End-of-Year Test 9th grade

Додано: 25 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 234 рази
55 запитань
Запитання 1

I Grammar

Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

By the time Mike arrived, we ......... the meal.

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have finished

had finished

Запитання 2

2 You ........ go home if you’re feeling tired.

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have to

ought to

Запитання 3

3 Who do you think ...... better for the job? Pete or Sally?

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is going to be

will be

Запитання 4

4 I ........ the window because it’s getting really hot in here.

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have opened

have been opening

Запитання 5

5 When we ........ off the train, it was raining hard.

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were getting


Запитання 6

II Complete the text with these words.

In the speaking exam, the examiner asked me how long I had (1) ………studying English. I told him that I had started when I was a child, but I ………… been studying at this school for three years. I also told him that I had been to the UK on holiday a few times. He said that my accent was very good,……………… is very good to know! Perhaps I ought to have ………… again last year when Mum suggested it. He said that his advice to me would be to try and practise as much as possible after the exam. If only my brother …………… moved from London, I could have gone to stay with him. 

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1) been 

1) gone 

 1) hadn’t

1) have 

1) which  

Запитання 7

In the speaking exam, the examiner asked me how long I had ………studying English. I told him that I had started when I was a child, but I 2)………… been studying at this school for three years. I also told him that I had been to the UK on holiday a few times. He said that my accent was very good,……………… is very good to know! Perhaps I ought to have ………… again last year when Mum suggested it. He said that his advice to me would be to try and practise as much as possible after the exam. If only my brother …………… moved from London, I could have gone to stay with him. 

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Запитання 8

In the speaking exam, the examiner asked me how long I had ………studying English. I told him that I had started when I was a child, but I …… been studying at this school for three years. I also told him that I had been to the UK on holiday a few times. He said that my accent was very good, 3)……………… is very good to know! Perhaps I ought to have ………… again last year when Mum suggested it. He said that his advice to me would be to try and practise as much as possible after the exam. If only my brother …………… moved from London, I could have gone to stay with him. 

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3) have 



Запитання 9

In the speaking exam, the examiner asked me how long I had ………studying English. I told him that I had started when I was a child, but I …… been studying at this school for three years. I also told him that I had been to the UK on holiday a few times. He said that my accent was very good, …………… is very good to know! Perhaps I ought to have 4)………… again last year when Mum suggested it. He said that his advice to me would be to try and practise as much as possible after the exam. If only my brother ………… moved from London, I could have gone to stay with him. 

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4) have 

4) hadn’t

4) gone 

Запитання 10

In the speaking exam, the examiner asked me how long I had ………studying English. I told him that I had started when I was a child, but I …… been studying at this school for three years. I also told him that I had been to the UK on holiday a few times. He said that my accent was very good, ………… is very good to know! Perhaps I ought to have ……… again last year when Mum suggested it. He said that his advice to me would be to try and practise as much as possible after the exam. If only my brother 5)……… moved from London, I could have gone to stay with him. 

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5) which 


5) hadn’t


Запитання 11

III Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first, using the word given. 

1 When did you buy your new phone?’ asked Sally.


     Sally asked me……………………………………… new phone.

варіанти відповідей

Sally asked me when I had bought my new phone.

Sally asked me when I bought my new phone.

Sally asked me when I buy my new phone.

Sally asked me when I have bought my new phone.

Запитання 12

2 I’m not good at languages, so I won't take up Spanish next year.


…………………………… languages, I would take up Spanish.

варіанти відповідей

If I were good at languages, I would take up Spanish.

If I had been good at languages, I would have taken up Spanish.

If I would be good at languages, I took up Spanish.

If I am good at languages, I will take up Spanish.

Запитання 13

3 My brother annoys me with all his questions.


     My brother ………………………………… me questions.

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My brother always annoys and asks me questions.

My brother always asks me questions.

My brother is always asking me questions.

My brother always is asking me questions.

Запитання 14

4 We arrived in Paris three months ago.


     We ………………………………………… three months.

варіанти відповідей

We have been in Paris since three months.

We have been being in Paris for three months.

We had been in Paris for three months.

We have been in Paris for three months.

Запитання 15

5 I’m sad that I didn’t meet my aunt when she was

in England.


     I …………………… my aunt when she was in England.

варіанти відповідей

I wish I met my aunt when she was in England.

I wish I would meet my aunt when she was in England.

I wish I would have met my aunt when she was in England.

I wish I had met my aunt when she was in England.

Запитання 16

6 I finished cooking the chicken a few moments ago.


   I …………………………………… the chicken

варіанти відповідей

I have just finished cooking the chicken

I had just finished cooking the chicken

I would just finished cooking the chicken

I have just been finishing cooking the chicken

Запитання 17

7 It would be a good idea to get some petrol or you’ll

run out.


     You …………………………………… or you’ll run out.

варіанти відповідей

I have better get some petrol or you’ll run out.

I did better get some petrol or you’ll run out.

I had better get some petrol or you’ll run out.

