after school (repeat grammar material)

Додано: 6 жовтня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 85 разів
4 запитання
Запитання 1

I.               Put in there is / there isn’t/is there?/there are/ there aren’t/ are there?

1.   Dunford is a very modern town. _________ many old buildings.

a)   There aren’t     b) there isn’t   c) there are    d) there is

2.   Look! __________ a photograph George in the newspaper!

a)   There is   b) there are    c) there isn’t          d) there aren’t  

3.   How many students _______ in your class?

a)   Is there   b) are there         c) there are       d) there is

4.   ________ a bus from the city centre to the airport?

a)   Are there         b) there are          c) is there  d) there is

варіанти відповідей

a) 1a, 2b,3c,4a

b) 1a, 2a,3b,4c

c) 1c, 2a,3a,4b

d) 1a, 2a,3b,4c

Запитання 2

II.               Complete the sentences. Use too much/too many or enough.

1.   I can’t wait for them. I haven’t got _____ time.

a)   Too much          b) too many           c) enough

2.   Did you have ______ to eat? Yes, thank you.

a)      Too much          b) too many           c) enough

   3. There was nowhere to sit on the beach. There were _______ people.

          a)     Too much          b) too many           c) enough

варіанти відповідей

a) 1a, 2c, 3b

b) 1c, 2b,3a

c) 1a, 2c, 3b

d) 1b, 2c, 3b

Запитання 3

III. Complete with the correct or the best answer.

1.   _____ to go now?

a)   Must we    b) Do we have       c) Mustn’t we

2.   Pupils ________ eat their lunches outside the canteen.

a)   Needn’t       b) mustn’t           c) don’t have to

3.   ________ to help with food and drinks at the party next Friday?

a)   Did you have          b) Must you       c) Will you have

варіанти відповідей

a) 1a, 2b, 3c

b) 1a, 2c, 3c

c) 1a, 2b, 3c

Запитання 4

IV.                What things are necessary for a hobby? Match the items on the right with the items on the left.

1.   Swimming                                         a) book

2.   Reading                                             b) bike

3.   Dancing                                             c) camera

4.   Photography                                      d) binoculars

5.   Drawing                                             e) rollerblades

6.   Cycling                                               f) sea/river/swimming pool

7.   Rollerblading                                       g) pencil

8.   Programming                                        h) computer

9.   Cinema                                                  i) Music

10.Birdwatching                                        j) film 

варіанти відповідей

a)   1 f, 2 a, 3 i, 4 c, 5 g, 6 b, 7 e, 8 h, 9 j, 10 d

b)   1 f, 2 i, 3 g, 4 c, 5 a, 6 b, 7 e, 8 j, 9 h, 10 d

c)   1 f, 2 i, 3 c, 4 a, 5 g, 6 d, 7 e, 8 j, 9 h, 10 b

d) 1 f, 2 a, 3 i, 4 c, 5 g, 6 b, 7 e, 8 h, 9 j, 10 d

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