CU B1+

Додано: 19 березня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 48 разів
27 запитань
Запитання 1

Choose the correct word

He _________ for always being late. It’s his own fault really

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got the sack

got hired

Запитання 2

We haven’t ________ f any staff because the company is having a bit of financial difficulty

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taken on

laid of

Запитання 3

The Metro is / so we’ll have to take the bus.

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on strike

in denial

Запитання 4

There’s a job _________ coming up at my school soon. Are you interested?

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Запитання 5

The __________age has been raised by five years because people are living longer

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Запитання 6

Some people do / work out of the goodness of their hearts and say the rewards are worth much more than money.

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Запитання 7

I’m absolutely thrilled I got the job. It’s the _________ of a lifetime.

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Запитання 8

My brother works in a factory and his / changes every two weeks so he keeps rather strange hours.

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Запитання 9

You are certainly the most suitable__________ for the job. When can you start?

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Запитання 10

We have checked out his _________ and everything seems to be in order. 

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Запитання 11

I could never take a job that involved a lot of ________ work. I hate being away from home too long 

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Запитання 12

Unfortunately, many workers have been made __________ because the economy is in such a mess

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Запитання 13

Change the following from direct speech into reported speech.

‘Where do you live?’

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He wanted to know where I lived.

He asked me where did I live.

He asked me where I was living.

He wanted to know where I was living..

Запитання 14

‘You absolutely cannot go out until your room is spotless.’ his mother said.

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His mother said that he was absolutely not abled to go out until his room was spotless.

His mother said him that he couldn’t absolutely go out until his room has been spotless.

His mother told him he absolutely couldn’t go out until his room was spotless.

His mother says that he absolutely cannot go out until his room is spotless.

Запитання 15

‘Do you think I have any chance of getting the job?’

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He wanted to know if he had had any chance of getting the job.

He wondered if he had any chance of getting the job.

He asked whether he has any chance of getting the job.

He was interested if they have had any chance of getting the job.

Запитання 16

‘I was walking through the park yesterday when I saw an old friend I hadn’t seen in years.’

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He mentioned that he has been walking through the park the previous day when he had seen an old friend he hadn’t seen in years.

He told he had walked through the park yesterday when he had seen an old friend he hadn’t seen in years.

He said he had been walking through the park yesterday when he had been seeing an old friend he hadn’t seen in years.

He said he had been walking through the park the previous day when he saw an old friend he hadn’t seen in years.

Запитання 17

‘How about going to the cinema tonight?’ Kenneth asked me.

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Kenneth suggested we should go to the cinema that night.

Kenneth offer  we should go to the cinema that night.

Kenneth explained we go to the cinema that night.

Kenneth suggested we were going to the cinema that night.

Запитання 18

It’s not a good idea to be checking your personal emails during working hours,’ said the boss.

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The boss said me not to have checked your personal emails during working hours.

The boss reminded me it wasn't a good idea to check my personal emails during working hours.

The boss advised me that it wasn't a good idea to be checking your personal emails during working hours.

The boss advised me not to be checking my personal emails during working hours.

Запитання 19

 Who has been using my computer?’ asked George.

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George wanted to know who has been using his computer

George asked who had been using his computer

George wondered who is been using his computer

George exclaimed who was using his computer

Запитання 20

   I’m sorry I was talking too loudly in the meeting,’ James said.

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James said that he was sorry that he was talking too loudly in the meeting.

James apologised for talking too loudly in the meeting.

James regreted that he was talking too loudly in the meeting.

Запитання 21

  ‘Don’t forget to hand in the project on time tomorrow,’ the manager said to me.

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The manager said me didn't forget  to hand in the project on time the next day.

The manager reminded not to forget  to hand in the project on time the next day.

The manager reminded  me to hand in the project on time the following day.

The manager made me  to hand in the project on time the next day.

Запитання 22

The words in bold are wrong. Choose the correct word.

I said Tina whether she enjoyed her work.

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Запитання 23

He told me he had too much work to do this day.

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Запитання 24

Colin told that he’d just been fired.

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Запитання 25

He said he had left the company because there was no chance of promotion here.

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at that place



Запитання 26

They said they’d been at a meeting the last night.

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Запитання 27

I told him I was going to an interview the tomorrow morning.

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