I would better get some petrol or you’ll run out.

Запитання 18

8 Someone stole our car last night.


            ……………………………………… last night.

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Our car was stole last night.

Our car was stolen last night.

Our car had been stolen last night.

Someone was stolen our car last night.

Запитання 19


IV Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words given.

1 I was very …………… (embarrass) when I realised I was wearing two different coloured socks!

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Запитання 20

2 I was....…… (confuse) by Dean’s directions and got completely lost.

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Запитання 21

3 I’d like a new bed because mine is getting more and more ……………… (comfort).

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Запитання 22

4 Kevin has been ……… (artist) since he was a baby and has always loved colours and painting.

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Запитання 23

5 This phone is …………… (use) because the battery isn’t working.  

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Запитання 24

6 I’ll have to ………… (sit) two of my exams in the autumn because my marks weren’t good enough.  

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Запитання 25

8 I was ……… (disappoint) when I came second in the race because I had expected to win.

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Запитання 26

V Complete the sentences with the correct answer.

1 Yuki has a lovely positive personality. He's always …………… and smiling.  

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Запитання 27

2 I can’t ……… tickets for the concert this week because I’ve just bought a new laptop. 


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Запитання 28

3 I’m ashamed to say that I don’t always warm …………… before exercising.


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Запитання 29

4 My grandfather is quite ……………… now, but he still goes out for long walks with us. 


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Запитання 30

5 The new student, Leona, is very ……… and comes out with us quite often at weekends.


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Запитання 31

VI Choose the best answer to complete the email.

Hi Patrick,

What a day! I was going to have a really (1) ………… Saturday, finishing off some homework and doing various things…… the house for Mum. Well, that was the plan! Alison phoned just after breakfast and persuaded me to go shopping in the new mall with her. Disaster! I ……… all the money I earned from helping mum in the house!. Not on clothes, you’ll be pleased to hear! You know I’ve recently taken ………… tennis? Well, there was a pair of amazing………… in the sale in the sports shop, a real bargain, so of course, I had to get them and a new ………… as well because I’ve been borrowing Rowena’s for the last three weeks. I’ll be using both on the ……… tomorrow, so you can see them! I also bought a few things for school. I got a new dictionary and some pens, but although I spent a lot, I don’t think I wasted my money.

After that, Alison told me that her brother was in the ……… of the new play at the Apollo Theatre, so of course, I went along with her in the evening. It was really good, and her brother gave a superb performance, but the tickets cost me £30! I definitely need to earn some more if I’m going to go to The Killers gig with you next month!

Hope your weekend was good!

Best wishes,



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Запитання 32

Hi Patrick,

What a day! I was going to have a really ………… Saturday, finishing off some homework and doing various things 2) …… the house for Mum. Well, that was the plan! Alison phoned just after breakfast and persuaded me to go shopping in the new mall with her. Disaster! I ……… all the money I earned from helping mum in the house!. Not on clothes, you’ll be pleased to hear! You know I’ve recently taken ………… tennis? Well, there was a pair of amazing………… in the sale in the sports shop, a real bargain, so of course, I had to get them and a new ………… as well because I’ve been borrowing Rowena’s for the last three weeks. I’ll be using both on the ……… tomorrow, so you can see them! I also bought a few things for school. I got a new dictionary and some pens, but although I spent a lot, I don’t think I wasted my money.

After that, Alison told me that her brother was in the ……… of the new play at the Apollo Theatre, so of course, I went along with her in the evening. It was really good, and her brother gave a superb performance, but the tickets cost me £30! I definitely need to earn some more if I’m going to go to The Killers gig with you next month!

Hope your weekend was good!

Best wishes,


варіанти відповідей





Запитання 33

Hi Patrick,

What a day! I was going to have a really ………… Saturday, finishing off some homework and doing various things …… the house for Mum. Well, that was the plan! Alison phoned just after breakfast and persuaded me to go shopping in the new mall with her. Disaster! I 3)……… all the money I earned from helping mum in the house!. Not on clothes, you’ll be pleased to hear! You know I’ve recently taken ………… tennis? Well, there was a pair of amazing………… in the sale in the sports shop, a real bargain, so of course, I had to get them and a new ………… as well because I’ve been borrowing Rowena’s for the last three weeks. I’ll be using both on the ……… tomorrow, so you can see them! I also bought a few things for school. I got a new dictionary and some pens, but although I spent a lot, I don’t think I wasted my money.

After that, Alison told me that her brother was in the ……… of the new play at the Apollo Theatre, so of course, I went along with her in the evening. It was really good, and her brother gave a superb performance, but the tickets cost me £30! I definitely need to earn some more if I’m going to go to The Killers gig with you next month!

Hope your weekend was good!

