Use of English.

 1     Read the text and complete gaps 1–10. Circle the correct answer A, B or C.

Додано: 26 січня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 75 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

The photo 1___ a row of eight red kayaks on a river, with a teenager in each one wearing a yellow helmet. It 2___ as if they’re on an adventure holiday and I 3___ they’re feeling excited about doing something on the water. There is a boy 4___ the centre of the photo who is standing up with one foot in one kayak, and another foot in the next kayak. He 5___ to be trying to walk across the line of boats. Judging by his expression, I’d 6___ he’s feeling quite nervous about falling in the water. There’s a woman 7___ the background standing on the bank of the river. She looks 8___ she is the instructor. She’s 9___ feeling quite calm because they are all wearing life jackets. 10___ the bottom right corner, I can see the end of a paddle. It must belong to another team.

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Запитання 2

The photo 1___ a row of eight red kayaks on a river, with a teenager in each one wearing a yellow helmet. It 2___ as if they’re on an adventure holiday and I 3___ they’re feeling excited about doing something on the water. There is a boy 4___ the centre of the photo who is standing up with one foot in one kayak, and another foot in the next kayak. He 5___ to be trying to walk across the line of boats. Judging by his expression, I’d 6___ he’s feeling quite nervous about falling in the water. There’s a woman 7___ the background standing on the bank of the river. She looks 8___ she is the instructor. She’s 9___ feeling quite calm because they are all wearing life jackets. 10___ the bottom right corner, I can see the end of a paddle. It must belong to another team.

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Запитання 3

The photo 1___ a row of eight red kayaks on a river, with a teenager in each one wearing a yellow helmet. It 2___ as if they’re on an adventure holiday and I 3___ they’re feeling excited about doing something on the water. There is a boy 4___ the centre of the photo who is standing up with one foot in one kayak, and another foot in the next kayak. He 5___ to be trying to walk across the line of boats. Judging by his expression, I’d 6___ he’s feeling quite nervous about falling in the water. There’s a woman 7___ the background standing on the bank of the river. She looks 8___ she is the instructor. She’s 9___ feeling quite calm because they are all wearing life jackets. 10___ the bottom right corner, I can see the end of a paddle. It must belong to another team.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 4

The photo 1___ a row of eight red kayaks on a river, with a teenager in each one wearing a yellow helmet. It 2___ as if they’re on an adventure holiday and I 3___ they’re feeling excited about doing something on the water. There is a boy 4___ the centre of the photo who is standing up with one foot in one kayak, and another foot in the next kayak. He 5___ to be trying to walk across the line of boats. Judging by his expression, I’d 6___ he’s feeling quite nervous about falling in the water. There’s a woman 7___ the background standing on the bank of the river. She looks 8___ she is the instructor. She’s 9___ feeling quite calm because they are all wearing life jackets. 10___ the bottom right corner, I can see the end of a paddle. It must belong to another team.

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Запитання 5

The photo 1___ a row of eight red kayaks on a river, with a teenager in each one wearing a yellow helmet. It 2___ as if they’re on an adventure holiday and I 3___ they’re feeling excited about doing something on the water. There is a boy 4___ the centre of the photo who is standing up with one foot in one kayak, and another foot in the next kayak. He 5___ to be trying to walk across the line of boats. Judging by his expression, I’d 6___ he’s feeling quite nervous about falling in the water. There’s a woman 7___ the background standing on the bank of the river. She looks 8___ she is the instructor. She’s 9___ feeling quite calm because they are all wearing life jackets. 10___ the bottom right corner, I can see the end of a paddle. It must belong to another team.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 6

The photo 1___ a row of eight red kayaks on a river, with a teenager in each one wearing a yellow helmet. It 2___ as if they’re on an adventure holiday and I 3___ they’re feeling excited about doing something on the water. There is a boy 4___ the centre of the photo who is standing up with one foot in one kayak, and another foot in the next kayak. He 5___ to be trying to walk across the line of boats. Judging by his expression, I’d 6___ he’s feeling quite nervous about falling in the water. There’s a woman 7___ the background standing on the bank of the river. She looks 8___ she is the instructor. She’s 9___ feeling quite calm because they are all wearing life jackets. 10___ the bottom right corner, I can see the end of a paddle. It must belong to another team.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 7

The photo 1___ a row of eight red kayaks on a river, with a teenager in each one wearing a yellow helmet. It 2___ as if they’re on an adventure holiday and I 3___ they’re feeling excited about doing something on the water. There is a boy 4___ the centre of the photo who is standing up with one foot in one kayak, and another foot in the next kayak. He 5___ to be trying to walk across the line of boats. Judging by his expression, I’d 6___ he’s feeling quite nervous about falling in the water. There’s a woman 7___ the background standing on the bank of the river. She looks 8___ she is the instructor. She’s 9___ feeling quite calm because they are all wearing life jackets. 10___ the bottom right corner, I can see the end of a paddle. It must belong to another team.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 8

The photo 1___ a row of eight red kayaks on a river, with a teenager in each one wearing a yellow helmet. It 2___ as if they’re on an adventure holiday and I 3___ they’re feeling excited about doing something on the water. There is a boy 4___ the centre of the photo who is standing up with one foot in one kayak, and another foot in the next kayak. He 5___ to be trying to walk across the line of boats. Judging by his expression, I’d 6___ he’s feeling quite nervous about falling in the water. There’s a woman 7___ the background standing on the bank of the river. She looks 8___ she is the instructor. She’s 9___ feeling quite calm because they are all wearing life jackets. 10___ the bottom right corner, I can see the end of a paddle. It must belong to another team.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 9

The photo 1___ a row of eight red kayaks on a river, with a teenager in each one wearing a yellow helmet. It 2___ as if they’re on an adventure holiday and I 3___ they’re feeling excited about doing something on the water. There is a boy 4___ the centre of the photo who is standing up with one foot in one kayak, and another foot in the next kayak. He 5___ to be trying to walk across the line of boats. Judging by his expression, I’d 6___ he’s feeling quite nervous about falling in the water. There’s a woman 7___ the background standing on the bank of the river. She looks 8___ she is the instructor. She’s 9___ feeling quite calm because they are all wearing life jackets. 10___ the bottom right corner, I can see the end of a paddle. It must belong to another team.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 10

The photo 1___ a row of eight red kayaks on a river, with a teenager in each one wearing a yellow helmet. It 2___ as if they’re on an adventure holiday and I 3___ they’re feeling excited about doing something on the water. There is a boy 4___ the centre of the photo who is standing up with one foot in one kayak, and another foot in the next kayak. He 5___ to be trying to walk across the line of boats. Judging by his expression, I’d 6___ he’s feeling quite nervous about falling in the water. There’s a woman 7___ the background standing on the bank of the river. She looks 8___ she is the instructor. She’s 9___ feeling quite calm because they are all wearing life jackets. 10___ the bottom right corner, I can see the end of a paddle. It must belong to another team.

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