Англійська мова. Первинне діагностичне тестування за курс 5 кл. НУШ

Додано: 14 вересня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 84 рази
24 запитання
Запитання 1

What is true about the text?

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The cat is in the small park all day.

They can’t find an old dog

We lost our cat on Monday afternoon.

Запитання 2

What did Olena present to Iren?

варіанти відповідей

A new computer game.

A new album.

An old fairy tale book.

Запитання 3

What is true about the text?

варіанти відповідей

It’s a one-way ticket to Ukraine.

Children can travel with it.

The train goes to Warsaw.

Запитання 4

Borsch is the national dish of Ukraine. And it is very popular in other countries.

This is a traditional Ukrainian soup that is made with beets, cabbage, potatoes and other vegetables. You can eat it hot or cold. There are many different recipes of borsch with meat, while others are vegetarian. Borsch has a lot of vitamins and minerals, and people think that it is a health

Float Left

y meal.

Yevhen Klopotenko is a popular TV chef who loves Ukrainian food and wants more people to know about it. He did a lot to make our borsch well-known around the world. And on July 1st, 2022, an organization called UNESCO gave a special prize to Ukraine. Now, everyone knows about borsch, its traditional recipes, and its importance to every Ukrainian family! Borsch is a famous part of Ukrainian culture!

What is borsch?

варіанти відповідей

A traditional Ukrainian soup

A popular Polish dish

A type of salad

Запитання 5

Borsch is the national dish of Ukraine. And it is very popular in other countries.

This is a traditional Ukrainian soup that is made with beets, cabbage, potatoes and other vegetables. You can eat it hot or cold. There are many different recipes of borsch with meat, while others are vegetarian. Borsch has a lot of vitamins and minerals, and people think that it is a healthy meal.

Yevhen Klopotenko is a popular TV chef who loves Ukrainian food and wants more people to know about it. He did a lot to make our borsch well-known around the world. And on July 1st, 2022, an organization called UNESCO gave a special prize to Ukraine. Now, everyone knows about borsch, its traditional recipes, and its importance to every Ukrainian family! Borsch is a famous part of Ukrainian culture! What is there in borsch?

варіанти відповідей

potatoes,onions ,apples


beets, cabbage, potatoes

Запитання 6

Borsch is the national dish of Ukraine. And it is very popular in other countries.

This is a traditional Ukrainian soup that is made with beets, cabbage, potatoes and other vegetables. You can eat it hot or cold. There are many different recipes of borsch with meat, while others are vegetarian. Borsch has a lot of vitamins and minerals, and people think that it is a healthy meal.

Yevhen Klopotenko is a popular TV chef who loves Ukrainian food and wants more people to know about it. He did a lot to make our borsch well-known around the world. And on July 1st, 2022, an organization called UNESCO gave a special prize to Ukraine. Now, everyone knows about borsch, its traditional recipes, and its importance to every Ukrainian family! Borsch is a famous part of Ukrainian culture!Who is Yevhen Klopotenko?

варіанти відповідей

A teacher from London

A popular Ukrainian chef

A popular Ukrainian doctor

Запитання 7

Borsch is the national dish of Ukraine. And it is very popular in other countries.This is a traditional Ukrainian soup that is made with beets, cabbage, potatoes and other vegetables. You can eat it hot or cold. There are many different recipes of borsch with meat, while others are vegetarian. Borsch has a lot of vitamins and minerals, and people think that it is a healthy meal.Yevhen Klopotenko is a popular TV chef who loves Ukrainian food and wants more people to know about it. He did a lot to make our borsch well-known around the world. And on July 1st, 2022, an organization called UNESCO gave a special prize to Ukraine. Now, everyone knows about borsch, its traditional recipes, and its importance to every Ukrainian family! Borsch is a famous part of Ukrainian culture!

Is borsch a healthy meal?

варіанти відповідей

Yes,it has a lot of vitamins and minerals

No,it has a lot of sugar and fat

Yes,it has a lot of sugar and salt

Запитання 8

Foxes are amazing animals. There are red, grey and white foxes. They live in the..

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Запитання 9

Foxes are amazing animals. There are red, grey and white foxes. They live in the...Foxes have got big eyes. They can see well at night. Foxes are also very clever animals. They often .... in the grass and watch other animals.(comlete the last sentance)

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Запитання 10

Foxes are amazing animals. There are red, grey and white foxes. They live in the ...

Foxes have got big eyes. They can see well at night. Foxes are also very clever animals. They often ... in the grass and watch other animals .....(comlete the last sentance)

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Запитання 11

Foxes are amazing animals. There are red, grey and white foxes. They live in the ... Foxes have got big eyes. They can see well at night. Foxes are also very clever animals. They often ....in the grass and watch other animals ...

Foxes move quietly and catch animals for food. They have strong ....


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Запитання 12

Dan .....got got long straight hair.

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Запитання 13

Police officers Police officers....  got slow cars.


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Запитання 14

There ..... lots of swings and slides.

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Запитання 15

There ....a cake on the plate.

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Запитання 16

Every day my sister ....about shopping.

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Запитання 17

She ....swim in the river in winter.

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Запитання 18

He is my friend. He ....playing computer games.

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don’t enjoy



Запитання 19

Lions are .... than cats.

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the bigest

Запитання 20

The tourists ....tired 

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Запитання 21

The teacher ... kind.


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Запитання 22

English is the .....subject at school.

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Запитання 23

We are from China. ....names are Lee and Po.

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Запитання 24

My uncle works at the police station. He is ... police officer.

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