Best wishes,


варіанти відповідей





Запитання 34

Hi Patrick,

What a day! I was going to have a really ………… Saturday, finishing off some homework and doing various things …… the house for Mum. Well, that was the plan! Alison phoned just after breakfast and persuaded me to go shopping in the new mall with her. Disaster! I ……… all the money I earned from helping mum in the house!. Not on clothes, you’ll be pleased to hear! You know I’ve recently taken 4)………… tennis? Well, there was a pair of amazing………… in the sale in the sports shop, a real bargain, so of course, I had to get them and a new ………… as well because I’ve been borrowing Rowena’s for the last three weeks. I’ll be using both on the ……… tomorrow, so you can see them! I also bought a few things for school. I got a new dictionary and some pens, but although I spent a lot, I don’t think I wasted my money.

After that, Alison told me that her brother was in the ……… of the new play at the Apollo Theatre, so of course, I went along with her in the evening. It was really good, and her brother gave a superb performance, but the tickets cost me £30! I definitely need to earn some more if I’m going to go to The Killers gig with you next month!

Hope your weekend was good!

Best wishes,


варіанти відповідей





Запитання 35

Hi Patrick,

What a day! I was going to have a really ………… Saturday, finishing off some homework and doing various things …… the house for Mum. Well, that was the plan! Alison phoned just after breakfast and persuaded me to go shopping in the new mall with her. Disaster! I ……… all the money I earned from helping mum in the house!. Not on clothes, you’ll be pleased to hear! You know I’ve recently taken ………… tennis? Well, there was a pair of amazing 5)………… in the sale in the sports shop, a real bargain, so of course, I had to get them and a new ………… as well because I’ve been borrowing Rowena’s for the last three weeks. I’ll be using both on the ……… tomorrow, so you can see them! I also bought a few things for school. I got a new dictionary and some pens, but although I spent a lot, I don’t think I wasted my money.

After that, Alison told me that her brother was in the ……… of the new play at the Apollo Theatre, so of course, I went along with her in the evening. It was really good, and her brother gave a superb performance, but the tickets cost me £30! I definitely need to earn some more if I’m going to go to The Killers gig with you next month!

Hope your weekend was good!

Best wishes,


варіанти відповідей





Запитання 36

Hi Patrick,

What a day! I was going to have a really ………… Saturday, finishing off some homework and doing various things …… the house for Mum. Well, that was the plan! Alison phoned just after breakfast and persuaded me to go shopping in the new mall with her. Disaster! I ……… all the money I earned from helping mum in the house!. Not on clothes, you’ll be pleased to hear! You know I’ve recently taken ………… tennis? Well, there was a pair of amazing ………… in the sale in the sports shop, a real bargain, so of course, I had to get them and a new 6) ………… as well because I’ve been borrowing Rowena’s for the last three weeks. I’ll be using both on the ……… tomorrow, so you can see them! I also bought a few things for school. I got a new dictionary and some pens, but although I spent a lot, I don’t think I wasted my money.

After that, Alison told me that her brother was in the ……… of the new play at the Apollo Theatre, so of course, I went along with her in the evening. It was really good, and her brother gave a superb performance, but the tickets cost me £30! I definitely need to earn some more if I’m going to go to The Killers gig with you next month!

Hope your weekend was good!

Best wishes,


варіанти відповідей





Запитання 37

Hi Patrick,

What a day! I was going to have a really ………… Saturday, finishing off some homework and doing various things …… the house for Mum. Well, that was the plan! Alison phoned just after breakfast and persuaded me to go shopping in the new mall with her. Disaster! I ……… all the money I earned from helping mum in the house!. Not on clothes, you’ll be pleased to hear! You know I’ve recently taken ………… tennis? Well, there was a pair of amazing ………… in the sale in the sports shop, a real bargain, so of course, I had to get them and a new ………… as well because I’ve been borrowing Rowena’s for the last three weeks. I’ll be using both on the 7)……… tomorrow, so you can see them! I also bought a few things for school. I got a new dictionary and some pens, but although I spent a lot, I don’t think I wasted my money.

After that, Alison told me that her brother was in the ……… of the new play at the Apollo Theatre, so of course, I went along with her in the evening. It was really good, and her brother gave a superb performance, but the tickets cost me £30! I definitely need to earn some more if I’m going to go to The Killers gig with you next month!

Hope your weekend was good!

Best wishes,


варіанти відповідей





Запитання 38

Hi Patrick,

What a day! I was going to have a really ………… Saturday, finishing off some homework and doing various things …… the house for Mum. Well, that was the plan! Alison phoned just after breakfast and persuaded me to go shopping in the new mall with her. Disaster! I ……… all the money I earned from helping mum in the house!. Not on clothes, you’ll be pleased to hear! You know I’ve recently taken ………… tennis? Well, there was a pair of amazing ………… in the sale in the sports shop, a real bargain, so of course, I had to get them and a new ………… as well because I’ve been borrowing Rowena’s for the last three weeks. I’ll be using both on the ……… tomorrow, so you can see them! I also bought a few things for school. I got a new dictionary and some pens, but although I spent a lot, I don’t think I wasted my money.

After that, Alison told me that her brother was in the 8)……… of the new play at the Apollo Theatre, so of course, I went along with her in the evening. It was really good, and her brother gave a superb performance, but the tickets cost me £30! I definitely need to earn some more if I’m going to go to The Killers gig with you next month!

