Англійська ПМК (351-400)

Додано: 26 серпня 2023
Предмет: Етика, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 10 разів
50 запитань
Запитання 1

351. As a result of injury of tongue a 32-year-old male had a heavy bleeding. The bleeding can be stopped by ligating an artery in the following topographic anatomic region (triangle):

варіанти відповідей

Omotrapezoid triangle

Omotracheal triangle

Carotid triangle

Omoclavicular triangle

Pirogov’s triangle

Запитання 2

352. A 60-year-old patient has taken a drug to relieve angina pectoris attack; in several minutes pain felt in the breastbone area abated, but it was followed by feeling of vertigo, headache, tinnitus, and hyperemia of face. What drug has he taken?

варіанти відповідей






Запитання 3

353. Experimenters irritate the peripheral segment of the intersected sympathetic nerve of an experimental dog. Which of the following changes will be observed?

варіанти відповідей

Pupil constriction

Increased gastric and intestinal motility


Heart force decrease

Heart rate decrease

Запитання 4

354. A 46-year-old patient consulted an oculist about drooping of the upper eyelid. On examination he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The pathological process must have affected the nuclei of the following pair of cranial nerves:

варіанти відповідей






Запитання 5

355. A histological preparation of cerebellum transverse section shows large number of multipolar neurons in the grey matter. What morphological feature allows to identify them as multipolar?

варіанти відповідей

Shape of axon terminals

Cell size

Shape of perikaryon

Number of cellular processes

Length of cellular processes

Запитання 6

356. A connective tissue preparation stained with hematoxylin-eosin shows isogenous cell groups surrounded with basophilic intercellular substance. No fibrous structures detected. What type of connective tissue is it?

варіанти відповідей

Loose fibrous tissue

Splenial bone tissue

Dense fibrous tissue

Elastic cartilage tissue

Hyaline cartilage tissue

Запитання 7

357. A patient has temporal bone fracture caused by an accident. What muscle functioning is disrupted?

варіанти відповідей

M. pterygoideus lateralis

M. masseter

M. temporalis

M. pterygoideus medialis

M. Risorius

Запитання 8

358. In the process of metabolism human body produces active oxygen forms, including superoxide anion radical O 2 . This anion is inactivated by the following enzyme:

варіанти відповідей


Superoxide dismutase

Glutathione reductase


Glutathione peroxidase

Запитання 9

359. A 49-year-old patient has psychotic manifestations in form of psychomotor agitation, auditory and visual hallucinations. What drug is indicated in the described case?

варіанти відповідей




Sodium bromide

Valerian tincture

Запитання 10

360. A 70-year-old man has developed prosphetic stomatitis. Apart of this he was found to have an evident lesion of mouth corners. Microscopical examination revealed large ovoid gram-positive cells. What microorganisms are most likely to be the leading etiological agent of such a lesion?

варіанти відповідей



Candida fungi



Запитання 11

361. Certain infections caused by bacteria are treated with sulphanilamides that block the synthesis of bacterial growth factor. What is the mechanism of these drugs action?

варіанти відповідей

They are allosteric enzymes

They are antivitamins of p-aminobenzoic acid

They inhibit the folic acid absorption

They are allosteric enzyme inhibitors

They are involved in redox processes

Запитання 12

362. Ionizing radiation or vitamin E deficiency may increase the permeability of lysosome membranes. What consequences may arise from this pathology?

варіанти відповідей

Partial or complete cell disintegration

Restoration of the cytoplasmic membrane

Formation of cleavage spindle

Intensive protein synthesis

Intense energy synthesis

Запитання 13

363. A patient complains of pain in the thorax during breathing, dyspnea, restriction of coughing movements, hiccup. What respiratory muscles are affected?

