9 клас. Listening - 1st semester

Додано: 12 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 99 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Audio №1. Listen to the text. Mark the following statements as true or false

1) Annie tells about her friend’s father

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Запитання 2

Audio №1. Listen to the text. Mark the following statements as true or false

2) Until 12 years old, Annie didn’t live with her parents. 

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Запитання 3

Audio №1. Listen to the text. Mark the following statements as true or false

3) In her teenage years, Annie was very sociable and had many friends. 

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Запитання 4

Audio №1. Listen to the text. Mark the following statements as true or false

4) Anna's mom was a housewife.

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Запитання 5

Audio №1. Listen to the text. Mark the following statements as true or false

5) Annie’s father helped her to develop positive thinking. 

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Запитання 6

Audio №1. Listen to the text. Mark the following statements as true or false

6) Annie doesn’t think her character has changed a lot since she was a child

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Запитання 7

Audio №2. Listen to the text. Read and choose the correct answer. 

1) What does the text tell about?

варіанти відповідей

Hip-hop music. 

Hip-hop culture.

Rap music.

Clothes based on hip-hop styles

Запитання 8

Audio №2. Listen to the text. Read and choose the correct answer. 

2) Where did hip-hop culture first appear?

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In New York City’s Bronx.

In the city of London.

In York.

The text doesn’t say.

Запитання 9

Audio №2. Listen to the text. Read and choose the correct answer. 

3) Which of the following was NOT mentioned about hip-hop culture?

варіанти відповідей

Rap music.

Spray-painted graffiti.

Colourful hair.

Break dancing.

Запитання 10

Audio №2. Listen to the text. Read and choose the correct answer. 

4) What are the four major clothing items associated with hip-hop styles?

варіанти відповідей

Baseball caps, T-shirts, baggy jeans, and sneakers.

Hats, jerseys, baggy jeans, and sneakers.

Sneakers, jerseys, baseball caps and baggy jeans.

Baseball caps, jerseys, leather trousers, and sneakers.

Запитання 11

Audio №2. Listen to the text. Read and choose the correct answer. 

5) What colours are preferable in rap clothes?

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It doesn’t matter. 

Запитання 12

Audio №2. Listen to the text. Read and choose the correct answer. 

6) It will be cool if you wear _______

варіанти відповідей

clothes from secondhand

clothes with a name of brand

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