Hope your weekend was good!

Best wishes,


варіанти відповідей





Запитання 39


VII Read about stress. Choose the best sentences to complete the article.

Are you stressed?

Most people experience a period of stress in their lives at some time. This is perfectly normal and there are different types of support available. Here are some ideas to help you deal with those difficult times.


We all know about the physical benefits of running, but the mental effects, such as clarity of thought and relief from stress, are just as important for good health. Running sends blood to the brain and makes it easier to think clearly. (1) ………… If you’re feeling stressed, go for a jog. The effect is even better when you run well. How to do it? A good tip is to watch an eight-year-old child running. Their steps are springy; the foot gets off the floor quickly and comes down lightly. You should take notice of what your brain is telling you. …………You’ll discover how good it makes you feel once you get the hang of it.


It is all too easy for those who can ‘hit the pillow and go out like a light’ to tell you to just stop thinking about things. If you are a worrier, you can’t just stop worrying, and this can affect your sleep. So, obey the basic rules: try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, and allow some time to relax before bed. ………………This should ideally be in the same place, at the same time every day. Give yourself 15–20 minutes to think about your worries and write a to-do list. Try drinking some warm milk and whatever you do, switch off your phone! And if you’re worrying about not sleeping and not being able to cope the next day, remember that sometimes our bodies actually need less sleep than we think.…………………


Writing down the things that are worrying us can be very therapeutic. It is a way of setting a thought-free. Once it’s on the page or screen, we can read it, reread it, delete it or think about it. It can help us look at a problem more objectively. …… Try it: take one of your worries, such as a conversation or argument that has troubled you, and write what you wish you’d said or the words of support you'd hoped the other person might say to you. Writing a blog may have replaced diaries, but they are both a means of presenting your thoughts. ……… Try some of these suggestions and may find that your stress levels begin to go down. But don’t forget – a certain level of stress in the body is good for you!

варіанти відповідей

Running robotically on a treadmill with a blasting MP3 player is not going to get those happy hormones working.

Although we’re told to get eight hours, six to seven hours can be fine, so you may be getting more than enough sleep for your body to function well.

Tune into your feet and not the MP3 player.

Writing allows us to use both the logical and creative parts of the brain.

The style doesn’t need to be of a prize-winning standard to have value!

As for your worries, give yourself a ‘worry period’. 

Запитання 40

Are you stressed?

Most people experience a period of stress in their lives at some time. This is perfectly normal and there are different types of support available. Here are some ideas to help you deal with those difficult times.


We all know about the physical benefits of running, but the mental effects, such as clarity of thought and relief from stress, are just as important for good health. Running sends blood to the brain and makes it easier to think clearly. ………… If you’re feeling stressed, go for a jog. The effect is even better when you run well. How to do it? A good tip is to watch an eight-year-old child running. Their steps are springy; the foot gets off the floor quickly and comes down lightly. You should take notice of what your brain is telling you. 2)………… You’ll discover how good it makes you feel once you get the hang of it.


It is all too easy for those who can ‘hit the pillow and go out like a light’ to tell you to just stop thinking about things. If you are a worrier, you can’t just stop worrying, and this can affect your sleep. So, obey the basic rules: try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, and allow some time to relax before bed. ………………This should ideally be in the same place, at the same time every day. Give yourself 15–20 minutes to think about your worries and write a to-do list. Try drinking some warm milk and whatever you do, switch off your phone! And if you’re worrying about not sleeping and not being able to cope the next day, remember that sometimes our bodies actually need less sleep than we think.…………………


Writing down the things that are worrying us can be very therapeutic. It is a way of setting a thought-free. Once it’s on the page or screen, we can read it, reread it, delete it or think about it. It can help us look at a problem more objectively. …… Try it: take one of your worries, such as a conversation or argument that has troubled you, and write what you wish you’d said or the words of support you'd hoped the other person might say to you. Writing a blog may have replaced diaries, but they are both a means of presenting your thoughts. ……… Try some of these suggestions and may find that your stress levels begin to go down. But don’t forget – a certain level of stress in the body is good for you!

варіанти відповідей

Running robotically on a treadmill with a blasting MP3 player is not going to get those happy hormones working. 

Although we’re told to get eight hours, six to seven hours can be fine, so you may be getting more than enough sleep for your body to function well.

Tune into your feet and not the MP3 player.

Writing allows us to use both the logical and creative parts of the brain.

The style doesn’t need to be of a prize-winning standard to have value!

As for your worries, give yourself a ‘worry period’

Запитання 41

Are you stressed?

Most people experience a period of stress in their lives at some time. This is perfectly normal and there are different types of support available. Here are some ideas to help you deal with those difficult times.