варіанти відповідей

Internal intercostal muscles


External intercostal muscles

Abdominal muscles

Serratus anterior muscle

Запитання 14

364. Microscopy of dental plaque revealed unicellular organisms. Their cytoplasm had two distinct layers, barely visible core, wide pseudopodia. The patient is most likely to have:

варіанти відповідей

Trichomonas tenax

Entamoeba coli

Entamoeba gingivalis


Entamoeba histolytica

Запитання 15

365. Examination of a 23-year-old patient reveals that when his tongue is protruded, its tip deviates to the side. This is caused by the dysfunction of the following tongue muscle:

варіанти відповідей

Inferior longitudinal



Superior longitudinal


Запитання 16

366. Novocaine acts as an anesthetic by making nerve fibers unable to conduct stimulation. What mechanism of action regarding membrane’s permeability to ions does this drug have?

варіанти відповідей

Calcium ion-selective channels blockade

Sodium-proton pump blockade

Potassium ion-selective channels blockade

Sodium-potassium pump blockade

Sodium ion-selective channels blockade

Запитання 17

367. A patient has an inflammation in the pterygopalatine fossa. The infection has spread to the nasal cavity. What anatomic structure has the infection penetrated through?

варіанти відповідей

Foramen rotundum

Canalis ptherygoideus

Canalis palatinus minor

Foramen sphenopalatinum

Canalis palatinus major

Запитання 18

368. A 50-year-old patient has been referred for treatment of neck lymphadenitis. His individual penicillin sensitivity was tested. In 30 seconds full-body fever raised in the patient and his arterial blood pressure dropped to 0 mm Hg, followed by cardiac arrest. Resuscitation was unsuccessful. Autopsy revealed acute venous hyperemia of viscera. Histological study revealed mast cells (tissue basocytes) degranulation in the skin (at the area of injections), myocardium and lungs. What kind of hypersensitivity reaction occurred in patient?

варіанти відповідей


Complement-mediated cytotoxic

Immune complex-mediated

Delayed-type hypersensitivity

Запитання 19

369. A female patient with toxemia of pregnancy has hypersalivation resulting in a daily loss of 3-4 liters of saliva. What disorder of water-salt metabolism occurs in such cases?

варіанти відповідей

Isoosmolar hypohydration



Hypoosmolar hypohydration

Hyperosmolar hypohydration

Запитання 20

370. Examination of a chemical plant worker who had had a poisoning revealed an increase in total bilirubin concentration at the expense of indirect fraction. Feces and urine are characterized by high stercobilin concentration. The level of direct bilirubin in blood plasma is normal. What type of jaundice is the case?

варіанти відповідей






Запитання 21

371. A patient has the pronounced pain syndrome induced by neuralgia. What drug from the group of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs will reduce pain sensitivity?

варіанти відповідей

Diclofenac sodium


Lidocaine hydrochloride

Codeine phosphate

Ketamine hydrochloride

Запитання 22

372. Tooth temperature increases during its preparation due to dental borer friction, which may cause painful sensations. What is the threshold of teeth thermal sensitivity?

варіанти відповідей

21-30 0С

51-60 0С

10-20 0С

31-40 0С

41-50 0С

Запитання 23

373. A 49-year-old male patient with myocardial infarction has been admitted to the cardiology department. What changes in the peripheral blood cells are induced by the necrotic changes in the myocardium?

варіанти відповідей



Neutrophilic leukocytosis



Запитання 24

374. A patient has some vesicles on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, lips and nose. A dentist suspected vesicular stomatitis. What analysis will allow to confirm the diagnosis?

варіанти відповідей

Recovery of bacteria from the vesicular fluid

Allergy test

Recovery of virus from the vesicular fluid

Microscopy of the vesicular fluid

Contamination of animals with the vesicular fluid

Запитання 25

375. A patient complains of feeling of pain in his upper jaw and teeth. Physical examinations reveals painful feeling when supraorbital incisure area is pressed. What nerve is damaged?

