’t want to feed me. I’m hungry.”

     “I know how to help you”, said the wolf.

In the morning, the farmer went to work in the field. He took his little son with him. He put his son down and started working. The wolf ran up to the boy, took him and ran away with him.

     When the farmer saw it, he ran after the wolf. But he couldn’t get his son back. Then the dog ran after the wolf. The dog took the boy away from the wolf and brought the little boy to his father. The farmer was very happy. He thanked the dog and said: “Excuse me, please! You are a very good friend. Come back and live with us.”

     The old dog was very happy!

Mark if the sentence is true or false.

The dog was young.  

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

Read the text.

The farmer had a dog. When the dog was old, the farmer thought: “The dog is very old. I don’t want to give him food – he can’t work well.”

     So he drove the dog out. Poor dog! He walked and walked and walked. He was very hungry. In the evening he saw a wolf. The wolf said:” What’s the matter with you? You look terrible!”

“I haven’t got a home now. The farmer doesn’t want me. I’m very old now. I can’t work much now, and he doesn’t want to feed me. I’m hungry.”

     “I know how to help you”, said the wolf.

In the morning, the farmer went to work in the field. He took his little son with him. He put his son down and started working. The wolf ran up to the boy, took him and ran away with him.

     When the farmer saw it, he ran after the wolf. But he couldn’t get his son back. Then the dog ran after the wolf. The dog took the boy away from the wolf and brought the little boy to his father. The farmer was very happy. He thanked the dog and said: “Excuse me, please! You are a very good friend. Come back and live with us.”

     The old dog was very happy!

Mark if the sentence is true or false.

The dog can’t work very well. 

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Запитання 4

Read the text.

The farmer had a dog. When the dog was old, the farmer thought: “The dog is very old. I don’t want to give him food – he can’t work well.”

     So he drove the dog out. Poor dog! He walked and walked and walked. He was very hungry. In the evening he saw a wolf. The wolf said:” What’s the matter with you? You look terrible!”

“I haven’t got a home now. The farmer doesn’t want me. I’m very old now. I can’t work much now, and he doesn’t want to feed me. I’m hungry.”

     “I know how to help you”, said the wolf.

In the morning, the farmer went to work in the field. He took his little son with him. He put his son down and started working. The wolf ran up to the boy, took him and ran away with him.

     When the farmer saw it, he ran after the wolf. But he couldn’t get his son back. Then the dog ran after the wolf. The dog took the boy away from the wolf and brought the little boy to his father. The farmer was very happy. He thanked the dog and said: “Excuse me, please! You are a very good friend. Come back and live with us.”

     The old dog was very happy!

Mark if the sentence is true or false.

The wolf ate the farmer’s son.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

Read the text.

The farmer had a dog. When the dog was old, the farmer thought: “The dog is very old. I don’t want to give him food – he can’t work well.”

     So he drove the dog out. Poor dog! He walked and walked and walked. He was very hungry. In the evening he saw a wolf. The wolf said:” What’s the matter with you? You look terrible!”

“I haven’t got a home now. The farmer doesn’t want me. I’m very old now. I can’t work much now, and he doesn’t want to feed me. I’m hungry.”

     “I know how to help you”, said the wolf.

In the morning, the farmer went to work in the field. He took his little son with him. He put his son down and started working. The wolf ran up to the boy, took him and ran away with him.

     When the farmer saw it, he ran after the wolf. But he couldn’t get his son back. Then the dog ran after the wolf. The dog took the boy away from the wolf and brought the little boy to his father. The farmer was very happy. He thanked the dog and said: “Excuse me, please! You are a very good friend. Come back and live with us.”

     The old dog was very happy!

Mark if the sentence is true or false.

The wolf helped the dog.  

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Запитання 6

Read the text.

The farmer had a dog. When the dog was old, the farmer thought: “The dog is very old. I don’t want to give him food – he can’t work well.”

     So he drove the dog out. Poor dog! He walked and walked and walked. He was very hungry. In the evening he saw a wolf. The wolf said:” What’s the matter with you? You look terrible!”

“I haven’t got a home now. The farmer doesn’t want me. I’m very old now. I can’t work much now, and he doesn’t want to feed me. I’m hungry.”

     “I know how to help you”, said the wolf.

In the morning, the farmer went to work in the field. He took his little son with him. He put his son down and started working. The wolf ran up to the boy, took him and ran away with him.

     When the farmer saw it, he ran after the wolf. But he couldn’t get his son back. Then the dog ran after the wolf. The dog took the boy away from the wolf and brought the little boy to his father. The farmer was very happy. He thanked the dog and said: “Excuse me, please! You are a very good friend. Come back and live with us.”