We all know about the physical benefits of running, but the mental effects, such as clarity of thought and relief from stress, are just as important for good health. Running sends blood to the brain and makes it easier to think clearly. ………… If you’re feeling stressed, go for a jog. The effect is even better when you run well. How to do it? A good tip is to watch an eight-year-old child running. Their steps are springy; the foot gets off the floor quickly and comes down lightly. You should take notice of what your brain is telling you. ………… You’ll discover how good it makes you feel once you get the hang of it.


It is all too easy for those who can ‘hit the pillow and go out like a light’ to tell you to just stop thinking about things. If you are a worrier, you can’t just stop worrying, and this can affect your sleep. So, obey the basic rules: try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, and allow some time to relax before bed. 3)……………This should ideally be in the same place, at the same time every day. Give yourself 15–20 minutes to think about your worries and write a to-do list. Try drinking some warm milk and whatever you do, switch off your phone! And if you’re worrying about not sleeping and not being able to cope the next day, remember that sometimes our bodies actually need less sleep than we think.…………………


Writing down the things that are worrying us can be very therapeutic. It is a way of setting a thought-free. Once it’s on the page or screen, we can read it, reread it, delete it or think about it. It can help us look at a problem more objectively. …… Try it: take one of your worries, such as a conversation or argument that has troubled you, and write what you wish you’d said or the words of support you'd hoped the other person might say to you. Writing a blog may have replaced diaries, but they are both a means of presenting your thoughts. ……… Try some of these suggestions and may find that your stress levels begin to go down. But don’t forget – a certain level of stress in the body is good for you!

варіанти відповідей

Running robotically on a treadmill with a blasting MP3 player is not going to get those happy hormones working

Although we’re told to get eight hours, six to seven hours can be fine, so you may be getting more than enough sleep for your body to function well.

Tune into your feet and not the MP3 player.

Writing allows us to use both the logical and creative parts of the brain.

The style doesn’t need to be of a prize-winning standard to have value!

As for your worries, give yourself a ‘worry period’

Запитання 42

Are you stressed?

Most people experience a period of stress in their lives at some time. This is perfectly normal and there are different types of support available. Here are some ideas to help you deal with those difficult times.


We all know about the physical benefits of running, but the mental effects, such as clarity of thought and relief from stress, are just as important for good health. Running sends blood to the brain and makes it easier to think clearly. ………… If you’re feeling stressed, go for a jog. The effect is even better when you run well. How to do it? A good tip is to watch an eight-year-old child running. Their steps are springy; the foot gets off the floor quickly and comes down lightly. You should take notice of what your brain is telling you. ………… You’ll discover how good it makes you feel once you get the hang of it.


It is all too easy for those who can ‘hit the pillow and go out like a light’ to tell you to just stop thinking about things. If you are a worrier, you can’t just stop worrying, and this can affect your sleep. So, obey the basic rules: try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, and allow some time to relax before bed. …………This should ideally be in the same place, at the same time every day. Give yourself 15–20 minutes to think about your worries and write a to-do list. Try drinking some warm milk and whatever you do, switch off your phone! And if you’re worrying about not sleeping and not being able to cope the next day, remember that sometimes our bodies actually need less sleep than we think 4).……………


Writing down the things that are worrying us can be very therapeutic. It is a way of setting a thought-free. Once it’s on the page or screen, we can read it, reread it, delete it or think about it. It can help us look at a problem more objectively. …… Try it: take one of your worries, such as a conversation or argument that has troubled you, and write what you wish you’d said or the words of support you'd hoped the other person might say to you. Writing a blog may have replaced diaries, but they are both a means of presenting your thoughts. ……… Try some of these suggestions and may find that your stress levels begin to go down. But don’t forget – a certain level of stress in the body is good for you!

варіанти відповідей

Running robotically on a treadmill with a blasting MP3 player is not going to get those happy hormones working. 

Although we’re told to get eight hours, six to seven hours can be fine, so you may be getting more than enough sleep for your body to function well.

Tune into your feet and not the MP3 player.

Writing allows us to use both the logical and creative parts of the brain.

The style doesn’t need to be of a prize-winning standard to have value!

As for your worries, give yourself a ‘worry period’.

Запитання 43

Are you stressed?

Most people experience a period of stress in their lives at some time. This is perfectly normal and there are different types of support available. Here are some ideas to help you deal with those difficult times.


We all know about the physical benefits of running, but the mental effects, such as clarity of thought and relief from stress, are just as important for good health. Running sends blood to the brain and makes it easier to think clearly. ………… If you’re feeling stressed, go for a jog. The effect is even better when you run well. How to do it? A good tip is to watch an eight-year-old child running. Their steps are springy; the foot gets off the floor quickly and comes down lightly. You should take notice of what your brain is telling you. ………… You’ll discover how good it makes you feel once you get the hang of it.


