Text for reading


Додано: 20 березня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 369 разів
14 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and tick (√) all the TRUE statements


варіанти відповідей

The Guardian is published in London and Manchester.

Melody Maker was united with New Musical Express in 2000.

The Guardian Weekly had another name until 1959.

The Guardian Weekly provides a compact digest of four newspapers.

Melody Maker was founded as a magazine for musicians.

The Guardian is published from Monday to Saturday.

The Guardian Weekly was the world’s oldest weekly music newspaper.

Melody Maker contains articles from The Guardian.

Запитання 2

Read the text and tick (√) all the FALSE statements


варіанти відповідей

The Guardian Weekly is published in London and Manchester.

Melody Maker was united with New Musical Express in 2000.

The Guardian Weekly had another name until 1959.

The Guardian Weekly provides a compact digest of four newspapers.

Melody Maker wasn't founded as a magazine for musicians.

The Guardian is published from Monday to Saturday.

The Guardian Weekly was the world’s oldest weekly music newspaper.

Melody Maker contains articles from The Guardian.

Запитання 3

Complete the text

A 1) … is a printed publication containing information, news and advertisements. The newspaper are usually devoted to social issues, news of business, political events, criminal reports , art and sports. In a newspaper there’s usually an editor’s that expresses the personal opinions of writers. Newspapers are most often on a daily or weekly basis, and they usually focus on one particular geographic area where most of their readers live.

варіанти відповідей







Запитання 4

Complete the text

A is a printed publication containing information, news and advertisements. The newspaper 2) … are usually devoted to social issues, news of business, political events, criminal reports , art and sports. In a newspaper there’s usually an editor’s that expresses the personal opinions of writers. Newspapers are most often on a daily or weekly basis, and they usually focus on one particular geographic area where most of their readers live.

варіанти відповідей







Запитання 5

Complete the text

A is a printed publication containing information, news and advertisements. The newspaper are usually devoted to social issues, news of business, political events, criminal reports , art and sports. In a newspaper there’s usually an editor’s 3) … that expresses the personal opinions of writers. Newspapers are most often on a daily or weekly basis, and they usually focus on one particular geographic area where most of their readers live.

варіанти відповідей







Запитання 6

Complete the text

A is a printed publication containing information, news and advertisements. The newspaper are usually devoted to social issues, news of business, political events, criminal reports , art and sports. In a newspaper there’s usually an editor’s that expresses the personal opinions of writers. Newspapers are most often 4) … on a daily or weekly basis, and they usually focus on one particular geographic area where most of their readers live.

варіанти відповідей







Запитання 7

Match the questions with the answer.

When does your dad read newspapers?

варіанти відповідей

Mass media appeared in the 1920s with the introduction of nationwide radio networks and mass circulation of newspapers and magazines.

My favourite newspaper is Kyiv Post.

I don’t often read newspapers, I prefer to find the news on the Internet.

I sometimes read special newspapers for schoolchildren.

My dad usually reads his newspaper during his morning coffee.

This newspaper is issued once a week.

The first newspaper appeared in Britain over 300 years ago.

Mass media is the term that denotes such means of communication as radio, television, and newspapers.

Запитання 8

Match the question with the answer.

What is your favourite newspaper?

варіанти відповідей

Mass media appeared in the 1920s with the introduction of nationwide radio networks and mass circulation of newspapers and magazines.

My favourite newspaper is Kyiv Post.

I don’t often read newspapers, I prefer to find the news on the Internet.

I sometimes read special newspapers for schoolchildren.

My dad usually reads his newspaper during his morning coffee.

This newspaper is issued once a week.

The first newspaper appeared in Britain over 300 years ago.

Mass media is the term that denotes such means of communication as radio, television, and newspapers.

Запитання 9

Match the question with the answer.

When did Mass media appeare?

варіанти відповідей

Mass media appeared in the 1920s with the introduction of nationwide radio networks and mass circulation of newspapers and magazines.

My favourite newspaper is Kyiv Post.

I don’t often read newspapers, I prefer to find the news on the Internet.

I sometimes read special newspapers for schoolchildren.

My dad usually reads his newspaper during his morning coffee.

This newspaper is issued once a week.

The first newspaper appeared in Britain over 300 years ago.

Mass media is the term that denotes such means of communication as radio, television, and newspapers.

Запитання 10

Match the question with the answer.

How often do they issue this newspaper?

варіанти відповідей

Mass media appeared in the 1920s with the introduction of nationwide radio networks and mass circulation of newspapers and magazines.

My favourite newspaper is Kyiv Post.

I don’t often read newspapers, I prefer to find the news on the Internet.

I sometimes read special newspapers for schoolchildren.

My dad usually reads his newspaper during his morning coffee.

This newspaper is issued once a week.

The first newspaper appeared in Britain over 300 years ago.

Mass media is the term that denotes such means of communication as radio, television, and newspapers.

Запитання 11

Match the question with the answer.

How often do your read newspapers?

варіанти відповідей

Mass media appeared in the 1920s with the introduction of nationwide radio networks and mass circulation of newspapers and magazines.

My favourite newspaper is Kyiv Post.

I don’t often read newspapers, I prefer to find the news on the Internet.

I sometimes read special newspapers for schoolchildren.

My dad usually reads his newspaper during his morning coffee.

This newspaper is issued once a week.

The first newspaper appeared in Britain over 300 years ago.

Mass media is the term that denotes such means of communication as radio, television, and newspapers.

Запитання 12

Match the question with the answer.

What type of newspapers do you read sometimes?

варіанти відповідей

Mass media appeared in the 1920s with the introduction of nationwide radio networks and mass circulation of newspapers and magazines.

My favourite newspaper is Kyiv Post.

I don’t often read newspapers, I prefer to find the news on the Internet.

I sometimes read special newspapers for schoolchildren.

My dad usually reads his newspaper during his morning coffee.

This newspaper is issued once a week.

The first newspaper appeared in Britain over 300 years ago.

Mass media is the term that denotes such means of communication as radio, television, and newspapers.

Запитання 13

Match the question with the answer.

When did the first newspaper appeare in Britain?

варіанти відповідей

Mass media appeared in the 1920s with the introduction of nationwide radio networks and mass circulation of newspapers and magazines.

My favourite newspaper is Kyiv Post.

I don’t often read newspapers, I prefer to find the news on the Internet.

I sometimes read special newspapers for schoolchildren.

My dad usually reads his newspaper during his morning coffee.

This newspaper is issued once a week.

The first newspaper appeared in Britain over 300 years ago.

Mass media is the term that denotes such means of communication as radio, television, and newspapers.

Запитання 14

Match the question with the answer.

What does the term of "mass media" mean?

варіанти відповідей

Mass media appeared in the 1920s with the introduction of nationwide radio networks and mass circulation of newspapers and magazines.

My favourite newspaper is Kyiv Post.

I don’t often read newspapers, I prefer to find the news on the Internet.

I sometimes read special newspapers for schoolchildren.

My dad usually reads his newspaper during his morning coffee.

This newspaper is issued once a week.

The first newspaper appeared in Britain over 300 years ago.

Mass media is the term that denotes such means of communication as radio, television, and newspapers.

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