Amusement park (reading)

Додано: 19 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 2 клас
Тест виконано: 462 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

1.    Read the text.

Jack and Mary are friends. Mary is eight and Jack is seven. Children like to go to the Amusement park. The girl likes riding a horse and eating burgers. The boy likes riding a roller coaster, buying chips and winning a prize. And the children like drinking a lot of lemonade. It’s fun and great!

2.    Choose YES or NO.

The boy’s name is Bill.

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Запитання 2

1.    Read the text.

Jack and Mary are friends. Mary is eight and Jack is seven. Children like to go to the Amusement park. The girl likes riding a horse and eating burgers. The boy likes riding a roller coaster, buying chips and winning a prize. And the children like drinking a lot of lemonade. It’s fun and great!

2.    Choose YES or NO.

Jack and Mary are friends.

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Запитання 3

1.    Read the text.

Jack and Mary are friends. Mary is eight and Jack is seven. Children like to go to the Amusement park. The girl likes riding a horse and eating burgers. The boy likes riding a roller coaster, buying chips and winning a prize. And the children like drinking a lot of lemonade. It’s fun and great!

2.    Choose YES or NO.

Mary is seven.

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Запитання 4

1.    Read the text.

Jack and Mary are friends. Mary is eight and Jack is seven. Children like to go to the Amusement park. The girl likes riding a horse and eating burgers. The boy likes riding a roller coaster, buying chips and winning a prize. And the children like drinking a lot of lemonade. It’s fun and great!

2.    Choose YES or NO.

Mary likes riding a horse.

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Запитання 5

1.    Read the text.

Jack and Mary are friends. Mary is eight and Jack is seven. Children like to go to the Amusement park. The girl likes riding a horse and eating burgers. The boy likes riding a roller coaster, buying chips and winning a prize. And the children like drinking a lot of lemonade. It’s fun and great!

2. Choose YES or NO

Jack likes buying cheese.

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Запитання 6

1.    Read the text.

Jack and Mary are friends. Mary is eight and Jack is seven. Children like to go to the Amusement park. The girl likes riding a horse and eating burgers. The boy likes riding a roller coaster, buying chips and winning a prize. And the children like drinking a lot of lemonade. It’s fun and great!

2.    Choose YES or NO.

The children like drinking apple juice.

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Запитання 7

1.    Read the text.

Jack and Mary are friends. Mary is eight and Jack is seven. Children like to go to the Amusement park. The girl likes riding a horse and eating burgers. The boy likes riding a roller coaster, buying chips and winning a prize. And the children like drinking a lot of lemonade. It’s fun and great!

2. Choose YES or NO

They don’t like to go to the Amusement park.  

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Запитання 8

1.    Read the text.

Jack and Mary are friends. Mary is eight and Jack is seven. Children like to go to the Amusement park. The girl likes riding a horse and eating burgers. The boy likes riding a roller coaster, buying chips and winning a prize. And the children like drinking a lot of lemonade. It’s fun and great!

2.    Choose YES or NO.

 Amusement park is great and fun.

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Запитання 9

Kids are...

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riding bikes.

rding horses.

Запитання 10

My sister drinks ...

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Запитання 11

They are in the...

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Запитання 12

He'd like eating a burger.

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