варіанти відповідей

Trochlear nerve

The 1st branch of trigeminal nerve

The 2nd branch of trigeminal nerve

Facial nerve

The 3rd branch of trigeminal nerve

Запитання 26

376. A 31-year-old patient has deep caries of the fifth maxillary tooth on the right. Acute purulent inflammation in the region of the tooth apex has developed. There is marked edema with isolated neutrophils in the perifocal tissues and soft tissues of cheek and palate. Diagnose the pathologic process in the soft tissues of cheek and palate:

варіанти відповідей

Acute serous inflammation

Acute suppurative periostitis

Acute suppurative periodontitis


Запитання 27

377. After the extraction of the lower first premolar the patient had dentoalveolar haemorrhage. What artery did the bleeding occur from?

варіанти відповідей



Transverse facial artery


Inferior alveolar

Запитання 28

378. Orthodontic treatment of a child proved to be ineffective due to the chronic mouth breathing since the nasal breathing is impaired. This is caused by the hypertrophy of the following tonsils:

варіанти відповідей




Palatine and tubal


Запитання 29

379. A 35-year-old patient had a cerebral injury that caused a hemorrhage in the region of the medial surface of the frontal gyrus and cingulate gyrus. What artery supplies blood to the area of the hemorrhage localization?

варіанти відповідей

Posterior cerebral

Anterior cerebral

Anterior communicating


Median cerebral

Запитання 30

380. A 32-year-old patient has B 2 hypovitaminosis. The specific symptoms such as epithelial, mucosal, skin and corneal lesions are most likely to be caused by the deficiency of: hypovitaminosis. The specific symptoms such as epithelial, mucosal, skin and corneal lesions are most likely to be caused by the deficiency of: 

варіанти відповідей

Flavin coenzymes

Cytochrome oxidase

Cytochrome b

Cytochrome a1

Cytochrome c

Запитання 31

381. To perform a scheduled surgery on the upper jaw, a surgeon decided to apply ataralgesia. What medications are used for this manipulation?

варіанти відповідей

Non-narcotic analgesics



General anesthetics

Narcotic analgesics

Запитання 32

382. A patient in a collaptoid state has been given an injection of mesatonum for the correction of blood pressure. What is the mechanism of this drug action?

варіанти відповідей

It stimulates α- and β-adrenergic receptors

It blocks α-adrenergic receptors

It stimulates β-adrenergic receptors

It blocks β-adrenergic receptors

It stimulates α-adrenergic receptors

Запитання 33

383. An injury to the occipital region resulted in apnoea. What could be the immediate cause of apnoea?

варіанти відповідей

Spinal cord rapture below the 5th vertebra

Rapture between the mesencephalon and medulla oblongata

Medulla oblongata injury

Traumatic shock

Cerebellum injury

Запитання 34

384. Microscopic examination of the biopsy sample taken from a deformed upper jaw bone revealed areas of bone resorption and replacement of bone tissue by randomly arranged bundles of mature collagen fibers with spindle and stellate cells; primitive structure of trabeculae; myxomatous foci. What is the most likely diagnosis?

варіанти відповідей




Fibrous osteodysplasia


Запитання 35

385. A 60-year-old man consulted a doctor about an onset of chest pain. In blood serum analysis showed a significant increase in the activity of the following enzymes: creatine kinase and its MBisoform, aspartate aminotransferase. These changes indicate the development of the pathological process in the following tissues:

варіанти відповідей

Skeletal muscles


Cardiac muscle

Smooth muscles


Запитання 36

386. Curarelike substances (dithylinum) make it impossible for skeletal muscles to contract because they block:

варіанти відповідей

Central synapses


Neuromuscular synapses

Membrane conduction of excitement

Ganglionic synapses

Запитання 37

387. A histological preparation of multirooted tooth reveals polygonal cells with processes in the root bifurcation area. What cells and what dental tissues are characterised by these morphologic features?

варіанти відповідей

Cementocytes, dentine

Fibroblasts, pulp

Enameloblasts, enamel

Cementocytes, cement

Odontoblasts, enamel

Запитання 38

388. Activation of certain hemostasis system factors is done through calcium ions attachment. What structural component allows this attachment?