It is all too easy for those who can ‘hit the pillow and go out like a light’ to tell you to just stop thinking about things. If you are a worrier, you can’t just stop worrying, and this can affect your sleep. So, obey the basic rules: try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, and allow some time to relax before bed. …………This should ideally be in the same place, at the same time every day. Give yourself 15–20 minutes to think about your worries and write a to-do list. Try drinking some warm milk and whatever you do, switch off your phone! And if you’re worrying about not sleeping and not being able to cope the next day, remember that sometimes our bodies actually need less sleep than we think .……………


Writing down the things that are worrying us can be very therapeutic. It is a way of setting a thought-free. Once it’s on the page or screen, we can read it, reread it, delete it or think about it. It can help us look at a problem more objectively. 5)…… Try it: take one of your worries, such as a conversation or argument that has troubled you, and write what you wish you’d said or the words of support you'd hoped the other person might say to you. Writing a blog may have replaced diaries, but they are both a means of presenting your thoughts. ……… Try some of these suggestions and may find that your stress levels begin to go down. But don’t forget – a certain level of stress in the body is good for you!

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Running robotically on a treadmill with a blasting MP3 player is not going to get those happy hormones working.

Although we’re told to get eight hours, six to seven hours can be fine, so you may be getting more than enough sleep for your body to function well.

Tune into your feet and not the MP3 player.

Writing allows us to use both the logical and creative parts of the brain.

The style doesn’t need to be of a prize-winning standard to have value!

As for your worries, give yourself a ‘worry period’. 

Запитання 44

Are you stressed?

Most people experience a period of stress in their lives at some time. This is perfectly normal and there are different types of support available. Here are some ideas to help you deal with those difficult times.


We all know about the physical benefits of running, but the mental effects, such as clarity of thought and relief from stress, are just as important for good health. Running sends blood to the brain and makes it easier to think clearly. ………… If you’re feeling stressed, go for a jog. The effect is even better when you run well. How to do it? A good tip is to watch an eight-year-old child running. Their steps are springy; the foot gets off the floor quickly and comes down lightly. You should take notice of what your brain is telling you. ………… You’ll discover how good it makes you feel once you get the hang of it.


It is all too easy for those who can ‘hit the pillow and go out like a light’ to tell you to just stop thinking about things. If you are a worrier, you can’t just stop worrying, and this can affect your sleep. So, obey the basic rules: try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, and allow some time to relax before bed. …………This should ideally be in the same place, at the same time every day. Give yourself 15–20 minutes to think about your worries and write a to-do list. Try drinking some warm milk and whatever you do, switch off your phone! And if you’re worrying about not sleeping and not being able to cope the next day, remember that sometimes our bodies actually need less sleep than we think .……………


Writing down the things that are worrying us can be very therapeutic. It is a way of setting a thought-free. Once it’s on the page or screen, we can read it, reread it, delete it or think about it. It can help us look at a problem more objectively. ..…… Try it: take one of your worries, such as a conversation or argument that has troubled you, and write what you wish you’d said or the words of support you'd hoped the other person might say to you. Writing a blog may have replaced diaries, but they are both a means of presenting your thoughts. 6)……… Try some of these suggestions and may find that your stress levels begin to go down. But don’t forget – a certain level of stress in the body is good for you!

варіанти відповідей

Running robotically on a treadmill with a blasting MP3 player is not going to get those happy hormones working.

Although we’re told to get eight hours, six to seven hours can be fine, so you may be getting more than enough sleep for your body to function well.

Tune into your feet and not the MP3 player.

Writing allows us to use both the logical and creative parts of the brain.

The style doesn’t need to be of a prize-winning standard to have value!

As for your worries, give yourself a ‘worry period’.

Запитання 45

VIII Read the article again and choose the best answers

Are you stressed?

Most people experience a period of stress in their lives at some time. This is perfectly normal and there are different types of support available. Here are some ideas to help you deal with those difficult times.


We all know about the physical benefits of running, but the mental effects, such as clarity of thought and relief from stress, are just as important for good health. Running sends blood to the brain and makes it easier to think clearly. Tune into your feet and not the MP3 player. If you’re feeling stressed, go for a jog. The effect is even better when you run well. How to do it? A good tip is to watch an eight-year-old child running. Their steps are springy; the foot gets off the floor quickly and comes down lightly. You should take notice of what your brain is telling you. Running robotically on a treadmill with a blasting MP3 player is not going to get those happy hormones working. You’ll discover how good it makes you feel once you get the hang of it.


It is all too easy for those who can ‘hit the pillow and go out like a light’ to tell you to just stop thinking about things. If you are a worrier, you can’t just stop worrying, and this can affect your sleep. So, obey the basic rules: try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, and allow some time to relax before bed. As for your worries, give yourself a ‘worry period’. This should ideally be in the same place, at the same time every day. Give yourself 15–20 minutes to think about your worries and write a to-do list. Try drinking some warm milk and whatever you do, switch off your phone! And if you’re worrying about not sleeping and not being able to cope the next day, remember that sometimes our bodies actually need less sleep than we think. Although we’re told to get eight hours, six to seven hours can be fine, so you may be getting more than enough sleep for your body to function well.


