English form 5

Додано: 28 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 6 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Read. Then write True (T) or False (F)

Hi. I’m Maria. I live in England and I’m English. My cousin is here at the moment. He’s from Ireland. His name is Sean. That’s an Irish name. They don’t say Seeyan, they say Shorn. Some people in Ireland speak Irish. It’s very different to English.

Sean is going to school with me. He’s going to sit next to me in class and he’s going to be in all my lessons. It’s so exciting.

Last night, we watched DVDs until midnight! It was Friday and mum and dad said it was ok. They made us a pizza and gave us some fruit juice and then they went to bed at 10.30 p.m.

This morning we were very tired. We had breakfast at 11 a.m! Then we played cricket in the garden. Dad taught me how to play last year – it was quite difficult to understand at first but now it’s easy. And Sean can play, too. My uncle taught him.

  After lunch, we went shopping. I got some trainers.They were £20. That’s quite

cheap! Sean got a wallet that cost £30. That’s quite expensive! I hope he doesn’t

forget his wallet because tomorrow we’re going to the


Well … I should get ready. I’ve got a football game at 5 o’clock and it’s now half past four!


1. Sean is staying in Ireland.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2

Read. Then write True (T) or False (F)

Hi. I’m Maria. I live in England and I’m English. My cousin is here at the moment. He’s from Ireland. His name is Sean. That’s an Irish name. They don’t say Seeyan, they say Shorn. Some people in Ireland speak Irish. It’s very different to English.

Sean is going to school with me. He’s going to sit next to me in class and he’s going to be in all my lessons. It’s so exciting.

Last night, we watched DVDs until midnight! It was Friday and mum and dad said it was ok. They made us a pizza and gave us some fruit juice and then they went to bed at 10.30 p.m.

This morning we were very tired. We had breakfast at 11 a.m! Then we played cricket in the garden. Dad taught me how to play last year – it was quite difficult to understand at first but now it’s easy. And Sean can play, too. My uncle taught him.

  After lunch, we went shopping. I got some trainers.They were £20. That’s quite

cheap! Sean got a wallet that cost £30. That’s quite expensive! I hope he doesn’t

forget his wallet because tomorrow we’re going to the


Well … I should get ready. I’ve got a football game at 5 o’clock and it’s now half past four!

2. Maria doesn’t want Sean to go to school with her. 

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

Read. Then write True (T) or False (F)

Hi. I’m Maria. I live in England and I’m English. My cousin is here at the moment. He’s from Ireland. His name is Sean. That’s an Irish name. They don’t say Seeyan, they say Shorn. Some people in Ireland speak Irish. It’s very different to English.

Sean is going to school with me. He’s going to sit next to me in class and he’s going to be in all my lessons. It’s so exciting.

Last night, we watched DVDs until midnight! It was Friday and mum and dad said it was ok. They made us a pizza and gave us some fruit juice and then they went to bed at 10.30 p.m.

This morning we were very tired. We had breakfast at 11 a.m! Then we played cricket in the garden. Dad taught me how to play last year – it was quite difficult to understand at first but now it’s easy. And Sean can play, too. My uncle taught him.

 After lunch, we went shopping. I got some trainers.They were £20. That’s quite

cheap! Sean got a wallet that cost £30. That’s quite expensive! I hope he doesn’t

forget his wallet because tomorrow we’re going to the


Well … I should get ready. I’ve got a football game at 5 o’clock and it’s now half past four!

3. Sean and Maria went to bed after mum and dad. 

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

Read. Then write True (T) or False (F)

Hi. I’m Maria. I live in England and I’m English. My cousin is here at the moment. He’s from Ireland. His name is Sean. That’s an Irish name. They don’t say Seeyan, they say Shorn. Some people in Ireland speak Irish. It’s very different to English.

Sean is going to school with me. He’s going to sit next to me in class and he’s going to be in all my lessons. It’s so exciting.

Last night, we watched DVDs until midnight! It was Friday and mum and dad said it was ok. They made us a pizza and gave us some fruit juice and then they went to bed at 10.30 p.m.

This morning we were very tired. We had breakfast at 11 a.m! Then we played cricket in the garden. Dad taught me how to play last year – it was quite difficult to understand at first but now it’s easy. And Sean can play, too. My uncle taught him.

 After lunch, we went shopping. I got some trainers.They were £20. That’s quite

cheap! Sean got a wallet that cost £30. That’s quite expensive! I hope he doesn’t

forget his wallet because tomorrow we’re going to the


Well … I should get ready. I’ve got a football game at 5 o’clock and it’s now half past four!

4. They got a pizza from the pizza restaurant.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

Read. Then write True (T) or False (F)

Hi. I’m Maria. I live in England and I’m English. My cousin is here at the moment. He’s from Ireland. His name is Sean. That’s an Irish name. They don’t say Seeyan, they say Shorn. Some people in Ireland speak Irish. It’s very different to English.

Sean is going to school with me. He’s going to sit next to me in class and he’s going to be in all my lessons. It’s so exciting.

Last night, we watched DVDs until midnight! It was Friday and mum and dad said it was ok. They made us a pizza and gave us some fruit juice and then they went to bed at 10.30 p.m.

This morning we were very tired. We had breakfast at 11 a.m! Then we played cricket in the garden. Dad taught me how to play last year – it was quite difficult to understand at first but now it’s easy. And Sean can play, too. My uncle taught him.

 After lunch, we went shopping. I got some trainers.They were £20. That’s quite

cheap! Sean got a wallet that cost £30. That’s quite expensive! I hope he doesn’t

forget his wallet because tomorrow we’re going to the


Well … I should get ready. I’ve got a football game at 5 o’clock and it’s now half past four!

5. Maria’s dad taught Maria and Sean to play cricket.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6

Read. Then write True (T) or False (F)

Hi. I’m Maria. I live in England and I’m English. My cousin is here at the moment. He’s from Ireland. His name is Sean. That’s an Irish name. They don’t say Seeyan, they say Shorn. Some people in Ireland speak Irish. It’s very different to English.

Sean is going to school with me. He’s going to sit next to me in class and he’s going to be in all my lessons. It’s so exciting.

Last night, we watched DVDs until midnight! It was Friday and mum and dad said it was ok. They made us a pizza and gave us some fruit juice and then they went to bed at 10.30 p.m.

This morning we were very tired. We had breakfast at 11 a.m! Then we played cricket in the garden. Dad taught me how to play last year – it was quite difficult to understand at first but now it’s easy. And Sean can play, too. My uncle taught him.

 After lunch, we went shopping. I got some trainers.They were £20. That’s quite

cheap! Sean got a wallet that cost £30. That’s quite expensive! I hope he doesn’t

forget his wallet because tomorrow we’re going to the


Well … I should get ready. I’ve got a football game at 5 o’clock and it’s now half past four!

6. Sean got a new wallet which was expensive.

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