At the museum

Додано: 19 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 32 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

At the museum

Billy and Sam are friends. They study in the fourth form. They are fond of information technology at school. The friends want to be computer programmers after school.

Last Sunday morning it rained. Billy and Sam didn’t want to stay at home. So they went to the museum by bus. At the museum there were the oldest and the newest computers. There were more then twenty different types of robots. They saw a robot that could clean the house. There was a room with big pictures of planets and stars.

The museum had a cinema too. The boys watched a film about the sun. They learned a lot about it: how large and how hot it is, how far it is from our planet. The boys liked the museum very much. They’d like to go there again.

I. Write “True” or ‘False”.

1) Billy and Sam went to the playground.

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Запитання 2

At the museum

Billy and Sam are friends. They study in the fourth form. They are fond of information technology at school. The friends want to be computer programmers after school.

Last Sunday morning it rained. Billy and Sam didn’t want to stay at home. So they went to the museum by bus. At the museum there were the oldest and the newest computers. There were more then twenty different types of robots. They saw a robot that could clean the house. There was a room with big pictures of planets and stars.

The museum had a cinema too. The boys watched a film about the sun. They learned a lot about it: how large and how hot it is, how far it is from our planet. The boys liked the museum very much. They’d like to go there again.

2) They are fond of information technology at school.____

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Запитання 3

At the museum

Billy and Sam are friends. They study in the fourth form. They are fond of information technology at school. The friends want to be computer programmers after school.

Last Sunday morning it rained. Billy and Sam didn’t want to stay at home. So they went to the museum by bus. At the museum there were the oldest and the newest computers. There were more then twenty different types of robots. They saw a robot that could clean the house. There was a room with big pictures of planets and stars.

The museum had a cinema too. The boys watched a film about the sun. They learned a lot about it: how large and how hot it is, how far it is from our planet. The boys liked the museum very much. They’d like to go there again.

3) Last Sunday morning it snowed.

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Запитання 4

At the museum

Billy and Sam are friends. They study in the fourth form. They are fond of information technology at school. The friends want to be computer programmers after school.

Last Sunday morning it rained. Billy and Sam didn’t want to stay at home. So they went to the museum by bus. At the museum there were the oldest and the newest computers. There were more then twenty different types of robots. They saw a robot that could clean the house. There was a room with big pictures of planets and stars.

The museum had a cinema too. The boys watched a film about the sun. They learned a lot about it: how large and how hot it is, how far it is from our planet. The boys liked the museum very much. They’d like to go there again.

4) They went to the museum by bus. .___

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Запитання 5

At the museum

Billy and Sam are friends. They study in the fourth form. They are fond of information technology at school. The friends want to be computer programmers after school.

Last Sunday morning it rained. Billy and Sam didn’t want to stay at home. So they went to the museum by bus. At the museum there were the oldest and the newest computers. There were more then twenty different types of robots. They saw a robot that could clean the house. There was a room with big pictures of planets and stars.

The museum had a cinema too. The boys watched a film about the sun. They learned a lot about it: how large and how hot it is, how far it is from our planet. The boys liked the museum very much. They’d like to go there again.

5) There were more then fifty different types of robots.

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Запитання 6

At the museum

Billy and Sam are friends. They study in the fourth form. They are fond of information technology at school. The friends want to be computer programmers after school.

Last Sunday morning it rained. Billy and Sam didn’t want to stay at home. So they went to the museum by bus. At the museum there were the oldest and the newest computers. There were more then twenty different types of robots. They saw a robot that could clean the house. There was a room with big pictures of planets and stars.

The museum had a cinema too. The boys watched a film about the sun. They learned a lot about it: how large and how hot it is, how far it is from our planet. The boys liked the museum very much. They’d like to go there again.

6) The museum had a shop.

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Запитання 7

At the museum

Billy and Sam are friends. They study in the fourth form. They are fond of information technology at school. The friends want to be computer programmers after school.

Last Sunday morning it rained. Billy and Sam didn’t want to stay at home. So they went to the museum by bus. At the museum there were the oldest and the newest computers. There were more then twenty different types of robots. They saw a robot that could clean the house. There was a room with big pictures of planets and stars.

The museum had a cinema too. The boys watched a film about the sun. They learned a lot about it: how large and how hot it is, how far it is from our planet. The boys liked the museum very much. They’d like to go there again.

7) The boys watched a film about the sun.

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Запитання 8

At the museum

Billy and Sam are friends. They study in the fourth form. They are fond of information technology at school. The friends want to be computer programmers after school.

Last Sunday morning it rained. Billy and Sam didn’t want to stay at home. So they went to the museum by bus. At the museum there were the oldest and the newest computers. There were more then twenty different types of robots. They saw a robot that could clean the house. There was a room with big pictures of planets and stars.

The museum had a cinema too. The boys watched a film about the sun. They learned a lot about it: how large and how hot it is, how far it is from our planet. The boys liked the museum very much. They’d like to go there again.

8) They learned a lot about animals.

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Запитання 9

At the museum

Billy and Sam are friends. They study in the fourth form. They are fond of information technology at school. The friends want to be computer programmers after school.

Last Sunday morning it rained. Billy and Sam didn’t want to stay at home. So they went to the museum by bus. At the museum there were the oldest and the newest computers. There were more then twenty different types of robots. They saw a robot that could clean the house. There was a room with big pictures of planets and stars.

The museum had a cinema too. The boys watched a film about the sun. They learned a lot about it: how large and how hot it is, how far it is from our planet. The boys liked the museum very much. They’d like to go there again.

Answer the questions.

 1)What was the weather like last Sunday?

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Запитання 10

At the museum

Billy and Sam are friends. They study in the fourth form. They are fond of information technology at school. The friends want to be computer programmers after school.

Last Sunday morning it rained. Billy and Sam didn’t want to stay at home. So they went to the museum by bus. At the museum there were the oldest and the newest computers. There were more then twenty different types of robots. They saw a robot that could clean the house. There was a room with big pictures of planets and stars.

The museum had a cinema too. The boys watched a film about the sun. They learned a lot about it: how large and how hot it is, how far it is from our planet. The boys liked the museum very much. They’d like to go there again.

2) Who went to the museum?

варіанти відповідей

Bill and Sam

Kate and Sam

Запитання 11

At the museum

Billy and Sam are friends. They study in the fourth form. They are fond of information technology at school. The friends want to be computer programmers after school.

Last Sunday morning it rained. Billy and Sam didn’t want to stay at home. So they went to the museum by bus. At the museum there were the oldest and the newest computers. There were more then twenty different types of robots. They saw a robot that could clean the house. There was a room with big pictures of planets and stars.

The museum had a cinema too. The boys watched a film about the sun. They learned a lot about it: how large and how hot it is, how far it is from our planet. The boys liked the museum very much. They’d like to go there again.

3) What did the boys see on the big pictures?

варіанти відповідей

of sky and sun

of planets and stars

Запитання 12

At the museum

Billy and Sam are friends. They study in the fourth form. They are fond of information technology at school. The friends want to be computer programmers after school.

Last Sunday morning it rained. Billy and Sam didn’t want to stay at home. So they went to the museum by bus. At the museum there were the oldest and the newest computers. There were more then twenty different types of robots. They saw a robot that could clean the house. There was a room with big pictures of planets and stars.

The museum had a cinema too. The boys watched a film about the sun. They learned a lot about it: how large and how hot it is, how far it is from our planet. The boys liked the museum very much. They’d like to go there again.

4) What was the film about?

варіанти відповідей

the sun

the star

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