варіанти відповідей

Gamma-oxybutyric acid


Gamma-aminobutyric acid

Mono amino dicarboxylic acids

Gamma-carboxyglutamic acid

Запитання 39

389. When examining a child the dentist found the deposit on both tonsils and suspected atypical form of diphtheria. A smear was taken, and after the nutrient media inoculation the toxicity of the isolated pure culture was determined. What reaction was used to determine the toxigenicity of the isolated strain of diphtheria bacillus?

варіанти відповідей

Agglutination reaction on a glass slide

Hemolysis reaction

Gel precipitation reaction

Ring precipitation reaction

Complement binding reaction

Запитання 40

390. Proliferation of connective tissue in the parenchyma of liver (fibrosis) caused by chronic diseases is typically accompanied by an impairment of blood circulation in the classic lobules. What is the direction of blood flow in these lobules?

варіанти відповідей

From the periphery to the center

From the base to the top

Around the lobule

From the center to the periphery

From the top to the base

Запитання 41

391. A 36-year-old injured has an occipital bone injury causing damage to the sigmoid sinus. What part of the bone is damaged?

варіанти відповідей


Pars basilaris

Pars lateralis


Запитання 42

392. In some areas of South Africa many people have sickle cell disease characterized by red blood cells that assume an abnormal sickle shape due to the substitution of glutamic acid for valine in the hemoglobin molecule. What is the cause of this disease?

варіанти відповідей


Disturbances of the mechanisms of genetic information transmission


Gene mutation

Genomic mutation

Запитання 43

393. Calcification of the intercellular substance of bone tissue is accompanied by the deposition of hydroxyapatite crystals along the collagen fibers. This process requires the presence of alkaline phosphatase in the intercellularsubstance. What cell produces this enzyme?

варіанти відповідей






Запитання 44

394. A young man has the following symptoms: purulent acne on the face; wrinkled, hyperemic skin; eyebrows and eyelashes are falling out. A doctor has made a diagnosis of demodicosis (demodectic mange). What preventive measures can be recommended?

варіанти відповідей

Processing premises with insecticides


Protection from mite bites

Maintaining personal hygiene

Donor blood check

Запитання 45

395. To prevent the seasonal influenza epidemics in the city hospitals, sanitary epidemic station gave orders to immunize health care workers. Which of the following preparations should be used for immunization?

варіанти відповідей



Subunit vaccine



Запитання 46

396. In order to eliminate occupational risks dental workers underwent vaccination. The vaccine should protect them from a viral infection, whose pathogen may be found in blood of dental patients who had had this infection or who are its chronic carriers. What vaccine was used?

варіанти відповідей

Live measles vaccine

Anti-rabies vaccine

Inactivated hepatitis A vaccine

Subunit influenza vaccine

Genetically engineered HBs antigen

Запитання 47

397. A histological specimen represents an organ made up of skeletal crossstriated muscle tissue. The organ has cutaneous, intermediate, and mucosal sections. The skin of the organ is stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium passing into nonkeratinizing epithelium in the mucosal section. Specify this organ:

варіанти відповідей

Hard palate





Запитання 48

398. Experimental studies revealed steroid hormones to have an effect on proteosynthesis. They influence synthesis of the following substances:

варіанти відповідей

Adenosine triphosphate

Specific ribosomal RNA

Guanosine triphosphate

Specific messenger RNA

Specific transfer RNA

Запитання 49

399. A 34-year-old patient underwent a tooth extraction. The tooth crown was of diamond shape and had four tubercles on the masticatory surface, the tooth had three roots. What tooth was extracted?

варіанти відповідей

The second mandibular molar

The third maxillary molar

The first mandibular molar

Second maxillary molar

The first maxillary molar

Запитання 50

400. Activation of free radical processes is a universal mechanism that triggers cell death. What inhibitors of this process should be administered as a part of therapeutic interventions intended for the treatment of generalized periodontitis?

варіанти відповідей

Riboflavin, pyridoxine

Thiamin, folate

Calciferol, naphthoquinone

Tocopherol, ascorbate

Cobalamin, pantothenic acid

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