     The old dog was very happy!

Choose the correct variant.

     The dog lived ….

варіанти відповідей

on a farm

in the forest

in the city

Запитання 7

Read the text.

The farmer had a dog. When the dog was old, the farmer thought: “The dog is very old. I don’t want to give him food – he can’t work well.”

     So he drove the dog out. Poor dog! He walked and walked and walked. He was very hungry. In the evening he saw a wolf. The wolf said:” What’s the matter with you? You look terrible!”

“I haven’t got a home now. The farmer doesn’t want me. I’m very old now. I can’t work much now, and he doesn’t want to feed me. I’m hungry.”

     “I know how to help you”, said the wolf.

In the morning, the farmer went to work in the field. He took his little son with him. He put his son down and started working. The wolf ran up to the boy, took him and ran away with him.

     When the farmer saw it, he ran after the wolf. But he couldn’t get his son back. Then the dog ran after the wolf. The dog took the boy away from the wolf and brought the little boy to his father. The farmer was very happy. He thanked the dog and said: “Excuse me, please! You are a very good friend. Come back and live with us.”

     The old dog was very happy!

Choose the correct variant.

     The dog was very  ….

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Запитання 8

Read the text.

The farmer had a dog. When the dog was old, the farmer thought: “The dog is very old. I don’t want to give him food – he can’t work well.”

     So he drove the dog out. Poor dog! He walked and walked and walked. He was very hungry. In the evening he saw a wolf. The wolf said:” What’s the matter with you? You look terrible!”

“I haven’t got a home now. The farmer doesn’t want me. I’m very old now. I can’t work much now, and he doesn’t want to feed me. I’m hungry.”

     “I know how to help you”, said the wolf.

In the morning, the farmer went to work in the field. He took his little son with him. He put his son down and started working. The wolf ran up to the boy, took him and ran away with him.

     When the farmer saw it, he ran after the wolf. But he couldn’t get his son back. Then the dog ran after the wolf. The dog took the boy away from the wolf and brought the little boy to his father. The farmer was very happy. He thanked the dog and said: “Excuse me, please! You are a very good friend. Come back and live with us.”

     The old dog was very happy!

Choose the correct variant.

        The farmer …  because he was old.

варіанти відповідей

 didn’t want to feed the dog

wanted to feed the dog

wanted to kill the dog.

Запитання 9

Read the text.

The farmer had a dog. When the dog was old, the farmer thought: “The dog is very old. I don’t want to give him food – he can’t work well.”

     So he drove the dog out. Poor dog! He walked and walked and walked. He was very hungry. In the evening he saw a wolf. The wolf said:” What’s the matter with you? You look terrible!”

“I haven’t got a home now. The farmer doesn’t want me. I’m very old now. I can’t work much now, and he doesn’t want to feed me. I’m hungry.”

     “I know how to help you”, said the wolf.

In the morning, the farmer went to work in the field. He took his little son with him. He put his son down and started working. The wolf ran up to the boy, took him and ran away with him.

     When the farmer saw it, he ran after the wolf. But he couldn’t get his son back. Then the dog ran after the wolf. The dog took the boy away from the wolf and brought the little boy to his father. The farmer was very happy. He thanked the dog and said: “Excuse me, please! You are a very good friend. Come back and live with us.”

     The old dog was very happy!

Choose the correct variant.

      The wolf.... the dog.

варіанти відповідей

 didn’t help



Запитання 10

Read the text.

The farmer had a dog. When the dog was old, the farmer thought: “The dog is very old. I don’t want to give him food – he can’t work well.”

     So he drove the dog out. Poor dog! He walked and walked and walked. He was very hungry. In the evening he saw a wolf. The wolf said:” What’s the matter with you? You look terrible!”

“I haven’t got a home now. The farmer doesn’t want me. I’m very old now. I can’t work much now, and he doesn’t want to feed me. I’m hungry.”

     “I know how to help you”, said the wolf.

In the morning, the farmer went to work in the field. He took his little son with him. He put his son down and started working. The wolf ran up to the boy, took him and ran away with him.

     When the farmer saw it, he ran after the wolf. But he couldn’t get his son back. Then the dog ran after the wolf. The dog took the boy away from the wolf and brought the little boy to his father. The farmer was very happy. He thanked the dog and said: “Excuse me, please! You are a very good friend. Come back and live with us.”

     The old dog was very happy!

Choose the correct variant.

     Finally the dog …  

варіанти відповідей

came back home

stayed in the forest

sat in the forest

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