Writing down the things that are worrying us can be very therapeutic. It is a way of setting a thought-free. Once it’s on the page or screen, we can read it, reread it, delete it or think about it. It can help us look at a problem more objectively. Writing allows us to use both the logical and creative parts of the brain. Try it: take one of your worries, such as a conversation or argument that has troubled you, and write what you wish you’d said or the words of support you'd hoped the other person might say to you. Writing a blog may have replaced diaries, but they are both a means of presenting your thoughts. The style doesn’t need to be of a prize-winning standard to have value! Try some of these suggestions and may find that your stress levels begin to go down. But don’t forget – a certain level of stress in the body is good for you!

1   Running helps clarity of thought because

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blood travels more slowly to the brain.

blood travels faster to the brain.

the brain helps you run faster.

Запитання 46

Are you stressed?

Most people experience a period of stress in their lives at some time. This is perfectly normal and there are different types of support available. Here are some ideas to help you deal with those difficult times.


We all know about the physical benefits of running, but the mental effects, such as clarity of thought and relief from stress, are just as important for good health. Running sends blood to the brain and makes it easier to think clearly. Tune into your feet and not the MP3 player. If you’re feeling stressed, go for a jog. The effect is even better when you run well. How to do it? A good tip is to watch an eight-year-old child running. Their steps are springy; the foot gets off the floor quickly and comes down lightly. You should take notice of what your brain is telling you. Running robotically on a treadmill with a blasting MP3 player is not going to get those happy hormones working.  You’ll discover how good it makes you feel once you get the hang of it.


It is all too easy for those who can ‘hit the pillow and go out like a light’ to tell you to just stop thinking about things. If you are a worrier, you can’t just stop worrying, and this can affect your sleep. So, obey the basic rules: try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, and allow some time to relax before bed. As for your worries, give yourself a ‘worry period’. This should ideally be in the same place, at the same time every day. Give yourself 15–20 minutes to think about your worries and write a to-do list. Try drinking some warm milk and whatever you do, switch off your phone! And if you’re worrying about not sleeping and not being able to cope the next day, remember that sometimes our bodies actually need less sleep than we think. Although we’re told to get eight hours, six to seven hours can be fine, so you may be getting more than enough sleep for your body to function well.


Writing down the things that are worrying us can be very therapeutic. It is a way of setting a thought-free. Once it’s on the page or screen, we can read it, reread it, delete it or think about it. It can help us look at a problem more objectively. Writing allows us to use both the logical and creative parts of the brain. Try it: take one of your worries, such as a conversation or argument that has troubled you, and write what you wish you’d said or the words of support you'd hoped the other person might say to you. Writing a blog may have replaced diaries, but they are both a means of presenting your thoughts. The style doesn’t need to be of a prize-winning standard to have value! Try some of these suggestions and may find that your stress levels begin to go down. But don’t forget – a certain level of stress in the body is good for you!

2 To find out how to run you should

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join a gym.

watch how children run.

listen to music

Запитання 47

Are you stressed?

Most people experience a period of stress in their lives at some time. This is perfectly normal and there are different types of support available. Here are some ideas to help you deal with those difficult times.


We all know about the physical benefits of running, but the mental effects, such as clarity of thought and relief from stress, are just as important for good health. Running sends blood to the brain and makes it easier to think clearly. Tune into your feet and not the MP3 player. If you’re feeling stressed, go for a jog. The effect is even better when you run well. How to do it? A good tip is to watch an eight-year-old child running. Their steps are springy; the foot gets off the floor quickly and comes down lightly. You should take notice of what your brain is telling you. Running robotically on a treadmill with a blasting MP3 player is not going to get those happy hormones working. You’ll discover how good it makes you feel once you get the hang of it.


It is all too easy for those who can ‘hit the pillow and go out like a light’ to tell you to just stop thinking about things. If you are a worrier, you can’t just stop worrying, and this can affect your sleep. So, obey the basic rules: try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, and allow some time to relax before bed. As for your worries, give yourself a ‘worry period’. This should ideally be in the same place, at the same time every day. Give yourself 15–20 minutes to think about your worries and write a to-do list. Try drinking some warm milk and whatever you do, switch off your phone! And if you’re worrying about not sleeping and not being able to cope the next day, remember that sometimes our bodies actually need less sleep than we think. Although we’re told to get eight hours, six to seven hours can be fine, so you may be getting more than enough sleep for your body to function well.


Writing down the things that are worrying us can be very therapeutic. It is a way of setting a thought-free. Once it’s on the page or screen, we can read it, reread it, delete it or think about it. It can help us look at a problem more objectively. Writing allows us to use both the logical and creative parts of the brain. Try it: take one of your worries, such as a conversation or argument that has troubled you, and write what you wish you’d said or the words of support you'd hoped the other person might say to you. Writing a blog may have replaced diaries, but they are both a means of presenting your thoughts. The style doesn’t need to be of a prize-winning standard to have value! Try some of these suggestions and may find that your stress levels begin to go down. But don’t forget – a certain level of stress in the body is good for you!

3 People who get to sleep easily do the following

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hit the pillow first

get into bed and make lists.

get into bed and don’t worry.

