Form 9. Reading

Додано: 9 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 75 разів
8 запитань
Запитання 1

My new life

My life after the accident is sometimes difficult. I miss listening to music, but I can still feel it. When I'm at school, I use sign language to speak to the other deaf students. I speak 'normally' to other people who can hear. One good thing is I can see much better. Also, food started to taste much stronger.

What did the person lose in the accident?

варіанти відповідей

His sense of taste.

His ability to see.

His hearing.

His ability to speak.

Запитання 2

Marie Curie

Marie Curie is one of the world's most famous scientists. She worked with radioactive materials with her husband, Pierre. In 1903, they were given the Nobel Prize for Science. She won it again in 1911, after her husband died. She was the first person to win the prize twice. Her daughter, Irene, continued her mother's work in science and also won the Nobel Prize.

Which of these facts isn't true?

варіанти відповідей

Marie Curie and her husband both won a Nobel Prize.

Irene Curie won a Nobel Prize.

Marie Curie won another Nobel Prize without her husband.

Marie Curie only received one Nobel Prize.

Запитання 3

Dear James,

Thanks for inviting me to dinner at Jimmy's Restaurant. You're right, we need to spend more time together. Unfortunately, I can't come on Tuesday evening, I have Spanish classes. we could meet on Wednesday, after I finish my yoga class. is that too late for you? I can't meet over the weekend. I'm going to Paris. Next Monday is a good night for me, but Jimmy's is closed. I'm so lookking forward to seeing you again.

Love. Lucy

When can Lucy meet James for dinner at Jimmy's?

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At the weekend.

Запитання 4

A typical case with Tina, who posted a picture of herself on Facebook. She didn't believe that cyber bullying could be so bad. At first, she got some bad comments from people she didn't know. But then fer good friends started to write bad comments about the photo. That's what really hurt her. Then people set up a Facebook page saying they hated her. She didn't read it and asked Facebook to block the new Facebook page.

What really hurt Tina about cyber bullying?

варіанти відповідей

People put a bad photo on the web.

People she liked started writing bad comments

Users she didn't know wrote bad comments about her photo.

She read bad things about herself on a different website.

Запитання 5

Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452 and died in 1519. In ..... lifetime, this extraordinary man was a scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, painter, sculpture, architect, botanist, musician and writer.

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Запитання 6

Leonardo the artist painted two of the .... famous paintings of all time: The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.

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Запитання 7

When people first began to write, they did not use the alphabet. Instead, they drew small pictures to .... the objects they were writing about.

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Запитання 8

There exist a very interesting island in the Pacific Ocean. It's called Easter Island which is ... for its statues. Hundreds of these huge, stone faces can be seen all over the island.

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