Запитання 48

Are you stressed?

Most people experience a period of stress in their lives at some time. This is perfectly normal and there are different types of support available. Here are some ideas to help you deal with those difficult times.


We all know about the physical benefits of running, but the mental effects, such as clarity of thought and relief from stress, are just as important for good health. Running sends blood to the brain and makes it easier to think clearly. Tune into your feet and not the MP3 player. If you’re feeling stressed, go for a jog. The effect is even better when you run well. How to do it? A good tip is to watch an eight-year-old child running. Their steps are springy; the foot gets off the floor quickly and comes down lightly. You should take notice of what your brain is telling you. Running robotically on a treadmill with a blasting MP3 player is not going to get those happy hormones working. You’ll discover how good it makes you feel once you get the hang of it.


It is all too easy for those who can ‘hit the pillow and go out like a light’ to tell you to just stop thinking about things. If you are a worrier, you can’t just stop worrying, and this can affect your sleep. So, obey the basic rules: try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, and allow some time to relax before bed. As for your worries, give yourself a ‘worry period’. This should ideally be in the same place, at the same time every day. Give yourself 15–20 minutes to think about your worries and write a to-do list. Try drinking some warm milk and whatever you do, switch off your phone! And if you’re worrying about not sleeping and not being able to cope the next day, remember that sometimes our bodies actually need less sleep than we think. Although we’re told to get eight hours, six to seven hours can be fine, so you may be getting more than enough sleep for your body to function well.


Writing down the things that are worrying us can be very therapeutic. It is a way of setting a thought-free. Once it’s on the page or screen, we can read it, reread it, delete it or think about it. It can help us look at a problem more objectively. Writing allows us to use both the logical and creative parts of the brain. Try it: take one of your worries, such as a conversation or argument that has troubled you, and write what you wish you’d said or the words of support you'd hoped the other person might say to you. Writing a blog may have replaced diaries, but they are both a means of presenting your thoughts. The style doesn’t need to be of a prize-winning standard to have value! Try some of these suggestions and may find that your stress levels begin to go down. But don’t forget – a certain level of stress in the body is good for you!

4 If you have problems getting to sleep, you should

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allow yourself a short time to worry.

not worry at all, but start writing a list.

allow yourself as much time as you need to worry.

Запитання 49

Are you stressed?

Most people experience a period of stress in their lives at some time. This is perfectly normal and there are different types of support available. Here are some ideas to help you deal with those difficult times.


We all know about the physical benefits of running, but the mental effects, such as clarity of thought and relief from stress, are just as important for good health. Running sends blood to the brain and makes it easier to think clearly. Tune into your feet and not the MP3 player. If you’re feeling stressed, go for a jog. The effect is even better when you run well. How to do it? A good tip is to watch an eight-year-old child running. Their steps are springy; the foot gets off the floor quickly and comes down lightly. You should take notice of what your brain is telling you. Running robotically on a treadmill with a blasting MP3 player is not going to get those happy hormones working. You’ll discover how good it makes you feel once you get the hang of it.


It is all too easy for those who can ‘hit the pillow and go out like a light’ to tell you to just stop thinking about things. If you are a worrier, you can’t just stop worrying, and this can affect your sleep. So, obey the basic rules: try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, and allow some time to relax before bed. As for your worries, give yourself a ‘worry period’. This should ideally be in the same place, at the same time every day. Give yourself 15–20 minutes to think about your worries and write a to-do list. Try drinking some warm milk and whatever you do, switch off your phone! And if you’re worrying about not sleeping and not being able to cope the next day, remember that sometimes our bodies actually need less sleep than we think. Although we’re told to get eight hours, six to seven hours can be fine, so you may be getting more than enough sleep for your body to function well.


Writing down the things that are worrying us can be very therapeutic. It is a way of setting a thought-free. Once it’s on the page or screen, we can read it, reread it, delete it or think about it. It can help us look at a problem more objectively. Writing allows us to use both the logical and creative parts of the brain. Try it: take one of your worries, such as a conversation or argument that has troubled you, and write what you wish you’d said or the words of support you'd hoped the other person might say to you. Writing a blog may have replaced diaries, but they are both a means of presenting your thoughts. The style doesn’t need to be of a prize-winning standard to have value! Try some of these suggestions and may find that your stress levels begin to go down. But don’t forget – a certain level of stress in the body is good for you!

5 The benefit of writing is that it helps you to

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order your thoughts.

prepare arguments for tomorrow.

improve how you express yourself.

Запитання 50


IX Listen to two people talking about an experiment involving mobile phones. Are these statements True or False?

1 The experiment was to see when teenagers used their mobile phones the most.

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Запитання 51

2 Grant’s experience wasn’t as bad as he had imagined it would be.

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Запитання 52

3 During the week, Grant started to imagine things.

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Запитання 53

4 For a while, Marian felt very isolated.

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Запитання 54

5 Marian found that she looked at her watch more during the week.

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Запитання 55

6 Marian’s reaction changed during the week.

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